06-1019Return copy to: (cap) Technical Services Division 10U0 City Hall Annex coun�il File #�9 — //�/ 9 Green Sheet #3033849 MfNNESOTA Presented By Referred To I�' Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, J.P1. Development Services, LP, 600 B. Colinas Boulevazd, Suite 1800, 2 Irving, Texas 75039, is the owner and developer of the properly laiown as Jefferson 3 Commons At Berty Street, located northwest of the intersection of Berry Street and 0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Territorial Road; and WHEREAS, the property is being developed with 150 apartments and 49 garage stalls, and WFIEREAS, the developer is conshucting a private street as shown on "Attachment A" to provide access to the apartments and gazages, WHEREAS, the developer desires the new street within this development be named Jefferson Commons Circle and to have the new apartment buildings and gazages addressed off this street; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the private street as shown on "Attachment A" shall hereafter be known and designated as Jefferson Commons Circle; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Department of Public Works shall issue addresses on the buildings using Jefferson Commons Circle as the designated street name; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the developer and/or its successors in interest shall construct and maintain the proposed private street, at their own expense, and condnue to maintain in a clear and unobstructed manner to provide access for all vehicular traffic, including emergency services vehicles; and BE IT FINALLY IiESOLVED, that the developer and/or its successors in interest sha11 construct and maintain at their own expense the necessary signing of the private street, to be known as Jefferson Commons Circle, to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Warks. � 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Bostrom Thune Yeas Nays Absent �0� ��—��_ ✓ Adopted by Council: Date // /dd�/.�dvG Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approv �G or: Date � By: Council File # °� Green Sheet #3033849 Page 2 Requested by Department of: Public Works By: �J "� �'� Directo � Form�roved by C�A�rney �� for Submission to Council : _ � � Green Sheet Gree� Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � O�-/o� � DeparhnenUofFice/counciL• �atelnitiated: Pw -�by�w�, �� Green Sheet NO: 3033849 Conhct Person 8. phone: Cdleen Paawla 2666104 Must Be on Co�ncil Agem ia�Q—'7 Doc.Type: RESOLUTION E-0ocumentRequired: N DocumentContact Contact Phone: Total # of Signature Pages � /issign Number For Routing Order All Locations for5ignature) � �7`3fi��1f:�LZ�� i.., i�„-.����,� i '" — �� , .',' � ; � - =� J � i�� .PR7�,� Approval of a resolution naming the private street in the Jefferson Commons Development, and allowing Public Works to issue addresses along Jefferson Commons C'ucle. xfatiors: Appm�e (A) or Reject (R): Plannirg Commission C18 Committee Ci�ii Service Commission Personal Service Contracts MustMswerthe Polbwing Questions: 1. Has this persoNfirm e�erwvrked urdera contract forthis departmeM? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Dces this person/firtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by arry curreM city employee'? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Indiating Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (Mho, What, When, Where, Why): JPI is conshncting 5 apartment buildings, and 2 garages as part of ihe Jefferson Commons Development; ]ocated at Berry Street and Territorial Road. There is insufficient frontage along eitheZr street to issue addresses. AdvanqgeslfApproved: � Would allow an individual street addres�o be assigned to each building. Disadvantages If Approved: None ;� a � � . % "1 LUf�� Disadvantaqes If NotApproved: A more confusing and less desirable addressing scheme would be implemented. TotalAmountof 0 � CosURevenueBudgeted: Transaction: Funding5ource: nJ/p ActivityNumber: nJ/J� � � ,� ����. tl Financial lnformation: Developer is required to pay all costs for street signs, street cons4uction, and maintenance. (Explain) ' October23, 20063:22PM Page 1 i . .. � . � � �_ . � r � ,..,... � ._ � `■ .l� 'ti �ml��l��L�nu[�ppp��`�� � ■�w i , � � � / �1Jf�`�� . liii 31; " ��] �'�' . . .. .. . ' j I �.`�� �� ,�,� � ■ �,� �� � �sr 1 I / � � �51ti� ��i.ii:i.�����_ i � ' . '� � ' . . ,� �' I ' F ��� ��.,� DES�,��oN oF DE��t.oPMF-NT AREA � Bloeks 2 and 3, Eustis Addition to St. Anthony Park � Y C' � Together with the vacated Pearl Street (formerly Pym Street) (ying between said Blocks 2 and 3, lying West oF the West Rigfit-of-Way line of Ber�r Avenve and fying Easf of the West line of Section 29, Township 29, Range 23. Togetfier with fhe West ane-fia44 of vacated Serry Avenue lying behxeen the Southeriy line of the former Northern Pacifie Raiiway Company right of way and a Iine 6eginning at the intersection of the East Iine of Berry Avenue and the Northerty line of Pearl Street; thenee running Northwesterly to the point of intersection oE Yhe West iine of Berry Aveaue and the NortS�eriy Iine of tfie vacated portion of Pearl Street and there terminating. Further together with the northeasterly 33.00 feet of that paR af Vacated Territoriai Road, Saint Pau4, described as foflows: Beginning at a paint on the West line of Section 29, Tovmship 29 North, Range 23 West, said point being the Southwesterly corner of Lot 12, Block 3, Eustis Addition to St Anthony Park, Ramsey County, Minnesota; thence Easterty along the Southerly line oi said Block 3, 311.08 feet more or less, to its intersection with tfie NortNerly extension ot the Westerly Right-oE•Way of Berry Street; thence Southerly 69.33 feet, more or less, fo its intersection wifh the Southerly Right-of-Way of 7erritorial Road; thence Westerly along said Southerly Right-of-Way of Territoriat Road, 310_99 feet, more or less, to the West line of said Section 29; thence Northeriy along said Westiine 69.27 feetto tfie point of beginning, Ramsey County, Minnesota. ata � Y � � � � �