225087 ORIGIHA;TO CITY CLERK ' �/.��i �� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa `�a 1- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED dY COMMISSIONE �� pA� AUgLlS't 3O� 1.�5 RESOLVE'D, Tha,t the Couneil hereby approves the award o� the Contract Com�ittee therefor and hereby acwards contra,ct for furr�i.shiTlg all labor, materials, equipm�ent and ser�rices necessary f'or or reasonably incidental to the installation of �encing at Como Park, Hamljne Avenue and Jessaffiine Street and Va11ey Pl,ayground, Valley Street a,nd Jackson Street, Sa,int Paul, Minnesota, to CRCIWLEY FF.�iCE CC�II'ANY, IIQC. in accorda.nce with City p].as�s and specifications there�or hereto attached and the Formal Bid �1399 of sa3d Cx�airley Fence Compaay, Inc. �or the contra.ct price of $�+,770.00, such bid being the lcnrest and said Crourley Fence Coffipa�y, Inc. being a rea,sona.ble and reliable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw tzp �the proper �orm of contract therefor, an.d the proper City o�ficia].s hereby are aat,horized to execute sa3d contract on beha73 of the City o�' Sai.nt Paul. . - Fozmal Bid #13q9. . - � _ ._:- • _ _ - -- �- : ;_ - -- � - , - � - �- - . . :. - - ��r' � SEP 11965 COiJNCILMEN • Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish o7GP 1 ��� �D��,�— pproved 19— Loss S Tn Favor ` Meredith Peterson D Mayor A gainst ��'" PUBLISHED SEP 4 Mr. Presideat, Vavoulis ��� ioat aes DUrLIWTC TO rRIHT[R �'/�,_���� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa `��� � 0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM , ��,��r �iugust 3p, �.965 COMMISSIONE� DA� ��� �1�.�'i '�� Ci'OUIIC�l �Y'@�I �p2'O'V"�B '�ZB �i�l1,1'(�. O� '�'+� COl1'FiI'�.C'�i �bL9�:t.'�'r'ti!!1� '��1'02" Rt1C�. $el'��I �Sd.B C01L'C�1SLC'C �,'QZ' ��S�.YI$ S�.l �?Ox'� �.'G��� �QUj.�'� and serrrices n4c���yr �or or reaec�,b],Y inc�ci,�n�,l ta the 3.n.�'�a].7.�.tio�tt o� �ena�g at Ca�ao P�,�+lc, �aaaline Av�a.u,e �ud Jes�a�i.n�e Street and. i�sll�sy I'].�ygrou�d, �C�1.ey Stre�� �id ��,cksc�n Strae�, �e,in.t Pa�.ul, Kinne�o-�a, to C�WIS`3t 1�iC� CCl�'�,fYa I�. 3.n, a.cco�dar�.ce �rith �3�Ly pl,aus and s,��.�.�at,�.o�s '�h�r��or hex�to at�d �nd the Fqxm�.1. Bic�. �1399 of' �863.@ Cx�r�jr Fence Co�any: Inc. for �he confir�,ct pric� � �s77Q.00, such bid 'i�1ng the ].a�est �n.d said Crcnr].�y Fence Cc��Y� Inc. beiag �, �s,saa�abl� and r�]3�.b1� b3d,d,�r, an�. the CorpQr�,�3.on Coun�e7. be +And hereby i� directed to dra�r it� t.hs p�rper �or�a of cc�tract tl�er��or, and. th� proper C�ty o��Zci� hereby �re a�uthorl.�ed to �xecute s�.id cvntraa-� on be�al.f crP thc �ity o� �� Pau].. �'or�.1. Bid �].399• ��� � �� ' COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��� `� "� � . �.�, .,�,��_ Appro�� 19— Loss �) Tn FavOr Meredith Peterson � MByOr �tcose�— A 88,lIlSt Mr. President, Vavoulis ions sas