225181 / � " O�IGINAL�O CITY CLHRK . ������ � : CITY OF ST. PAUL . couNCa � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ��ESENTED EY M I LTON ROSEN COMMISSIONE� DATE �� -a.L�� WHEREAS, It has been found necessary to clarify certain portions , , of the Special Provisions heretofore approved for the proposed improvement of the STQRM and CLEAR WATER SEWER in JACKSON STREET from KELLOGG BOULEVARD to SIXTH STREET end in FIFTH STREET from JACKSON STREET to ROBERT STREET as approved on August 26, 1965, by Council Resolution C. F. No. 225016; now, therefore, upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works, be it, RESOLVED, That the Special Provisions for the above named improve- � - - , ment, as approved by the Council , be and the same are hereby amended in r accordance with ADDENDUM N0. I, which is attached to and made a part of the � aforementioned Special Provisions; and that, further, all interested properties be notified of this Addendum. � ' � .. � _ � . - �- - - , SEP 91965 c� COLINCILI►�N Adopted by the Council � ' 19— Yeas Nays ` Dalglish . s�P ;� � ����1 p oved 19— Loss , Favor Meredith Pete rs on V �ByOr � Rosen � Aga�gt Mr. President, Vavoulis ' .PI�BLISHED Sl�� �� ��� � ion��e-aa� � � k � , ., i�� , ,,� . ��� . i � � � 1� . I _ • � ___ DjlrLICATOTO►IIINTlR �• 1���� t '� � . CITY OF�ST. PAUL F1�NCIL NO � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM • ►�ESENTED�Y b{I.TOM I�O�EW COMMISSIONE� DA� t�EREAS, It has been ,found necsasarr to' clarify certa+in portions of ths Special Provis ions heretofior� approv�d for th� prc►Roaed I�aprova�nt of the STO�l1 and CLE,AR WATER 3ENE�t in .�4GfrS4M STR&ET fran b�@L�.t�6 �OUt,EWAl�D • to S IX'i'N SiREET and i n �'I�TH S7'R�ET f r«a JACK�OIi STIRE�T to RQBH�'i STREEY �s approved an Augas t 26� 1965., by Counc i,l Reso 1 ut ion C. �'. �lo. 225016; now� ther�fore, upon the reeo�endat�on of t!� Coax�issioner o� Public Works, be it, R�SQLVC�, Yhafi the Special �'rovisions for fihe �bove �smed i�provs�- �+ent, as approved by the �Council, be and the sarxe are hereby amendad in accord�rncm with AQD�NDUM NQ. i, which is attacltQd to and made a psrt o� tits aforeiraention�d Spasclal Provlsinr�s; a�d thaC, fwrther, ali interested propdrties be notified af tnis Addendurn. SEP 9 � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �+ Dalglish `��� � � .-^Ha�d � Approv� 19— Loss Tn FSVOP Meredith ,� Peterson 'v Mayor A►gAlI18t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis . ions e-es ,,� . . 3 e Refe�-ence - Spec ia 1 Prov i s ions - Page 7 St�n 22 - entitiad "TYPE OF OPERAT80N" The following paragrap6� is adcled to this ssction as a part thereof: The Far+n C�ed i t Bank's and l�eda�a 1 Courts cont��ctors may be constructing util �ty connectio�s across tha new right-of-way before start of tha sewer work under this conLract. 7'he presence o� these utility connectiQns should be appr�ised wh�n considering thc� type a� operatio�. No extra compensation will be allowed because of additional aork to sup�rt these utilities. >� ,' r � f!r �. ♦ ������ JACKSON STREET SYORH AND CLEAR-WATER SYSTEM Contract 65-5-1154 ADQENDUM N0, B Dated September 9� i9b5 The bidder's attentfan is called to the foitc�wing additio�s, modi�icatio�s or changes in the Speci�l Provisions. lo Reference � Speciai Provisions. Page 9 Etem 27 - entitled "WOttK AREAS" '�ee 50 feet by 80 feet work �rea at the northwest corr�e� of East Sixth Street and Jackson StPeet iaciudes an existing drivea�y entrance �o ttie CAP��OL PARK SW6 RAP9P, '6h i s 20 f oa t dr i vetivay �us t reraain in use �t all times €or use by the parking lot patrons. The� contracto� caay also use this same driveway to enter his wo�k area. The June i5. 19bb terminus date €or the East Fourth Street wo�k area does �ot �ppiy to the East Sixth Stre�t lotat3on a�hich is available until the ond o€ the cont�act periodo Any areas disturbed by sewe� construction out- side as weil as inside the designated asork r��eas must be resto�ed to a conditio� at least equal to that before beiny disturbed, 2o Referet�ca - Spec3ai Provis3ons, Pago 3 Item 7 - e�titled "L�QUSDAVED DAMAGES" d�em ] shall be deleted i� 3ts entirety and the foilowing subst�tuted in lieu th$reof: '°7 o L 1 QU E DWTEO DW4AGE S The Ccnt�actor shall pay the, City the sum. of $100,00 per daye which is hereby fixed for the liquidated damagcs which tiaould be s�ffered by the Cdty by reason of delay or failure in complettng the alley drain by Decea�ber 3i� 1965 and the er�tire �aork by Movember 1, i966." _� � ��- � � ,lACKSON STitEEY STORM At�1D CLEAR-NA4ER SYS°PEM ������� Contract 6S-S-1 t5�+ ADDEHDUH NOa 9 Dated Septer�b�r 9. 1955 The bidder's atten�ion js called to the �ollaiwing additio�s, rr+odi�ications or changes in tl�e Special Provisions. . lo Ref�rence - Spocial Provisions. P�ge 9 Etem 27 - entitled "6S�K AREAS" '�he $0 feet by 80 feet work area at the northwest corner of East Sixth Street and Jackson Skre�t jncludes an exisLi�g driveway entrance to the CAPi�OL PARKSNG RAMPo 'rhis 20 foot dr3veway must �emain in' use at ail times €or use by the pnrking lot patrons. The contracto� may also uso this sa�e driveway to enter his wo�k a�ea. The Juns� i5. 1966 terminus date for the East Fau�th Street w�ork area does �ot apply to thc� East Sixth Street iocatian which is �vailabla �ntil the - and o� the contract pe�ioda My areas disturbed by sew�r const�uction out- side as well as inside the destgnated wor� a�eas must be resto�ed to a condition at least equal to that be€or� being distu�bed, 2, Refer�ce - Speciai P�ov3sions. Page 3 ltan 7 - e�titled "tBQU�DA3ED DAl4AGE5" 9Cem 7 sha�l be delefied in its entirety and the ' �oilowing substituted in lieu thmreot: "7, L I QU e DATE D flA�IAGE S 'Phe Contractor sha13 pay the, City the sum of $10A,00 per dayo whjch �s hareby fixad for the llqu.idated damages which wouid be suffered by the City by reason of delay or failure in completing the alley dratn by Oece�ber 31 � 196S and the ertire work by November 1, 1966." - a � , � r �� _� t` 3, Reference - Special P�ovisions - Page 1 dtem 22 - entitled "TYPE OF OPERATEBN" '1'he �ollowing paragraph is added to this section as a part thereof: '�he Favm Credit 8ank's and Fede�al Caurts contractors may be constructir�g utility connections across �he new right-o�-way before start of the sewmr �vork under this cantract. �he presence o� thes� utility co�nections shouid be appr�ised �fien consideriag the type of operation. No extra canpensatfon wili be allowed because of additional u,ark �o support these utilitfas,