225163 � � ' t/
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.�; � � .�' r CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO��
., � �
RESOLVED, That the proper city officials be and hereby are authorized to
execute the attached option agreement for the acquisition by the State of
Minnesota of the following city owned lands; �
, ,
The west half of the northwest quarter (W2NWµ) of Section l,
Township 28 north, Range 22 west; which lies westerly of a line
run parallel with and distant 100 feet easterly of the follow-
ing described line: Beginning at the northwest corner of said
Section l; thence run south on the west line of said Section 1
for 550 feet and there terminating; together with all that part •
of the above described tract adjoining and easterly of the above
described strip which lies northwesterly of a line run parallel
with and distant 75 feet southeasterly of the following described
line: From a point on the west line of Section 36, Township 29
north, Range 22 west, distant 577.1 feet north of the southwest
corner thereof, run southeasterly at an angle of 79°06T15T' with
said west section line for 39.72 feet; thence deflect to the
} right at an angle of 79°06t15" for 634.3 feet; thence deflect
to the left at an angle of 100°OOTfor 100.37 feet; thence deflect
to the right at an angle of 168°OOT for 100 feet to the point of
beginning of the line to be described; thence run northeasterly
on the last described course for 346.98 feet; thence deflect to
the right on a 3°001 curve (delta angle 14°20t50T') for 478.25 -
feet and there terminating; containing. l.22 acres, more or less,
in addition to the existing highway; together with all right of
_ access, being the right of ingress to and egress from all that
portion of the above described tract, not acqu�red herein, to
Trunk Highway No; 94, except that the abutting owner shall retain
the right of access isoutherly of�a point distant 300 feet south
of �the northwest corner of said Section 1 (when measured along
, said west section line) . �
- �P � 19�
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COiJNCILMEN , Adopted by the Councii 19—
Yeas Nays
, Dalglish '���
�o�.�— Approve p $ 19—
'��' Loss � t
Tn FaVOr ^
p Meredith �
Pete rs on q MByOr
A giliILSt Lht�lA�
�'r���g�:���`����•'a� PuBLISNED S�P 11 19C�
Mr. Vice President (Rosen) ,
loM E-69
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. �/����- �:�
r Form 2606� t1-681 ������
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S.P, d�3�9�392)90�+ Neg. 9 County of �ms�Y �8't �a. of' �►t oF way
Qwner�� and Address: City of St. Paul, a mun3cipal A roved
, PP
coruo�ation ' � �
, � Go�iasioner of Highwaya
� .
, , . " By Engineer ot�ight of Way
In consideration of the sum of One Dollar (�1.00) in ha,nd pa�d, receipt whereof
is hereby acknowledged, the undersigned hereby grant (s) to the State of Minnesota an
'option from the date hereof to and including� � a�� '�� dAtA ng�.ptinn� to
purchase,� free and clear of all encumbrance, for the� sum of � g.d�('1.OQ ,
' all that tract or parcel of land situate in �SeY ' County, IVlinnesota,
described as follows: '
The wee� half of �Ghe aorthwea� qua.rter (.W� NW�) of section l�
tawnship 28 north, range 22 west;
which 13.es westerly of a 13ne run parallel with and distant 100 feet easterly of the
follawing described 13r�e:
Beginr�ng at the northwest Corner of said� sect�on l; thence run
south on the wegt line of saic� sectian ]. for 550 feet and there
. term3nsting;
together with a11 that part o� the above clescriToed trsct ad�o3ning and east,erl,y oP the
abaYe deseribed strip �ah�.ch liee northwesterly of a line run paxallel with and distant
75 �ee� sautheasterly of the fo11ow3.ng described 13.ne: Fraan a point on the west iine of
section 3�, township 29 north, range 22 westt d3stant 577��1 feet nortlY of the aouthwe�t
corner thereof� run sautheesterly at an angle qf 79°06`�15" wj.th said west sect3on line
��' 39•72 Peet; thence deflect to the r�ght at an angle oY 79°06'l�" for 63�.3 feet; �
thence deflect to the left at an angle qf 100"00' �or 100:�37 feet; thence deflect to the
r�.ght at an ang7.e of 1b8°04' for 100 feet to the pbin� o� be�t.nning of the 13ne to be de-
scribed; thence run northeasf.erly on the last descxibed course for 346.98 �eet; thence
de�lect to the ri.ght on a 3°00'� curve (delta angle l�F°20'S4")for �+78:25 �eet and there
tex7ninating; _
cqntaining 1.-22 acres� more or less� in addition to the ex3Bt3ng highway;
�oge�her with �.L7. right of access, be3ng the r3ght of ingr�sa to an8 egress fr� aLt ths.t
portion of the above 8escribed tract, not acquired her�in,. to Trunk Higlaway No. 9�, except
that the abut�ing awner sha1Z reta3.n the right of access southerly of a point distant 300
feet south of fi,he northwest corner qf--said section 1 �when measured�along..said_west.. '
, �ect3on line).. , • - • � � , -- . _.. . .....
_. ` ,
� �ti�.
The State may, within the time specified, accept this ,.said offes and op�ion by
due notice in writing mailed to the undersigned at the above ad_dress (es).
�The undersigned further agree (s) upon�acceptance of:this option as r�foresaid to
execute and deliver to the State of Minnesota a good and sufficient deed of general
warranty, which shall convey a good title of record, free and clear of all encumbrance,
to the lands hereinbefore deseribed.
The receipt by the undersigned of said sum shall be in full compensation for the
conveyance by the undersigned of the preiniaes and rights ab.one described and for all
damage, if any, resulting to any adjoining lands of the undersigned by reason of the
use made of the above deacribed premises by the State of A6innesota. The undersigned
further agree (s� that during the life of this option� the State of Minnesota shall have
the right to enter and construct a public highway-upon the premiaes hereby agreed to
be conveyed�. The�undersigned fnrther agree (s), during the life of t his .opti�on, not to
cut, •damage, deatroy or remove��ny tree or shrub or other natural growth upon the here-
inbefore described premises. � �