225013 r• � � ` ����� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK ,, CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� ' COUNCIL RESOL TIO —GENERAL FORM �RFSENTED EY FRANK L. LOSS COMMISSIONE ` DAT� , . � I RESOLVED, That the Specifications for Installation of New Asphalt � r " � Shingle Roof at the Como Park Picnic Pavilion, Saint Paul, , Minnesota, as submitted herewith, prepared by the City Architect � i underithe direction of the Commissioner of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Parks And Recrea- , tion and Public Buildings, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby � � authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the mamer provided in and by the Charter. • l .V� i .. -..s - ...'_ _ _ . . . f COIJNCILiu�N Adopted by the Counci� A�1G 2 6 �96� 19— � I � Yeas Nays �algtis�—° Holland pproved AUG 2 6 �96'� ls- Loss � �� � Tn FSVOx' Meredith , Peterson MAyOr ��_ � A g81I18t �...,� �.�.�..:�;�= BLISHED AUG 2 819�5 ���� �.�.�iu�;����i�lil pu Pres�dent (�p@g�j loM E-64 � __ . f 1 DUrLICAT[TO rRINT[R ��"�(1 �� , CITY OF ST. PAUL F,�NCIL NO " `� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �F.SENTED�Y FRAI�C L. LOSS COMMISSIONE� DA� RESOLVED, That the Spec3fica�ion� for Installat3on of New A�ph�lt Shingle Roof at �he �omo P�rk Picnic Pav3lion, S��nt Paul, M3nnesota, a� subm�tt�d h�rewith, prepared by the City Archit�ct under th� direction of �he Gomm�.�sioner of Parks And Recreat3on 1�nd Pub],3c Bui,ld�.ngs, be and the same are her�eb�r approved, the ��me being €,�ti�factory to th� Comm�.ssic�n�r of Pa�k� And Recrea- tion �nd Publi� Bui].ding�, and �he Pu�cha�ing Agen� i� h��eby authorized to advert�.se £o.� bid� thereon in the marrer prov3,d�d �n �nd by �he Charter. � L� \ � � AU G 2 � 1�5 COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays --B�rg�� AUG 2 6196J Holland Approv� 19— Loss `�Tn FAVOx' Meredith /\ Peterson U MByOr �g� A g81I1Bt .............................................. .�..`..'�?ie..��,,,gn�;;i�;�:,��t,i,fl�Hi:�: •Mr. Vice President (Rosen) lOM p-6� \