06-1028Council File # Q� - /�d O' Green Sheet # 3034129 RESOLUTION CITY�F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented � RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of 5aint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the 2 attached Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the American Federarion 3 of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Council #14, Technical #1842 to extend 4 the previously-approved pilot project within the Department of Public Works, for the job 5 classifications of Engineering Aide I and II, and Public Works Technician I, II, and III. Adopted by CouncIl: Date // ��°, ��Q� Adoprion Certified by Cou cil Secretary g � � i , Approved r: Date t � Z� D� By: Form A rov d b a r S mission to CouncIl By: � � � Form Appr3D�d by i ttomey ' ) B _/ GS�- DEPARTNIENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL: � DATE Human Resources CONTACi PERSON & PHONE: I.eeAnn Turchin, 266-6517 MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) INITIATED 10/31/06 ASSIGIVED NUMBERFOR ROUTP7G ORDER GREEN SHEET rra.: 3034129 0� /Odi 6 ATE iN1'I7ALNA'CS 1 DEPAATtkN'C DRC � 4 CITY COUNCIL 2 CISY AiTORNEY g �y�r=ar FINANCtAL SE&V DRt S1.fAYOR(ORASSI.) TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES_I (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) acr[oN �QuES'rEn: Approval.of attached Memorandum'of Agreement (MOA) between the City and AFSCME Local #1842 is requested. The MOA replaces the previously-approved pilot project MOA for the Civil Engineering Technician Job Family. RECOMMENDAIIONS: App�ve (A) or Reject (R) PLANNING COhIMISSION _Cffi COMhffTLEE _CIVI[. SERVICE WA4IISSION PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSK'ER THE FOLLOWING QUEST[ONS: L HastfiispersodfirmeverworkedmderaconhactforUrisdepazbmnCl Yu No 2. Has this persod5tm everbeen a city employex? Yes Na 3. Dow thu persodfirtn possus a sidll iwt nom+aDy possessed by any curtent city e�loyee? Yes No 4. Is dtis persadfvm a mrgekd vendaYl Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and ettaCh to g�ee� Sh¢¢t WITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUA`ITY (Who, wna�, wne�, wnere wny>: The purpose of this agreement is to continue the originally-established pilot project ritled "Saint Paul Public Works Competency Modeling Project Engineering Aide I- Engineering Technical Supervisor dated Mazch 20, 2001" and the "Civil Engineer Technician Job Family Competency Matri�c dated Decexnber 21, 2Q00, revised May 1, 2006." The City and AFSCME agree that the extension of the pilot project shall continue to apply to those employees of the Department of Public Works who hold posi6ons allocated to the Engineering Aide I and II, and the Public Works Technician I, II, and Itf classes and who aze represented by AFSCME. pnvan racES iF nrrxoveu: The Deparhnent of Public Works and the AFSCME-represented employees at the Saint Paul Public Works Department will both realize benefits evolving from the modification of the Civil Service Rules noted in the attached MOA. DLSADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: NOriC. nisnnvariTacES n' Noz nrrxovEn: The current system of hiring, devised as part of the pilot project, will cease and a return to the older testing model will occur. TOTAL AMOUNT OFTRANSACTION: FUNDING SOURCE: FINANC'IAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII� COST/REVENIIE BUDGETED: ACTIVITY NUMBER: ����! Y L.� N 0 y� l. 2006 No additional costs are involved. i. ! � " , � � „ ROU'IING ORDER_ , „ ' Betow �e caaect foi the �c most of doc�ents.' � , routm8s &e4nent'types � , � �; , „ b eiasta C�UNCIGRFSOLUTCON' amwdb " , CONTRACTS'(ass�mes �riz.ed ndget, ) , (, nd8efs/a�pt BLmts) „ � � 1" �de2�geucy , � � � �.�� , ,: � 2,DiepachnwiDxectac ���� � � � 2.O�ceofEw�st,ServiceSDuector . 4. `Mayor/ �,(f� conh�acts over $25 000) 4" ��sFanf, i„ � � � r � � 5: AnmanAights(fori:onhactsovu$SO,OOd) 5. CitpCo�c1 � Office ina�iaiSeivices- �6.,0fficeoEE"maucisiSeraices- ' 6. ofF �B � Accwntin8 � � ADMINLSTRATIVEORDF.lLS'(BndBetRevisiou) COL3NCII.RESOLUTION(allnthez5snd �Ocdcn�oe§j,' 1'= Aclivii�+Man88�'�'�P��tAcxonntsnt 1,;Dep�CDicect� o � bep Ditector'; � � r f.'' � i� x ��� h „ 2. m� , ChiY 3.OfficeofF'�ncialSeryicesDuectot 3 Ma9orf?1ss�sf�ant' 4. , C�1y Clerk" ^ 4 Ca�7 ' 5.'O�ceofFinancial'Savices=A�ting ' " � ' ADMIAII3TRATIVEO othas) � , ; F.�ECC�1iVEORDIIY � �� � � �� � � �, � RDERS (all �: �� ; i ��� i�iu�,� � 2. CitpAttomey ` Z. CdyAtbomey :, 3., OfficeafF"�caslSer¢icesD�recfor 3 lvray�/A�nt; � � � 4:. C' �Clak" � � � `� C�F� i!+ �S^ I � � „ , , , � TOTAL NUM�:R OF SIGNAIVRE'PAGES , , � . , - Indicate the # of an wluchfse ace or ,' , P� � ��P��P ���t�aegages. q �� i � , � ACIION�ItEQUESTED, � � � � � � �� � �� � � D�be wliaf tfiepmj'� seelcs to a�Iish m e��cal�o� or order ofim�ocfaace, wFucheaer �s most�roprietefacthei9soe. Donotwriteco�letes�. �neach�mm��hstw�tlt°averiir. � RF.eOTvffv1ENDATIONS,' � �� ����� � � � � ?'I�� ' � °' Complete if;the �sae m question Las bcen pre.seoted before anY�P P�+� ��P�'� n � � � � � �,� „ „ � �PERSONl1L SIItVICE�CONIRACT$ � �� � � ,.� � ' � � ' � as�liod�mmetfiearly''s �fia6il�tyForwodcecs prop,ea �� � TE�is mfamat[on witl Ue cia�s taxes ��service�Lirm'gr'ule.s � � � i � � �,,;� „ FP7ITTAT ORPORTUNffY , rm i i i ii.�r I ,�.i �li ���� }'°iiJ�waal��W'°¢uv""� $�������� Ir�lf y �'�.il Ili 1 i �i.� ��II ���III��I� �I I�� �JI p" i .I��i,�,. I, I i �' �`KY' j I �„� rv,' .I,q�,.��� II a�� � �� tl n Nl�i,, III I�� pl�e..n��Ihr,,Nl i l � q� u�IIP6J I��AI�ry IIVI 4Y �nn��h�n� �l�ii�llli i14�y�I:Y�� I� � i 1 Yll�ll'��11� ��1 i l,�io P I'"61�{'n� ���:nml � � ADVAN£AGSSIF� , �kPEROVED � � � ' � � ��, � , � � � Inilicatewhetl�tius'iss�mPiF���P���bYlaw/cbmta�orwhetheritiereaz , whtch,the City� ofSaintPaot a� �s citrz�ss vq�benefitfrom,@ris �ojedlachon. ' � r , � , , DLSADVL�ITAC,ESI�t4�0�/EQ ^ �' , " � � �; ° . - - EQ . ,.' .p s � � �, � � ��,�� �� r,; � �� � � � eff'ffecLcor� `ot to! �ac'� i 8us� �Ert,is�passed QFhef P�)���N� P� �g�ve maJ chsa8es e�stin8 � P�P���, , � (e:&.�tra�cdetays noise,tiaxmcreasesora�ses�en4s}�4 Tawh�? WIi�?T�fiodt�;Tang?i i i � i � a,� � i,o�:�� i �� � i � �i i �„ � �DISAD�IANTAGE9IE�NOT?1PPROVED �. � �� , (�' S` , , ��� , �' , ', Vcihacw,utemenegative�,consequences�ftheprot�sea'aoa�Ssaotdpprovea? rnatilitytoaetivers�2 co�z�,' hightr9ffqubi,sc,scxidenftate77:ossofreveuue7 i r' � � � � ^�; � � � � �EfiVANClAi:�Ilvff�ACT � , ��,�,,� <�„ � ,��� , � uide hs� to the�� � , an mast answer ?ad� the �ffoimatian �e � � ',; � ,� ���� � Aldiougfiyoumvst„ Y�P� . � , 3� �� �Y°tr twa q�eshons. xiow mu�r is �t gomg t'o cos� �Wlio �s gwpgtq'pa}� � " , ' � � „ , , � � � „ � � � � , ,� � ����� � �.f . I , , � r�'a�, I 'i !. i � I i ':; � � i i i , � ' 'i �' �i i �ii �,. i ii �- I i I,� I �'i, ' �'�� li i�� i li I I''I � I I� ill I i�, d��l i! � i�.�.'i�. , i �;, i� II iI.V. � i"..n . i. ���v.,i � I �4iu.�„� � J ai,liJ'or�� iifti �nil'�•�IG` a,u,�ilti�i ����JI,l�Ild, rii�!16�r.'ul.l�.r.li isiw.iu� , i �r .,,. p6 �/o� � Memorandum of Agreement "�'� �{,�,,�^/ This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is made and entered into this 3� day of 1�171�1'N' 2006, by and between the City of Saint Paul (hereinafter referred to as City }, and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (hereinafter referred 4o as AFSCME ). The purpose of this agreement is to continue the ori° nally-established pilot project tifled "Saint Paul Public Works Competency Modeling Proj ect Engineering Aide I- Engineering Tectmical Supervisor dated Much 20, 2001 and the . Civil Engineer Technician 7ob Family Competency Mah dated December 21, 2000, revised May 1, 2006 . The City and AFSCME agee that the extension of the pilot proj ect shall continue to apply to those employees of the Department of Public Works who hold positions allocated to the Engineer Aide I and II, and the Public VJorks Technician I, II, and III classes and who aze represented by AFSCME. Also, the City and AFSCME agree that the following Civil Service Rules, as modified, sk�all continue to be used in the administration of the competency-based classification system developed by the pilot proj ect: Civil Service Rule 6.B (Exuninarion Contents) shall allow qualifying examinarions, e.g, pass/fail for promorion candidates instead of for only original entrants. This rule, as modified, shall be used only for examinations used to detemune eligible candidates for promotional vacancies in positions allocated to the Engineering Aide I, and II, and Public Works Teclmician I, II, and III classes in the Department of Public Works. 2. Civil Service Rule 7(Eligible Lists) shall allow for promotion eligible lists established for Civil Engineering Aide I, and II, and Public Works Technician I, II, and III vacancies in the Department of Public Works to remain in effect indefinitely. It is further agreed that grievances arising from terms and conditions of employment in the City of Saint Paul Civil Service Rules and Salary Plan and Rate of Compensation shall continue to be processed through the procedure outlined in the current collective bazo ining agreement beriveen the City and AFSCME. Any grievances arising from alleged violations of the procedures established in said competency system shall also be subject to the aforemenrioned grievance procedure. However, because both parties aclmowledge that the City retains its inherent managerial rights to evaluate and select staff, any concems regazding the substanrive determinations of a Competency Review Board shall be appealed solely to the Civil Service Coxnxnission. Finally, it is further agreed that this Memorandum of Agreement shall continue to be in force for two months until December 30, 2006, until the parties can agree upon a further specific continuation period for the pilot project, unless the City and AFSCME Local #1842 mutually agree to end or modify said agreement prior to December 30, 2006. City Human AFSCME SchmidtX Chris Cowen, Business Relations Manager AFSCME Technical #1 C:�Documents and Settings\CCowen�Local Settings\Temporary Intemet Files\OLKIF�AFSCME Tech Cont MOA First Ext 10 30 06.doc