225166 ��� �� � Council File No. T25166 — By Milton � Rosen— Resolved, That upon the petition of the City of Saint Paul and the Boazd of Education (now Independent School District No. 825), the secUon of public street hereinafter described be and the same is vacated and disconUnued as a public street, viz.: , � Surrey Avenue from the extended west line of Lot 9, Block 1, Wilder ' & Dodge's Subdivision of Block 48 of Lyrhan Dayton's Addition, to the west line of Maple Street; Maple Street from the extended north line of Euclld Street as platted adioinin� said Block 1, Wilder & Dodge s Subdivision of Block 48 of Lyinan Dayton's Ad- dition to the extended south ]ine of Conway Street as platted ad- joining Kennedy's' Subdivisioa oi part of.Block 82 L. Dayton's Ad- dition to St. Paut; • subject express�p to the following con- ditions and reservations: - 1.That the vacation be subiect to all � the terms and conditlons of Section 228 of the Legislative Code reg- ulating the procedure and prescrib- ing conditions for the vacation of public grounds, streets, alleys and highways in the City oP Saint Paul; �l.That satisfactory arrangements be made by the petitioners with refer- ence to the existing public utiliUes; 3.That�no compensation be required of the petiUoners; , 4.That the Independent School Dls- trict No. 825 flle a bond in the amount of $10,00p, or execute a written covenant in coniormance with SecUon 228.04 of the St. Pau] Legislative Code, as azrtended by Ordinance No. 12968. Adopted by the Council September 8, 1985. Approved September 8, 1965. � (September 11, 1965)