225167 ORIGIHAL TO CITY CLBRK �� }���� CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa �� �� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . /RESENTED dY COMMISSIONE DATF BESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes the Bureau of Fire Protection, Department of Public Safety, or any portion thereof, to attend and serve at fires outside ~' ' the limits of the City of 5aint Paul in accordance with Minnesota Statutes 1961, Section �38.10. � F APP VED� �y D D G.► �l/� . orporation Counsel � J S�P � 1965 COiTNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ` �+�P � ,�iolland—„— �, Approve 19— Loss � Tn FaVOr ` ^ Meredith D Peterson ..-- '�j�9 �YOt �c�_ A gainst ��e���Fe�z]ent�Ua,oqulis:e�l �f��1.1�H�� ��� 1� I�DFJ� Mr. Vice President (Roses) ' IOM E-64 -- . \