225118 ORIGL)fAL TO CITY CLERK 3 �I ,_ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ����� FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO O N IL E L ION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED EY ` COMMISSIONE DATE WI�REAS, The City Council on Ju1y 13, 1965, approved the final order, Council File No. 224410, in the matterof opening, widening, and extending Jackson Street to a width of 100 feet from Eighth Street to Ninth Street, by condemning and taki.ng certain lands and easements as described in said final order, and, WI�REAS, Certain parties in interest were not notified of the said hearing before the City Council, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved that the final order, Council Fi1e No. 224410, approved July 13, 1965, be reconsidered and a , rehearing on the said matter be held before the City Council, said heari.ng to be scheduled for the 28th day of September, 1965, at the hour of 10 otclock a.m. in the Counci.l Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Bu3.].ding in the City of St. Paul; RESOLVED FURTHER That,the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said!,meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating';the time and place of hearing, the nature ' of the improvement,,<and the! total cost thereof as estimated. -- � � - . �_ . , � ' Finance File No. 16872 S�� 21966 COLTNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19._. Yeas Nays Dalglish ��P` `� � .�.�V ,.�a rove 1g— -� Loss S � Tn Favor Meredith Pete rs on � MByOT A g81IlSt �ases� Mr. President, Vavoulis �J�� SEP 4 I� �o� �� � DUrLu",.ATL TO r111NTtR (�����J� y CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa # �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IRESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� �A� WHEREAS, The �i.ty ,Counc�.l on July 13,� 1965, approved the f3na1 order, Counci'l F�':�.e No. 224410, in the matterof openin.g, w3d.ening, and extending .7aekson Stseet to a width af 100 feet from E3ghth Stree� to Nin�h Street, by eondeaning and t�king cert�3n l�nds �d easer�ente �,s deacr3bed 3n ss3d final order, and, WHEREAS, C�rt�in psrties �n :i.nterest wer� not not3f3ed of the said �e�ing b�for� �he C3ty Cotmc�l, THERE�FQRE, Be �# Resolv�d that the final order, Council F31e No. �24410, �pprov�d July 13, 1965, be reconsider,�d and a reh�ar� on the sa�d rnatter b� held before the �31y Counei7,;, s�id hear3ng �o b� seh�duled for the 28�h d.ay of September�, 196'5, at the hotjr o� �10 o t c�.aek a.�t. in �he Co�.tnc33. Ch�ber af �he Court House and �ityr Ha11. Buil.ding 3n *h� C�.�► o£ St. Faul; RESOI.VED �I�TF� Th�� the Cca�maiss3o�er of �inan�e give z�oticE of s�ic� rt����ng t� the persons and 3n� �h� manner provid.ed by thQ Chart�r„ st�t�ng the �3rc�e s�d p�.ac� �£ he�r3ng� the r��ture of th� iaq��ovement, �nd #he total cos�. #hereof �s es�3ana��d. F�nanc� File Na. 16�72 219�� COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council SEp 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish sEP 219� �.o.r�_ Approv� 19— Loss �Tn Favor . Meredith Pete rs on d M�yOr A��� A$aiIlBt Mr. President, Vavoulis lons e�es