225188 . �. , _ a . o�.i t��c�a c�er� „ � - � 22��.�� ORDINAI�1' CE . (J�,R, t �COUNCIL FILE NO. . PRESENTED BY ������� ORDINANCE NO. � � d � � •/�i. ordin.ance amending Chgpter 1�7 of the Bt. Patal ' Legislativ� Code� designating locations for p.a�T�ing meters �rithir� certain "meterEd areas" . This is a.n • emergeney ordinance rendered neeessary for the preserva- tion of' the public peaee� �health �and safety. 3'HE COUACIL OF �iE CITY OF �AINT PAIIL DOES ORDAIN: �ection 1. That �eQtion 1�+�.03 of the �t. Panl Legislative � Code� now designating �ertain locations f'or parking meters as witY�in the "One�Iour - One-Nickel 9rea" be an.d the same hereby is amended so that said loEations are �withirs the "One Hour - Fonr-Ni�kel Area" . See. �. 2hat �ection 14�.0�-5 of the �t. PaLi7. begislative Code, now designating eertain lo�ations for parking me�ers as witY�in the "q'�ro-xou.� - Two-Nickel Area" be and the same hereby is ameaded so that said location$ are within the "�o-Honr - Fotu�-Nickel Area". That said 3eetion 1�7.045 be and the sa.me Y�ereby is fvrther amended by deleting thePefrom the foll'owing locationss � �o�ation 8ide of StPeet IIniversity Avenne from Franklin. Avenue to Carleton Street Both � Raymond Avenue from Mprtle Avenue �o �erritorial Road ` Both � �eeo 3. -That Chapter 147 of t�i� St. Paul Legislative ,�� . �ode is further amended by in.serting and adding thereto a new � _-� � �-� `--�-sec�iori;�to=.be�-=desig�ated�...Section 147.05��.as _follows s _ _ _�,�-� �, . .,_ - _ ' �. �; "147.05. Two Hour - Two-Nickel Ares. � Loeation Side of � From To �treet _ . � IIaiversity gvemze Both Franklin gve. Carleton St. ��'.'"� Ra ond Avenue Both M tle Ave. " A` � ym yr Territorial Rd. -�t =�5.; r . ��x.a�.�9Y�. � �'�'��'' Sec. �+. That Section 147.14 of tMe St. Paul Legislative ��,.s>>_. _ . .Code be and the same hereby is repealed� and the following new language shall be inserted in lieu 'and in place thereofs "14'7.14. Parking mete'r� ag mentioned in this chapter sha11 be mechanica� .devices approved by the �ity Council and • � � ' ��'�"3.ristalled on the sidewalk neaP the aurb in the locatioas anthorized by the City Council.. Each pa.�rking meter, shall measure the permissible . predetermined period of time and shall operate in a ma.nner as in.dicated in the following: � . , .�,�. , Yeas Councilmen Nays passed by the Counei� Dalglish Holland Loss T*+ Favor Meredich . Peterson '4a'�nAt s Rosen Mr.President (Vavoulis) ' Approved: � ' Attest: � City Clerk aqOP 1M °-°z Form approved Corporation Cownsel By ��'�� . � c . o�am.i,to�i:tc,c�e:� _ : � ORDINANCE �2���� COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. �� d �' � Page 2. "Each said parking meter shall be so �et ag to sho� or display a signal in.dicating whether the parking space alongside of it is or is not in n�e. Each said park�.ng meter shall be so constru�ted as to display a s3.gna1 sho�ring legal parking upon the deposit of coins of the� United �tates in such amounts as hereafter designated for said metered area and for a p�riod of time conform3.ng to the parking limit set ont in the foregoing sections of this chapter for said area, or as hereafter presc�ibed by ordina.�ce . of the �City of Saint Paul� and �a�h meter shall� by its device� alearly set out and cont inue operation from the time af dep ositin.g , such eoin or eoins until the expira�ion of the time figed by the foregoing sections for said meter for lawf`n1. p�rking. Eaeh said ' meter shall also be arranged that upon the expira�ion of said parking limit� it will indieate the lawful parking period has ezpired. "In all of the meters located as d��scribed in Section 147.02� the lawful pa�king time d' sa3.d meter shall be one hou.r� and the deposit required to b� made in �he meter therefor sl�all � be a five-Qent �oin. "In all of the meter� located as described in 147.03 �-�he mazimum lawful parking time at said meter shall be one hour� and the deposit required to be made in the meter therefo� shall be one nickel for fifteen min�.tes� t�o nickels or oae dim� for .�- �hirty minutes� three nickels or one dime and one nickel for forty-five min�ztes� or four ni�kel� or two dimes for one hotar. . �. , . __ r_!'In all of the me�ers located as descsibed in. SEetion 147.045� the ma.zimnm lawf'til parking time a� said meter shall be two hours� and the deposit required to be msde in the meter therefor shall be one niekel for thi�ty minutes two nicke�s or one dime for one horir� three niekels or one dime� anc� one nickel for one hour and thirty minutes, or four nickels or two dimes for two hours. "In all of the meters located a� described in Section 147.0�, the lawful parking time at said meter shs�ll be two hot�rs, _ a�d the deposit requir�d to be made in the meter therefor shall be one nick�l f'or one ho�r or t�ao nickels or one dime for two hours,• "In all of the meters located as des�ribed � Seetion � 1�7.06, the lawfal parking time at said meter shall be fifteen � , min.utes, an.d the deposit required to be made in. the meter therefor shall be one five-cent coin." - ' 3ee. 5. - This ordinan�e is hereby declared to be an , emergency ordinance rendered ne�cessary for�the preservation of �he �� publie peace, health and sa.fety. . Sec. 6. This ordinanee shall take effect and be in foree npon its passage� approval and publiea�ion. �s p n g Yeas Councilmen Nays Pasaed by the Coune>> °��r 2 8 �`��a Dalglish _ Holland Loss � Favor Meredith Q Pete rs on '4 Q'$-nat Rosen ��P t�8 �� Mr.President (Vavoulis Approved: Attest: � , f r � City Clerk MaqOP ' '� °�6a Form approved Corporation Counsel By PUBLISHED OCT 2 196� � �/� s- c� I st " ► I' � 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app �' '—Adopted � �� Yeas Nays Yeas Nays y �� .�Balg}isE� �alglish �-lolland `Holland r • —�05� Loss \Meredith � Vvleredith � Peterson �����` '� � Peterson I � `� V \ Rosen " � Rosen � iEE�r�� ��'r"w�:Pte'si�d'efi�:��'��� Mr. Presiden+ Vavoulis Mr.�Vice President (Rosen) �O ,