225042 .,��� L • '� �l " ` -
� ` � � � �25�3�2 �- .
;� . �: . .
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• . By .
' . File No. $779� ` . .
. . . � � - -
In the Matter of reco�'t�'tic�i�rig t,l� �ici.��.lt ori th� ���t .A3� 9�' W�slii.�rl. St. -
�Pxom �'ourth S�. t�-�`i.�t�► �t. atic� b,y �.qi,tig �lx. other wQrk�rY�.�l# i� .i�et`e��ry �u$ " .
incidental fi.� ��i3�ate :�a�,d #�rov�mebt: � � .
?r; ". • , - .
. under Prelimina,ry Order ��'� approver� ��Y S� 19�5 -
,' Intermediary Order _approved
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, a,nd the Council
;� having heaxd all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and�having fully considered
the same; therefore, be it ` '
RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St.�Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- - -
provement ta be made by the said City is
#.q��eco��ruat �� ��d.e�ralk aaa t,�e e�s� ��dc� ,A� �1a�b,in�t�a� s�. .�rca�t Faur�h 3t..ta .
, F�Ch �t. �d �b�r dt�ing..811 of�a,ei� work�al�:c�i .�,� necessary e�, �,n��.deat�: �a �amp�,e�
ea.id .im,pravemef�t. , . � .
� , and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.� - � ' . �
RESOLV�D FUR,THE�i,, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and '
directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and.submit same ta the Council for
approval; that upon said approval, the pro!per city officials axe hereby authorized and directed to pro-
- ceed with the making of said•improvement in accordance therewith.
� , . - . � � " � A�G ��196�
COUNCII�MEN � _ Adopted by the Counc�l - �
r ,
Yeas Dalg►isFf Na�s UG � 1���
Holland ' , Approve -
Loss - - �
Peterson n Favor �
���,�. � � . , . Mayor
� -Vavoulis ' �7 - � � �
. , Against pUBLISHED SEP 4 196�
6-68 2M' 8� R-1 '
` ��' - Dist. No. 4 � � -- �
.�"- s� _� - . .
�'r E.S. Washington St. - Fourth St. to Fifth St. ��9,�
. ��°��o
July 15th. 19 65
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre-
liminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 224386
approved July 8th. 19 65 relative to reconstructing the sidewalk
on the east side of Washington St. from Fourth St. to Fifth St. and by doing all other
work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement
and having investigated the matters and things re�ferred to therein, hereby
reports: `
1, The estimated cost thereof is $• 10.00 per lin. ft. for 5" mono. integral
�rb-sidewalk 10 ft. wide. Extra work (excav , fill, reinf conc rem'd, drivewa cross-
ings, block work, etc.) at extra cost. � ��.
� G�
2. A plan� profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached
and made a part hereof.
��5�6f11 1
3. Initiated by the �4nis� on � f Public Works X �
ti �
4, Improvement i s a ed $��r»u5on � i ti on
' � RECEIVpE� � � ;
�' DEPT. OF ,��
��5, FIN�LE Lti� � �, �� �
��'c f`1�0��°�'� .
Commi ssi oner of Public Works