225146 ` ������ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEWK = CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO .r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOL TION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONE ` pA� Sertember 2� 1�5 1�SOLVID, That the Purchasin� Agent be and he is hereby authorized Ni.th the consent of the Co�ptroller to pnrcha.se �rom H. B. ALL�1, Il�C. parts �or pedestrian signa,]..s at a cost of $992.00, wl.thout advertisem,ent or competitive bids pursuant to section 290 of the Charter o� the City of St. Paul as these are patented. items. Code:01��306 (Police & Fire Al,ann) APPR(NID AS : , APPROpED: J�;,�g;y J. r fl::�Is,�ti �.�LY \L.Q,�'.�4��=Olir'Il • • A71�.711'►L�.L 1Y1.l.iVl\ V Wl\U� +�,�.- ' COME'rR!OLLER .::� _•a� Q. �a�a;rml ��r ,� ING AG . SEP 71965 COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays '�rr�—. SEP ? 19�6 �— Approve � 19— ; Loss Favor � � Meredith Peterson � Mayor A gainst �Cf�fl� sR��' . C":::..�.r...� p �� as� ... �..�..��..��......... . 'f1 ':�:'�t�Ii�tT:��t�"''�'''� - .. ' "' PUBIISHED S ,_..._ Vice President (Rosen) loM 6fi4 DUrLICATC TO rRINT[R , CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�HC�� N� 2��,4� , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rR�ren�r Sep�.b�r 2y �.965 COMMISSIONE� DA� �Dy '�ha,t the Pt1rCh�,aing AgEnt 'b� �ld h� 3s hex'P.by' a,u.�lor�:$ed. �th 't�e Co�serit crF t�e C�tptxo]leer to purcha,�e �ram �. 8: �i T�C. pat�s for p�de�trian si�r.�1.� at a co;et of �992.00, v�3.thout �.vez-�L�s�a.� Qr co�tit�v�s b3ds purstz�t tc� �ec:tiaa� 290 0� � �Charter of th� C3.ty 4� St. �?au]. � t8,e� are pa�n�ed. i,�s. Code:07.71-�06 {Polic� �a �.r�i Ataxm) 1�Pi' : �r y "_ J u � .a - ' l � ..� .. �� .,♦ �.. K ` S EP 7 196+� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays .�.�.g.�h- . SEP 7 � �._, Approve� 19— Loss Tn FavOr Meredith Peterson � �8yOr �----- A Bainst e;LT�:.�LN4�Y��nfg���af�ou�'i�ii9°! l�ie' Mr. Vice President (l�oes�tj loM 6-6!