225158 I � � ����58 OR161NAL TO CITY CLEWK � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY °�I, � COMMISSIONEQ DA� RESOLVED, that the one-story single-family dwelling and the two-story si.ngle-family dwelling on Lot 3, Block 11, Brunsons Addition to the Town of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey and Territory of Minnesota, • according to the°pl°at thereof recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Ramsey County, Minnesota, also known as 504 Woodward Street and 506 Woodward Street, respectively, in Saint Paul, are by reason of theix structural condition, unsafe an�-dangerousto life, limb and adjoining property; that said structures are incapable of reasonable repair, replacement or remodeling so as. to. make:.the same reasonably safe, and should be wrecked and -removed from said land and it is ordered that said structures be forthwith _ � wrecked and removed from said land by and at the separate cost and expense ofthe owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof. " FO OVED ' � , Asst. Corporation Counsel . SEP 819�6 COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19._ Yeas Nays ' ��D : �'�(�� Dalglish ' �� � �}��_ � Approve � y 19— Loss � Tn FAVOY' c Meredith Peterson � Q���jf� M�yOr A gainst R� �'��'�� � Q y P(16i.i$HED SEP 11 1965 ..:?:•::":8:�::::.:'s:,=':@�23c:'s�.i8�i) �ll��� 10�e��ce Presidqnt (�@@@#}� , DU�LICATC TO MINT[R _���� .��( � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ` � v -- F�« Np_ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM • �RESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� DATF RESOLVED, that the one-atory single-fanily dwelling and fihe two-story single�£aaily dwelling on Lot 3, Block lI, Brunsons Addition to the Town of St. Paul in the County of R�asay and Territory of Minnesota, accord�ng to the plat thereof recorded in the of£ice of the Register of Deeds o� Ramsey County, Minnesota, also known as 504 Woodward Straet and 506 Woodw�rd Street, respectively, in S�int Paul, are by reason of their structural condition, unsafe and dangerousm life, li�b and adjoining property; that said structures are 3ncapable of re�son�ble repair, replacevent or res�odeling so as to m�lce the saa�e reason�bly safe, and should be wrecked and reaoved from said land and it is ordered that said structures be forthwith wrecked and removed £rom said land by and at the sep�rate cost and expense ofthe owner, occupant, or other person in control thereof. S EP 8 1965 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays r 8196a Dalglish SLP �_ Approved 19— Loss � Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � �yor Against Rosen—.. e.MSe���;esidepts'.Vavoulis .:�.::�.:...:......:.�:...:�:r.e::d� Mr. ',Vice President (Rosen) loM 6�69