225137 r"` K� .. .i� ����`r' 7 i: ; �. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO_ I�ICF�rsE COI+�TrFjE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � C MM SS�IONEQ ; y'1_��,� �, � I�i( V DATF 3eptember 7� 1965 WHEREAS: R. N. �ardozo and Bm., Inc.holders of Foodstuff-Vending �achine Location Zicense No. 5509, expi.ring June 2�, 1966, issued to them for 289-9 East Fifth Street� have surrendered sa3.d license and d3.scnntinued sai.d business at that location and request a refl.ind for the unused portion of said � . license� therefore, be it RFSCILVID: That the proper city off3.cers be and they are hereb� authorized to refund to R. N. �ardozo and Bro.� Inc. the pnorated fee of �5.00� deducting �1.00 from the original. fee of �6.00, and cancel said license. CANCELLATION � (�axtiaa. Refund) � (License attached to City Clerk�s Copy of Resolution) MAILING ADDRF�SS FOR FIlJANCE OFFTCEt R. N. Cardozo & Bro,�., Inc. Attns Margaret Odegarden 82.•90 Fast Seventh �reet Saint Paul� Minnesota SEP �� "1965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays cCp � '��� � •71G � Approve 19— Loss � Tn Favor • I p�— Meredith � ��,��� Peterson �/ A ���Tp/�' �ByOr gainst Resee.� =�"��A����41�.�.�`;� PUBLISHED SEP 1�. �9G�J ... .. , .. ��::::...:::::�:�..:�..:�::::.:..::::::::::::::. 1�1'S' �2e Pre�i•i�•,t (R•,�n-,�