06-1033Council Fi1e # O.(> —/� 3 Green Sheet#3034078 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Presented by MINNESOTA l3 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul ("City") and the Boazd of Water Commissioners (`Board") desire to enter into an agreement and each provide work sites for the Public Works Department and Saint Paul Regional Water Services respectively in the event that priivary work sites aze rendered uninhabitable; and WHEREAS, staff from the Department of Public Works and from the Saint Paul Regional Water Services have drafted an agreement between the City and the Board which establishes such provisions of work sites at no cost to the other party for a period of up to thirty (30) days; and WHEREAS, the assistant city attorney has reviewed and approved said Agreement as to form, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Board of Water Commissioners whereby the City shall provide alternate work sites for the Board's Saint Paul Regional Water Services, and the Board shall provide alternate work sites for the City's Public Works Department, is hereby approved, and that the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agxeement on behalf of the City. CfTY RESOLUTION Benanav Bostrom Hazris Thune � ✓ """° Requested by: Department of Public Works PTK� 10/30/06 ✓ B ✓ Adopted by Council: Date Adopuon Certified by Council Secretazy BY� i/ . //i'.C�SOri Approv d b Date �(—�') —f�p By: Form Approved by City Atrorne s ��,S�c. �. ��Z Form roved y or b ionto Council By: �,, �_ G � ,S, � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � Ob -ia33 pW —r�na�w� ContaM Person 8,. Phone: Paul Kurtz 266-fi203 Must Be on Council qgen Doc. Type: OTHER AGREEMENi/CAMR E-0ocume�tRequired: N DocumeMContact: PaulKurtz Contact Phone: 266-6203 3o-ocr-os � Assign Number For Routing Order Toql # of SignaNre Pages _(Clip WI Locatlons for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3034078 0 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 DeoathneM SentToPerson InitiallDate . �w � �6 IicWo t ce ' AtWm v Un e �nanaal Servi Di ector . � 3/r or's OfGce .-.-�. crL i i.( iC o� ri' a' De ar e Approve resolufion authorizing the proper City officials to execute an agreement between ihe the City of St. Faul and the Boa¢d of Water Commissioners. Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Plamring Commission �, Has this persoNfirm e�er wodced under a contract for this department? CIB CAmmittee Yes No Citil Senice Commission 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er heen a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNSrm possess a skill not nortnaliy possessed by any curteM city employee? Yes No Expiain all yes answers on sepa2te sheet and attach to green sheet InHiating Problsm, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Depaztment of Public Works and Saint Paul Regional Water Services (SPRWS) have begun the process of preparing how and where they will recover in the event of an emetgencyldis�ter that renders their existing f2cilifies uninhabitable. This agceement outlines the altemate sites and the tern�s and conditlons for execuGng the acflvafion of these sites. Advantages if Approved: Public Works and SPRWS will be able to main[ain operafions from an alternate site during times ai�n �mergeticy=or:disa�tes=� ag:, t ?� � �,� y '� ; �� ,� a _, �.��, � .b,�, DisadvanWqes IFApproved: NA �''�"� � � 2 `+�. �k.,.�:".�" � „,� >, ., �' �. � Disadvantages NNotApnroved: Public Works and SPRWS will not have a plan in place allowing them to move to an altemate site inorder to conflnue operaflons during an emergency or disaster. ToW Amount of Trensaction: Funding Source: Financial Informatlon: (ExQlain) CastlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. � .. � �u�Y d Z�DU ��Y�r� a��IC� �_ TM..; . . ,>;� Octob er 30, 2006 1:49 PM Page 1 �iG`J � � 2��0 PAT HARRIS O� -/03�3 Agreement # 02- AGREEMENT between BOARD OF WATER COMNIISSIONERS OR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL and CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA This agreement ("AgreemenP') dated this 10�' day of October, 2006, by and between the BOARD OF WATER COMIVIISSIONERS OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota (the "Boazd"), and the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, a home rule charter city under the laws of the State of Minnesota (the "City"). WFIEI2EAS, the parties acknowledge the possible necessity of alternate work sites for the Board's Saint Paul Regional Water Services ("SPRWS") and the City's Public Works Department ("Public Works") in the event of an emergency; and WHEREAS, the Board and City recognize a mutual benefit in each organization providing alternate work sites to the other; and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual terms and conditions, promises, covenants and payments hereinafter set forth, Boazd and City agree as follows: 1.0 Intent. 11 Primary Intent. The primary intent of this Agreement is to provide a mechanism by which the Boazd and the City will provide each other workspace facilities where the parties can continue SPRWS and Public Works opera6ons in the event its primary facility becomes uninhabitable ("Altemate Site"): 1.2 Acknowledgment of Mutuat Benefit. The parties aclmowledge the benefit each receives from the ability to continue operarions from an Alternate Site during rime of emergency. 2.0 Site Descrintions. The following sites have been identified as sites where operarions aze occumng that are covered by this Agreement. This site lisring may from Ume to time be updated and/or amended by the Director of Public Works and the General Manager of Saint Paul Regional Water Services as mutually agreed upon. 2.1 Public Works Municipal Equipment Garage Office Space. (Dale St. Of�ce Space) 891 Dale Street North, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55117 2.2 Public Works City Hall Annex Data Center. (CHA Data Center) 700 Ciry Hall Annex, 25 4�' Street West, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 2.3 Public Works Dale Street Data Center. (Dale Street Data Center) 891 Dale Street North, Saint Paui, Minnesota 55117 nu s�r� use_�aio-oe.aa Page 1 of 5 D(� 2.4 City oF St. Paul City Hall Conference Center. (City Hall Conference Center) The City currently co-owns and manages the lower level conference room area of the City Hall Court House ("CHCH") located at 15 West Keliogg Boulevard, Saint Paul. Location: Rooms 40 A& B City Hall, 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 2.5 SPRWS McCarrons Center Office Space. (McCarrons Office Space) 1900 Rice Street, Maplewood, Minnesota 55113 2.6 SPRWS McCarrons Center Data Center. (McCarrons Data Center) 1900 Rice Street, Maplewood, Minnesota 55113 3.0 Activation of Alternate Sites 3.1 Activation of Dale Street as an Alternative Site for SPRWS. In the event of a disaster potentially making any or all Boazd buildings uninhabitable, the City will provide a temporary location for SPRWS recovery teams to meet, and conduct operations. 3.2 Activation of the Dale Street Data Center as an Alternative 5ite for SPRW S. In the event the SPRWS Data Center is rendered inoperable or uninhabitable, the City will provide the Dale Street Data Center as a temporazy location for the operations of the SPRWS Data Center. 3.3 Activafion of 40 A& B City Hall as an Alternative Site for SPRWS. Tn the event of a disaster potentially making any or all Board buildings uninhabitable, the City will provide the City Hall Conference Center as a temporary site for SPRWS recovery teams to meet and conduct operarions . 3.4 Activation of McCarrons Center as an Alternative Site for Public Works. In the event of a disaster potentially making facilities operated by the Department of Public Works uninhabitable, the Board will provide the McCarrons Center as a location for Public Works recovery teams to meet and conduct operations. 3.5 Activation of the SPRWS Data Center as an Alternate Site for Public Works. In the event the Dale Street Data Center or the CHA Data Center is rendered inoperable or uninhabitable, the Board will provide the SPRWS Data Center as a temporary location for the operauons of the Dale Street Data Center or CHA Data Center. 4.0 Notificarion of Alternate Site Activatioa The parties agree to noufy each other in the event it requires use of an Altemate Site. Procedures for such notification are listed in the document ritled, "Altemate Site Activation Frocedures", attached hereto and incorporated herein. 5.0 Disclaimers. 5.1 Maintenance and Operation. The parties agree they aze each responsible for the normal maintenance and repair of their own respective properties and facilities which comprise the Alternate Sites. Alt Site Use_10-10-06.dac P2ge 2 Of 5 �l�'/033 5.2 Cost Responsibilities. In the event of a disaster no charge shall be made to the guest party by the host party for the fust thirty (30) days of use of an Altemate Site. If the guest party occupies an Altemate Site for more than thuty (30) days an appropriate tenant agreement will be executed between the host and the guest parties. Neither party shali charge the other for the use of an Altemate Site during a test of recovery capability. However, the guest party shall be responsible for any damage it may cause at a host party's Altemative Site, in accordance with Section 53 of this Agreement 5.3 Liabilities. Each party shall be responsible for its own acts and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law and shall not be responsible for the acts of the other party and the results thereof. The Board's liability and the Ciry's liability shall be governed by the Minnesota Municipal Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statute chapter 466, and all other laws applicable thereto. 6.0 Tesring• Each pazty may test recovery capability. This agreement provides for one (1) test per yeaz at each location. If more test time is needed, each garty will try to make the time available. Each agency will require a one-month written norice of requested test times. 7.0 Proiect Mana2ers. Board and City agree to assign the following personnel as their project managers for all matters concerning this Agreement ("Project Managers"): Board: Christine Meyer, Information Systems Manager Saint Paul Regional Water Services 1900 Rice Street, Plant Saint Paul, MN 55113 City: Paul Kurtz, Technical Services Division Manager Saint Paul Public Works Department 1000 City Hall Annex 25 Fourth Street West Saint Paul, MN 55102 S.Q Notice. All notices, requests, demands, and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if personally delivered or mailed to the Project Managers at the above addresses. 9.0 Term. This Agreement shall commence on the date of Saint Paul City Council approval or Boazd approval, whichever is later ("Commencement Date'� and shall remain in effect until ternunated in accordance with this Agreement. 10.0 Termination. This Agreement may be terminated in whole or in part, upon a six (6) month written notice by either party to the other. 11.0 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended in writing upon such terms and conditions as may be mutually agreeable between the parties. AIt Site Use_]0-10-06.doc Page 3 of 5 Ol� /a 12.0 Attachment The document(s) titled "Altemate Site Activation Procedures" are attached hereto and incorporated herein, and may be amended from time to time by written approval of Public Works D'uector and SPRWS General Manager. [Remainder of this page is left intentionally blank.] n�t s��e vse_iaio oa.ao� Page 4 of 5 ��'�� � � IN WITNFSS WHEREOF, the pazties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their behalf respectively as of the day and yeaz fust above written. Approved: � Stephen P. Schneider, General Manager Saint Paul Regional Water Services Approved as to form: � Assistant City Attorney BOARD OF WATER CONIMISS OF TF� CITY OF SAINT PAUL By Patrick Harris, President � 7anet Lindgren, Secretary Approved: � Bruce E. Beese, D'uector Public Works Department Approved as to form: � Assistant Ciry Attomey CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor Shari Moore, City Clerk By Matthew G. Smith, D'ue�tor Office of Financial Services Alt Site Use_IO-]0-06.doc Page 5 of 5 �� 3 � SPRWS Alternate Site Activation Procedures Customer Services Manageu►ent Team (Cashiering) Internal Operafions Snpport Team (Warehouse) Technology Recovery Team Water Production Team (Pumping Engineers) Once the decision has been made to declaze a disaster and the data center needs fo be relocated, a designated alternate facility will be activated. The Technology Recovery Team will convene at this pre-an•auged sife fo determiue what steps must be taken to uutiate the recovery pian. The Cashiering, Warehonse, and Pumping Engiueer functions will also convene at this site. Alternate data center is located at the Municipal Equipment Garage Building in the lower level, southwest corner. It is most often referred to as the Da1e Street server room. The Technology Recovery Team will have access to PCs in the area outside the Da1e Street server room. Alternate Site: Municipal Equipment Garage 891 North Dale Street Saint Paul, MN 55103 Contact Information: � '' ��"""�' .�� 891NDaleSt Laron Mundahl � . ;,� , " Public Works Municipal Equipment �a`� � ��� � (651) 488-9887 ��.�' � �'�� � ����� Bruce Riebe (Alternate) Pubiic Works Tnformation Services (651)266-6091 Access Procedures: 1) The Plauning Team member notifies Laron Mundahl or alternate that a zecovery site needs to be acrivated. 2� The Planning Team provides a list of SPRWS staff that aze authorized to report to this site to the Public Works Contact. June 5,2006 Ol� /D 33 SPRWS Alternate Site Activation Procedures Technolo� Team Qnce the decision has been made to declare a disaster a designated altemate facility will be acrivated. The Technologp Team may convene af this pre-arranged sife to determine what steps must be taken to initiate the recovery plan. Alternate Sife: Public Works Data Center 700 City Hall Annex 25 4�' Street W. St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Contact Information: Paul Kurtz Public Works Technical Services Phone: (651) 266-6203 Bruce Riebe (Alteinate) Public Works Informafion Services (651) 266-6a91 Dave Nelson Technical Services-Real Estate 1000 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th StreeY St. Paul, MN 55102 Phone: (b51) 266-8860 Access Procedures: 1) A Planning Team member notifies Paul Kurtz or alternate that a recovery site needs to be acfivated. 2) Technology Team members should use the elevators located off the 4�` Sh�eet entrauce. 5ite Notes Parldng: Closest parking ramps are located on both the east and west sides of Wabasha between 4�` and 5�` Streets, on the south side of 4"' Street two blocks east of Wabasha, and on the north side of 5` Street between St Peter and Wabasha Streets. The Public Works Data Center is located in the southeast corner of the 7�` floor. 3une 20, 2006 Dl��lO ,3 SPRWS Alternate Site Activation Procedures Intemal Operations Snpport Team Revenue Management Team Once the decision has been made to declare a disaster a designated altemate facility will be activated. The Internal Operations Snpport Team and Revenne Managemenf Team will convene at this pre-arranged site Yo determine what sfeps must be taken to initiate the recovery plan. Recovery Time Objective for access to PCs and network connecfivity at this site is 5 days. Alternate Site: Conference Room 40A City Hall and Courthouse 15 W Kellogg Blvd Saint Paul, MN 55102 Contact Information: Paul Kurtz Public Works Technical Services Phone:(651)266-b203 Dave Nelson Technical Services-Real Estate 1000 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street St. Paul, MN 55102 Phone: (651) 266-8860 Mike Reazdon Cable Office 68 City,Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Phone: (651) 266-8875 Access Procedures: 1) The Planning Team member notifies Paul Kurtz or alternate that a recovery site needs to be activated. 2) SPRWS employees must present proper idenfification when entering the City Hall or go through the security checkpoint. Site Notes Parlting: Closest pazking ramps are located on both the east and west sides of Wabasha between 4�' and 5�` Streets, on the south side of 4�` Street two blocks east of Wabasha, and on the north side of 5�' Street between St Peter and Wabasha Streets. The conference room is locafed in the basement of the City Hall. 7une 20, 2fl06 1(�-1�3� Public Works Alternate Site Activation Procedures Technology Recovery Team Once the decision has been made to declare a disaster and the data center needs to be relocated, a designafed alternate facIlaty will be activated. The Technology Recovery Team will convene at this pre-arranged site to deteruune what steps must be taken to initiate the recovery plan. Altemate data center is located on ihe third floor of the Water Treaiment Plant. The Technology Recovery Team will have access to PCs located in the Mississippi Room on the second floor. Alternate Site: McCarrons Center 1900 Rice Street Saint Paul, MN 55113 Contact Information: Tom Buth System Consultant Cell: (651) 325-1499 Home: (651) 488-8633 Christine Meyer (Alternate) Information Services Manager Work: (651) 266-6091 Home: (651) 738-9032 Access Procedures: 1) A Business Continuation Management (`BCM") Team member notifies Tom Buth or alternate that a recovery site needs to be activated. 2) The BCM Team provides a list of Public Works staff that aze authorized to report to this site to the SPRWS Contact. " June 5,2006 BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUT{ON - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Zanmiller COMMISSIONER Ol� -l� �3 No 6016 October 10, 2006 WFIEREAS, the Boazd of Water Commissioners (`Board") and the City of Saint Paul ("Cit}�') desire to each provide work sites for 5aint Paul Regional Water Services and Public Works Department respectively in the event that primary work sites aze rendered inhabitable; and WHEREAS, staff from Saint Paul Regional Water Services and Pubiic Works Depariment have drafted an agreement between the Boazd and the City which establishes such provisions of work sites at no cost to the other party for a period of up to thirty (30) days; and WHEREAS, the assistant city attorney has reviewed and approved said agreement as to form; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Agreement between the Boazd of Water Commissioners and the City of Saint Paul whereby the City shall provide alternate work sites for the Board's Saint Paul Regional Water Services, and the Board shali provide altemate work sites for the City's Public Works Department, as hereby approved, and that the proper officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute said Agreement on behalf of the Boazd. Water Commissioneis Yeas Anfang Naqs Kleindl Rassbach Vice President Zanmiller President Harris Adopted bp the Board of Water Commissioners October 10, 2006 In favor 5 Q 0 ✓ secr.