225017 ORIGlNAL TO CITY GLENK �?^'��� L " CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � tj ° � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED dY Mi 1 ton Rose s i.ar� f Publ i c Works Au_ ust 26 1965 COMMISSIONE DA� � � In the matter of grading and surfacing veith bituminous material FARRINGTON STREET from Larch St. to Atwater St. and LARCH STR�ET from Farrington Street to a point 342 feet east of the east line of Farrington Street, under Preliminary Order 222471, approved March 16, . 1965, and Final Order 223836, approved June 8, 1965. ` RESOLUED, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works be and the same are hereby approved and be it FURTHER RESOLV�D, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to advertise for bids on this improvement. � A�� 26 � ��� COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays p . . AUG 2 51966 Holland � pproved 19— Loss , `� Tn FSV02' � Meredith � Peterson l� Mayor A gainst �_�2�wEie�ade�g�;��°`u� pUBLISHED AUG 2 � ��� „�Nlr. Vice President (Rosen�� � ion� e-as DUrL�AT[TO rlllNTtR •')���� CITY OF ST. ����� �. PAUL couNCi� F'�., ��� F�� NO � OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►��*�o�r MiTton Rosen, Cou�missioner o� PuBl�c {�►orks Augus� 26� 1965 COMMISSIONER DATE Xn the matt�r of gr�ding �nd aurfacing with biturlttous �st�ria�t �ARRIt�a�'ON 5TREET fr.or� larcE� Sfi. to Atweter St.. ��d LARCH �'�REET �roaq Farringta� Street ta a point 342 feet east o� xhe ea�t 19ne of , �arr�ngton Street, undar� Prelimin�ry Order a2247i� approved March �6s 1965a and Finat Order �23836, approved June S� 196�. RESO�VED; That ths plari� r�nd specifica�iona for the above nsr�ed iaoprovc�nen� a� submit�ed by fih� Carrais�4�iner ofi �uh��c Works be and tha sarp� ara hereby app�'oved and be i t ' � L j� FURTHER RESOl.V�fl,� That �he Purch�si ng ArenY �e and h� i s ilereby d�#1'e�tQd to advertl�e for bj ds ott thi s improvement. ' • . . I � � ) V �� N Q�� � 61965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Au� 2 6 1965 n�tr�• ts a�'.:�'= Holland Approv� 19— Loss _ � Tn Favor Meredith Pete rs on /� � MAyOr �_ �Agsinst ..., T �;�i„P;cg��d,��Ya��a��Q.iil�e� . �Vtr. Vice President (Rosen) ion� e.�