06-1029Council File # O/ —/D Green Sheet # 3034130 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � established at the rate set forth in Grade 024, of Bargaining Unit 09, the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization Salary Schedule, and be it 0 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period following its passage and approval. Etequested b Department of: �YGUI?1;?v�? lcLfd"YV1n�! i n ; 7� ,�i)�f ! � By: , � Form Approved by Ci ey By: �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� ���t.�.G Approv ay ate l( '�7'�� By: _ Form Ap - ved b yor for Su 'ss� uncil By: �_ �.� . �� . RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the new classification of Administrative Manager be �/_ _//),? 9 ��5� �,� .—�—� �� ? nErnx�rnrExT,o�icFecouivvcu,: DATS �T�.TED GREEN SHEET No:: 3034130 � Human Resources 10/31/06 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE: . IN�TT'w�^TE INt'LIAUDATE Sheila WilliaIIls, 266-6520 1 DEPA[t[MENf DIlL � s���� LeeA21II Turchin, 2b6-6517 ,asslc�D acrrrwnoaxex s�� IvUhffiERFOR MUST BE ON COUIVCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) R��1'ING 2 t�t�inxcutSm� Dm �1�N�•SERVlACCCG ORDER 4MAYOR(ORASSL.) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_i (CLIP ALL LOCATTONS FOR SIGNATURE) ncrio�v xEQvESZEn: Approve the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the new classification titled Administrarive Manager in Grade 024 of b.u. 09, Saint Paul Supervisors Organization. RECOMMENDA't10NS: Appmve (A) orReject (R) PERSOIVAL SERViCE CONTRACTS MUSi ANSWER TRE FOLLOWING QUFSTIONS: 1. HasthispessoNCmmeverworkedwderacanCactforthisdepartmenC! PLANNQJG COMIvIISSION Yes No -- CIB COMMI7TEE 2. Has thu persoNfum ever been a city emp�oyee? CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION Ya No • — 3. Dou dvs persod5rtnpossess a skill not nomally possessed by a� curcent city euqiloyee4 — Yes No — � 4. Ls Ntis peesan/fian a targered vendor4 — Yu No Ezpltin all yes aatwers on aeparate she¢t and sttaCh to green 5heet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOATUNITY (Who� What, When, Where, Why): The Fire Depashnent requested that Human Resources study the composite duties of a posirion to determine the appropriate classification and compensation within the Accountant job series. Our office detennined that the position has additional management responsibilities that distinguish it from expectations of most Accountant positions. Therefore, a new classification is being created ritled Administrative Manager. auvarrTncES iF arrxovEn: Appropriate compensation will be assigned to the new classificafion in accordance with the City's job evaluation system. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: NOIlO. visnuvnr�rwcES tF Nox arrxovEn: Appropriate compensation will not be assigned to the new classification. This may limit the City's ability to successfully recruit, hire and retain qualified candidates who possess the knowledge and skills required for the budgetary and administrative duties in the Fire Department. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: COST/RF.VENUE BUDGETED: Y8S FUNDING SOURCE: General Fund ACTIVITY NUMBER: 05001 FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� Salary cost is $2,450.58 biweekly or $63,960.14 yearly. . I:�Systems Development Section\Org Design\Consultan[-WilliamsVSheila's Class WorkV Swai�con, Fire Acctnt Study 5-2006�Admin Mgr vreensnec�.uu� � �@���� ��� � ,} � II. .', ��� Q � �� Proposed Title of Class: DESCRIPTION OF R'ORK The City of Saint Paul Class Specification ADNIINISTRATIVE MANAGER 0� -�oa-� CODE: 314B BU: 09 Effecrive: General Dutv Statement: Performs responsible professional and administrative work managing progams, special projects, finances, and units or divisions of a department. Manages core services, develops and implements deparhnental plans, manages financial functions and gant administrarion, and coordinates human resource and community liaison work. Performs related work as requested. Suvervision Received: Works under the general supervision of a department head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises full supervisory authority over clerical, technical, professional, and lower-level supervisory staff. COMPETENCIES Demonsirates a full understanding of the modern principles and theories of public and/or business admimstration including, sh'ategic planning, budget analysis, and project management. Demonstrates an ability to use that understanding in idenrifying and resolving complex issues and challenges associated with the work. Demonstrates a full understanding of the organizarional structure and general functions of state and local government. Demonstrates an ability to use that understanding in identifying and resolving complex issues and challenges assomated with the wark. Demonstrates the ability to identify sources of funding for programs and projects; and demonstrates the ability to make appropriate application for and successfully obtain such funding. Demonstrates the ability to manage assigned units, prograxns and projects that may have changing priorities and Citywide impact. Demonstrates the ability to negotiate and meet deadlines, to prioritize immediate and long range issues; and demonstrates the ability to plan and take effective and appropriate achon. Demonstrates the ability to coordinate the development and implementation of a multimiilion dollar budget and demonstrates the ability to monitor the use of associated funds. Demonstrates the ability to identify risks and liabilities associated with budgets, programs and projects and to identify solutions for management personnel or appropnate legal counsel. Demonstrates the abihty to effectively assist City officials, department or office directors, division managers, line staff, customers, and community stakeholders in planning, problem solving, and analysis. Demonstrates effective leadership by providing appropriate work direction to subordinate employees, by promofing the mission and vision of the unit and the City, and by reinforcing desired work behaviors and by encouraging the creafion of a posirive work environment for assigned staf£ Demonsirates the ability to facilitate the group problem solving process, recognizing positive results, managing conflict, and negotiating sarisfactory outcomes. Demonstrates the ability to listen, speak, and write, m an effecrive manner, with a diverse group of individuals, including elected officials, department and office directors, representatives of other jurisdicrions and private organizations, managers, subordinate employees, and the general public. Demonstrates the ability to transfer one's lrnowledge to others and positively influence others. Demonstrates the ability to provide for and encourage the creation of a positive work environment for assigned staff and coworkers. ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGER Page I Proposed Title of Class: ADNIINISTRATIVE MANAGER CODE: 314B BU: 09 Effecrive: Demonstrates the ability to gather, analyze, and organize inforxnation, conduct compazative analyses, make recommendarions supported by idenrified facts, and present clear recommendations to management. Demonstrates sldll in operating a computer keyboard, mouse, peripheral devices and related software; keeps current on advances in job-related softwaze. Demonstrates the ability to conduct and direct others in conducting customer service needs analysis. Demonsh the ability to identify the service needs of a diverse group of mternal and external customers. Demonstrates the ability to develop customer service standards that effectively respond to those needs. REQiJIREMENTS Bachelor's degree in public administrarion, business administrarion, or a related field and six years of professional level administrarive experience that would include experience in program or project development and management, strategic planning, budget development and administration, and supervision of an assigned staff. ADMII�tISTRATNE MANAGER Page 2