225141 OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK �2��4� 1A - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO �G�NSE 4�N�TT�F OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Y'' .COUNCIL RESOLUTI N—GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED EY COMMISSIONE pA� Se�tember 7� 1965 R�SOL�ED: That licenses applied �or by the foLlowi.ng persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Elaine Lud�.g 811 �urfew Beanty Shop �pp.2635Renewal Frank R�chfe 1822 �ase Scavenger " 2666" Stevens Amasement �orp. Zo53 Grand Mot.Fi�. 9895 " 276z� M n COTlf@�f.011e!'3► n n n Gro Mod, Inc. 1�i62 IIn�averstty Ldy.DC p�ck�p ° 2791" Bos Ltnes, Inc. 89,� N. Pri�or Pr�.Qas Pump � 2938" Preston H. Brenon 541 Rice Restaurant " 2993" n n �g�t.� a n a n �das �orp. 187 E. 9th F'1cg.I,ot zsct " 3p36" Ra.y�no�d J. BaumhoFer 920-22 Selby �onfect�onery � 3048p n n OFf Sale Malt "_ n n �r n ' n n n �garette James B. Bastyr & James Hughe§ 1339 Randolph Barber " 3105� Pioneer �o. �Skelly Ofl �. 2111 Ford Plcwy. Vend.Mach.Loca. " 311Up Marvi.n Schloff � q�5]. Jackson Pkg.Iot 2�c� � " 3128" �Hanover �evelopment Co. 480 Cedar " g 3141" p "lg3='@ti� 11 � M General Electr�c (:o. �Fp N. Fa,i.rvtew TP Nlaster " 3143M �� n 2 Servicemen p n n �].arence �. Bakke 393 Selby Orig.�ontainer " 31�2" Piepsi. Cola �Aanover Developanent �o. 480 �edar Vend.Mach.I,oca. " 32'?7" Jack Wong 367 Selby Restaurant " 319z" „ .. ,,. _ - �, ORIGIHAL TO CITY GLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO �' � � � ����. ���T� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM tRESENTED sY COMMISSIONEQ DATE Seuteraber ?, 1965 Contd. Page 2 �oca �la �Spector Steffka Freight System 820 Hampden Vend.Mach.Ioca. App.3201Re��a1 Jerome Axelrod 1148 Grand TP Master " 3221+" sr n 2 SeI'V�C@1AeII n n a Margaret J. L� Motte Adtnfni.strati.on Bldg.-Ai.rport N�staurant " 3235" Midway Ford �o. 1834 II�versity Dlr-.Garage " �2�On " " Vend.Mach.Loca. " " St. Lake's Hospi.tal 360 Pleasant Hospttal " 3260" Snperi.or Dairy �eneral Tradfng Co. 475 N. Prf.or Vend.Mach.I,oca. " 3280" Leonard wood 626 Selby TV �Iaster a 3294" Fred J. Marhotm �81 Universttg Nestaurant " 3308" O � �� �.ga2�tte n a n Dr. Manuel Navarro 52'j' IInf.vers�ty Vet. Hospital " 333i+�" � Marv�n L• Huber �Murphy Otl Corp. 1545 W. 7th 4end.Mach.locr�. " 3347^ Marnin D. Cooper 340 Minnesota Confect,ior�ery " 33�" • . " �gs1'ette a n n Ramaley Print�ng Co. 141 E. 5th Yend.Mach.Loca. " 3368"' OK 4end. �International Aarvester �o. 767 Eustis � � " 3372" " ��'� •6� E. Kellogg " " 3373" Oscar May�er �o., Ino� 325 Mor�c-Hoptc�.ns F�o@s I�'DW p 3tFp7n " , � , 2P�1604-5 n n, n � .. M9='on I�Oberg 192 �oncord Barber n 31�p9n JI Pure Ofl �o., A Dfvi.sfon of IIni.on 0�]. Co. of �a1i.f. (�as Sta. 6P " 3426° COUNCILMEN 6z6 w. La,rpen��d by the Council . Yg ' Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith � �'� Pete rs on ,�'" MAyOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ' lont e-es �j ORIGINAL TO CITT CLERK ���'A��� �S� , CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO LI� Q?I�IT�E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , •' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTEO EY COMMISSIONEQ DATE S@17�i@It1�2' �� 1965 �orrta. Page � St. Panl Statuary �o. 620 S3.� Vend.Mach.T,oca. .App.3436Renewa7 Td Kuehn 1089 IIr�versity Vend.�ach.�oca. ■ 3�.39n M M �gari4tt@ n » n Cecil Scott 263 Froa�t Qmcerf � 3440" Axthur Johnson ?J�2 E. 4th Pkg.�ot 25ct " 3449" .�rrov� Pontiac Co. 1515 Un�vers�ty VencY.Mach.I�oca. p 3458n " n �.galttte n n n Peteraon Maytag, Inc. ?'98 E. 7th Elec.ipP•Rsp• ° 3�1�60* P�.oneer Co. �$M�dway Ford �o. 18�0 IIniversity �ead.Ma,cii.Loca. " 3462p �oca �ola �nnehaha Bow].ing �enter, Inc. 955 Sem�►.naz'y n " 3468n N.P. Beneffc3.a1 Assn. 1515 �%harles Hospital " 3472� Hamld Bl-j,� 781 Selby Elec.APP•�P• ' 3473" Walter Hoschette 940 w. 7th Hardwax� " "' 3501" Standard Spring & Alignment Servtce, Inc. 381 N1af� Gen.Reo.Gar. " 35oz� E. W. Klammer �John H. Aherne 1428 W. 7th Yend.Mach.Loca. " 35].4° Pana. Schlis�.nger 210 W. 9th Gen.Rep.Garage " 35�3" Erv�n a. Erke 32'T w. 7th � TV Master ° �559" a r 1 3ervf.aeman " ' " Elec.App•_T�ep. ■ n n Hy Kiven 2k7 Hannn Bldg. Photographer " 3570" James Ryan �10$ Portland Mpls. Fds.VM Oper. " 3599" Gerald Bergeron 1829 St. gnthony ' Mtr.Yeh.Dr. " 360q" ��CAu ;�l..N aener 23 E. Nlorton �.ad'op�ed �y t►�r�"���le $EP �' 1�9�� Yeas Nays �1�' SEP 719fi� �� Approvei� 19— Loss L • , , �Tn FaVOr Meredith ,` ' Peterson CJ� �Ct��g IV�yOr R^� ' A'gainst I�;':,�es�c"z::�/y�yp"1`S � K PUBLISHED SFP I 1 :::::..::�.:•:�::�:::'�::�::��:����°::::;�`::� i9� iu�'e.d�00 ��iaent �itosen�