225057 r. • � �J A OR161NAL TO CITY CLERK � ��(`�� ` CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL ND v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED RY �+r,n R..�.,,, �i,T�w r1.G�\���`�`.!� gU S't, 1965 COMMISSIONER- �'�'�=='=� ` � DA?E �' � WHEFiEAS� By authority of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1959, Chapter 300, H. F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved �1ay 2� 1959, the City of Saint Paul� may pa.y a portiqn of �he assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction, when sucYs costs � exceed�the benefits to the property owner, TrJHEREAS� It has been detgrmined that the follotaing described parcels of property be relieved of the following a.moun.ts: Description gmount Lot 12, Block 7� Sarma.el Zeechea Addition $ 190.97 T�1ith easements; So. 1/2 of Lot 13, Block 7, Samuel Leeches Add. 94•11 (Except E. 93 �t.) Lot 9, Block 7, Samuel Leeches Add. L,1.01 (Except E. 93 F't.) Lot g� Block 7, Samuel Leeches Add. L,1..01 �cept So. 19 Ft. of E. 1I�.8 Ft. of W. 17.3 Ft. thereof; � So. 53.33 Ft. of No. 113.33 Ft. of Lots 13 and 14, Block �, Samuel Leeches 9ddition 260.77 Lot 1l�� Block 8� Merriam Paxk Second gddition 206.93 Lot 5, Block �� Macalester .Vi]1as 168.61� I�ot 15, Block 3� G. G. Whitney�s Riverton Place 159.26 Lot 16, Block 3� G. G. TrThitney's Riverton Place 15�.36 Lot 16, Block L�, G. G. Whitney's Riverton Place 165.15 Lot 15 and w. � Ft. of Lot 1/�, Block g, Louden Park 139.59 Lot 16 and W. 5 Ft. of Lot 17, Block �, I,ouden Park 139.46 Lot .l4, Block 2� Wright's Reaxrangement of Blocks 22, 23, 24 �d 25 of Anna E. Ramsey's Addition � 229.0� Lots 1, 2 and 3, Knowlton's Subd. of pa.rt of Block 35, Stinson� Brown and Ramse�r's Addition 150.7$ Lot 40� Block 2, Thomas Dalyts Subd.. of Block two (2) of Stinson, Brown a.nd Ramsey's Addition ' 19�.78 Lot 1, Block 6, Clarke's gddition 165.9g }�,�� � COIJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— I`� Yeas Nays Dalglish � Holland Approvec� 19— Los s Tn Favor Meredith Peterson MByor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ioas e.es � � , a� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLEHK ��`�� • CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL ND U OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�IONER r'�-lton Rosen, Public jdorks Augv.st, 1965 DATF Description Page 2 Amount , I,ot l�.0� Block 6� Clarke's Addition � 165.56 Lot 12� Stin'sons Subd. of Block three (3) of Stinson� Brown a.nd Ramsey's Addition 20�.74 No. 20 Ft. of Lot 1/. and all of Lot 13, Stinson's Subd. of Block 3, of Stinson, Bro�an and Ramsey's Addition � ]_/.g.10 No. 1/2 of ?�ots 8, 9 and 10� Block 9, Norwood gddition 127-.35 W. 75 Ft. of Lots 6 and 7� Whita.ne, �,u�n.er and Lepperis Subd. of - Block 1� i.n. Z��iLles Addition 121.87 W. 1�2 of Lot 2 a.nd a11 of Lot 3 a.nd E. 1�2 of Lot I�, Block 10, Norwood gd.dition �, 5�.50 (Except Prior gvenue and alley) Lot 62 and the E. 1� Ft. of Lot 61� Block 3, Rosedale� Park � 213.23 (Except Prior Ave. a.nd�except alley) Lot 26, Block !�, Rosedale Paxk 213.23 � No. 25 Ft. of Lot 2 a.nd all of' Lot 1� Block 11, Dyer's Rearrangement of pa.rt of Ma.calester Park 152.�4 � _ , TOTAL �3,913.3� WHEtZEAS� The to-tal a�iount=of assessable costs the City may pa.y is �3,913.30, now therefore be it� RESOLVED� That t he Commissioner of Public T�Iorks be and he is hereby authorized to pay �rom the Permanen.t Im.provement Revolving Fizn.d, Code 6000, the amount of �3,913.30, a portion of'the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction under the 1963 Sidewalk Con- tract 63�277� I�evy No. 10, District No. 2, L-6543, said Permanent Improvement Revolv- ing Fund to be re�bursed from the City's Share of Local Improvement gid Pund, 0920-701. �1965): • . 'AUG 311965 �. COUNCILhiEN Adopted by the Council I9._ Yeas Nays , � Dalglish AUG 31 �6� Holland (1 A roved - ' 19— Loss 1� Tn Favor • Meredith Pete rs on , 1/ �yOr , ! V A gainst `��� �PUBLISHED SEP 4 �9� Mr. President, Vavoulis { lOM 6�64 1 F • • DUrLICAT[TO rRINT[R ���� �' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM • rRESENTED tY �;].�on �oaen Pa'blic3 �Tork� �, �:9b�S COMMISSIONER t DA� �3� T�' a��or�,�;� oP the �we� o�' I#rineeoi�,a fb� � y�r 1959 4l�pter 300,. �. �'. 2I7 aad rati#'i.ed b� t3.F. Ho. �.9�.1.6� app�red �aq► z� i9�9� '� �it3r oF �a3nt P�u1� �,y' L�q a �artion of f,he �,e����ab1+� oo�t.e o!' S3,d�vaZY Cot�et�aot�,oa� Whe� 8�eoh c�a�,�e �taeed th� bena�,t� '�o t�ie pa►op�rEy` o�er� � iiHER�8�5�,. It h�� beea d��ed t,ha� th� to� d.�ecr3.b�1 p�rdel.a o�' l�opert�r be re1i�►ed of' � to].�.o�g a�uz�te� �e�a�9.p�ar� �ra�n� .�....._:. �,it 3.2� B�.oc�]c 7s 3a�1 Leeahe� l�.d3tioa � 3'�4.97 i�it� eas�ea�� So. � o� I�.t i9x B�ak q�. 9�na�e7. L�eahe� Add. 91�.�,7. (�zcc�pi� E. 93 F�t.) Iat 9f B].oalc 7, 3e�ruel Iseohee� ABd. 4�..01 ��c�pt E. 93 �.j �rt S� B�[.oc� 7, �a�ni�.t L�eals�e Ac1.d. , ,�..ol �pt So� 3q �t. ot E. �� Ftt of �W:. 17+�3 Ft� �rea�'� , So. �3,33 I'`�. of IQo�, 713,�3 �. rif T,ots� ]3 �acd ].1�, Bloc�lc �, S�xuel Leeohes Add9.t�om 260.77 �,c►t 1�y. �7.t:a� 8� M�rr�t A�.rk �orx� Add;�t� 20b.93 La� 5, Bioo� 8�, M�c�.7.��rter Vi11�e � 168.b¢. i�ot Y�� B1oa�c 3� (�. a.: wh�,tne��a &'Lv�r,�on �c� 159.a6 �o� �.6� B�.oalc 3 j �• R. �1h3.�a�*t e �ti.�erto� Pl�ce 15�.� Lot 16;, �3.oa3� � G. ��. Whi.�te l�f.�rtoxr �ab �.�i�.5 La� 15� a�nd w. 8 Ft. 'at L�t it�� B'loaic g� Lo�d� 1�t �9.�9 � i6 a� W. 5 �. a�' I�� 1?� � g�;. �1� P�]c 139..� � �j �.QO'�L �� ��'�,$�1'�51 S �Q8,1'�'�'i O�' 8�C4�N! �j i��i �y � .Z� C�f' � �. R�1�8��8 ��$�.O!'l. , . �•� Brot�a �nd �s3�i e��lddi�3on �nbd� o� pa,�t c�t' Blaa]E 3�� s�►qc�nR i50+?$ � Iot �Q� H�.ou1t �f TY�or�� D�t� 5�bd. of B1oe1L �q {2) ot' � 3t�n�on�, Brovn at�d �,ss�'�a �.c1.1,�3c�a Z�B.?8 �,o� z,, B1c�l� 6�. C1ar3ce�s �d.di.� �.6�.9� . COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approv�l 19— Loss Tn FAVOr � Metedith Peterson �y�r A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions �m � ~ ~ •DUrLIWTC Ts rRIHT[R /����/� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� `� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►IESENTED�Y r�.1.:1.'tiO11 ���1,�, �Z�.� WOY�Y�1 �� Z� COMMISSIONE� DAT� , D��ar�, ion � � ema�nt ._.._.. ........_ T,ot 1�0, $7.oc]� 6,� �'e 9d�13t3e� � 165+►55 I�dt �,2�, S�n�son� �abd� oS B1oaY fi,hx'�� (3� ot' S$�,risozt� Brot�n and Rama�y�� Additio� , 208.7� l�o., 20 �`t. of Idt � a►�d: �.i.3. of T�t ���, Sti�o�!e Snbd• c�t' Blacsk 3� of 3�,ineo�3 Bra�n. �nd �y�� l�dd�'t►�,an ' � L.�8.�0 �o. 1/2.of �ot� �y. 9 �ad .�.0# B1.oG]c 9� �or�od �Zt�o�d► 129..3� Wr,.75 �. o� Ia� 6 �d ?, �.'�rute� �urner ancl I�pp�r��� S�bal. e�' B1ook 1� x.0 W3�7.e� Ad.dit,i.o� ].?�7..�'�' W. 1/2 0�' �crt � r�nd e,7,7. oE I�t 3 anc3 �. �./2 0� �ot d,� Bloolc 10�, �torwuod �Sdd3t� � �.50' ��xcep� Prior Av�ne �.nd s1.�.e�) I�� 6� �1 th� �F. � Ft�, of T�o� 6�,. Bloc�c 3�, Ro�eda�.g A�lc ` ' �13.2�- (�ept Pr`Eor Are. a�o't"eocasp�t a�l].ey� � 26� Bloc�t d�„ �o�s6,e�'.� P�rlc 21��23` �o. 25 �. af Lot 2 �;ncl a�. o� �d�C 7.� 8'14�c 11i Dferla Rs�eat of p�rt o�' I��].e�tsr �arlC 152•Sl�y �'oT� �3s�.3.30 W�R � #ot�„1. a�t �f ae�e�eahle aoata th� Ci�� m�►y' Pe�,Y � �3i913.30, nbr� t�sr�fore t� �.ta: - - ���D 'i'ha.� �he Caa�+�,ea�er 4�' �tblta itprkes be and he �.e h�b�' av.thot�.sed to pay ft�aa the �er�asnt T�p�ove�eIIt R�vol,r�.ng �ind� Ccdt G000! tha e�oamt c►€ �3t,9],3,30, a po�on of�he ae�e��,b�.� aos�.a af S�desra]�c Corisf,ruAt�,om� ut�der � �.�j63 31.deue�l]c Coa» tract 63-1�-,�T'!i �r No;� 14, DSetr3.c:t �fo. 2, �6�13 � Pera�a�nt I�p�royrea�t Re�o1v- in8 I�nd f.o be r��bnr��d frc� f,h� Citg�� �h+� ot' ��1 Impa�ovee�nt A�,d �hmd.� 0�20-►70�.. t�.965). • � AUG � 11� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish AVC1 � 1 ���,� Holland Approv� 19_ Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � �AyOr ��tesen"'� A 8'��t . Mr. President, Vavoulis -� 1or� e-�