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�./ ((('''���^• p y� ,{./� 1 ORIGIHAL T�;ITY CLERK i �/'��� 0 � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa i"� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � ENTED EY COMMISSIONER pA� �IQUS�' 26� 1965 RES.OL�/Ep, Thai' the C�uncil here�y conc"vrs in. the recQmrr�gndafiior� of fihe PuXchasi�q CoKnr�i#tee t,herefo,� .and heXeby aWards .cor�t�'a:ct for fumishing �hd deliy�rULg gasolihe to �Yair�ou$ c�epa�mer�ts of the City of St. Pau� (tncluding, 'Cou.nty o� Ramsey� Ramsey Couhty �IV,elf.a�e Boqr-d, ;D�t. 8� Corr. A�thority .a�,d ,It�dependenfi Schpol bistrtct �625) duXit�g p�riocy_ of o�ie �rear from- Sep.t�er �, 1965 � fio SINCLAIR REFI.NI`NG CO�VIP�P[1� jr� accot�dqnce-,vy�h Clfy 'spec.��t.cdttorts there�or hereto �attached ar�d t�e'Formal ��i,d ��409 of .said. Sinc,lair REfini.r�g Cofnppny ��or the co�trac� price .of app�ox��nate�y $;�,00,389;62, rr�ore or I��s accor�ing to �equice,ments crncl-qt ur�it p�ices bid, ----=_�• ._, � � , su�h bicl. bei�g �he I,oyv�sfi c{nd sdid bidde� b�irjg d_�ga�onable and r.�liable on� .an� the Corporation Couhs�� be �ahal hereby is d;�rected t4� dXayy up the .p�oper �o�rn;bf �contracf therefor � - - '_ ' < < • . anc� the proper offic�a�s her.eby Qre authQr.ized to .execute 5aicl cQntt�ct. ��ot�na� B�d �1409 ., w . _ .� r_ . ._ . . _ .. _ . . _ _ . _ _�--_.-. _ - _ . � , . � a - : AUG 2 6 � COiJNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays AUG 2 6 �� . Dalglish ' Holland " pproved 19— Loss Favor Meredith Peterson �AyOr Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED Au�' 2 $ ,�� ions e-as - DUrLICAT[�O MINTtR (>���i �/��� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �j `�# � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rR�r,rEC nr August �6 1965 COMMISSIONE� DATF � RESOLyEp, That fi'� Counci� h�reby c�+�cur� i�n �h�s �s�orr�nst�clattorr �f the Puf�wa�r� �omnaltt� there�or and h�'at�► rnra� cotttra�t for furr�:h�r�g ar►d deliv�rir�g gasotir� i�o varla,# d�artm�s af th� Clf� of Sfi. �aul (inc�uclipg Go�rdy cf Ra�y, Rcmcey Coc�rktyy W�tlfar�t BQa�rl, bff. � Corr. Aufihoei0y and I�d�Rst�t�t Sc�oal Di�'rid� �b?.5� +d��r� p�tod o� one y�ar from Septerb� t, 1965 #o SINCLAlR R���NING C4MPANY in a�coa�dane� w�h Ctty sp�cif�cal�i� �h�a� h�c, attach.d and the Fc�rrra� $�d �1�� af 9aid SincNair R.fir�n� C�y �or th� cr�tnqd� pr��. of ap�ra�m�rte�y $rOCl,389.6�, more tx �eru a�or�dit� ib nqulr�m� and afi un�t p��+� btd, ��Gh bid �►�r�g th�e Ip�rs� and .oa�d bidd�r b�tng a r�ttable Qrid ra�tabMe o�s and th� Cp;pernttior+ Cour�l � at�d harQby is dit�ecterl �o �ehaw up th� pfoper fot'm of �or�tr�ct 3h�r�for a�d thr� pro� flffi�iq4s h�'$lay �� c�uthor�ae�tl to e��u�e �patd r.oM�qd'. �orrrwi Bid �14I39 AUG `'6 �� COUNCILII�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �lglis� AUG 2 6196� Holland Appro�� 19— Loss Favor Meredith Peterson � �yOr A g81I18t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� e-�