226150COUNCIL FILE NO. r. B Y+ 226150 FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter Opening,�widening and extending Jackson :Street to a wdth,.of .100 feet from rte; _� �- - Eighth Stredt�to -Ni :nth 5trec�t;"'andwto._open and expand the :Cnterse,ction of Eighth Street and_Jackson ".St.reet by condemning and taking for- street purposes- tie.- following} descriiied`- parcel'of .land,-'al• i in- -the City of St. - _ widenThat .: ortion- >- of'= Lo,trl= (exce'., -the•- southerl 26 ".f.eet-- thereof taken _for' ing, of Eighth Street), and the southerly one half ofsl:o 2, V;' 'De 'Va1sht -s Rearrangement of Lots 1 and �2 tBlock 16, Robert and RendalVs Addition and Block 7, Hoy,tff strAddIt115n))l'ying • wasterrly of- a•-- line- �de's(`ribA -as -fol- lows: ;� •Begin.ni_ng-at a-- point on the north line of the south k of said Lot 2, 44 feet easterly of the z eatte'rl�3nefiirte toftelackson.--St bi 70:l thence- �sou•ther�ly�a• Long-- a- 1•inel�6`arall"e'la oos� and•, 44—. ,� feet easterly of the easterly line of Jackson Street to a point 61 feet nortlwrly�_ f of the the tlieThly- 11113neA of9 1Eigh'thl Stfreeht: a`s Vtff n''cLP nietarin t'oet e'Yrluf�t + $ alon`gVA1 c'n + e havi'•n ea1Qradi7usr�ofT64?�f'ee'f- for -��a'- d'ist lice rof- baovi06 f€e"dt0Ctd!&rpoiM eama; i on thee{rio5�therly line of Eighth Street as now widened and 88.64 feet easterly of f the easterly line of Jackson Street. t Als'iFcon'demning7 andCtaki!nof ahtemporary�:e`aseiient- stfor�, - CFL;i"puYpo'se +'o'f'Tenabl rigl them -' City•rro ,rit ,-s fa'gentTE;M1b idhi�,rEtWere'`onito wreck the entire building occupying the pre�mi'ses'�`located�'at. 4. 641Jacksonf.l S, tre. e.e-., onether&- crll'owing�de'scri�bed - pareelsf :6. Oland,, j allrtin'' the City'rof,S't < : ;;I'atil. :sS: and .t-n e•,� :: _411J, ek;pAnG the i";al-zection ti' k-le`� SThat • portionr'of . Lot. 11- :t,('ex•cept -3.the-.,sotitherly. 16t:freet7the.reof' takenof:or the I''!' :. :r,i. ;g• widening' -'of'! Eighth' S'tree -t�) , c andi the - 'souther <ly ;� one; ha'lfu of Lot 2, V. D•. Walsh' s Rea rrang•eften�t`,of-' 'L"ots * l'- faind. 21t' . Bloek -16, Robert,. an& Randal 1_'1sr Add'itidn'Nand.,31ock Hoyt'Iws_r."Wdd'iti- 'on',`lying easter=ly .of' a', »1 -inea .des :cTi�bed3ras.irfbl lows :;t Beginning 'Att,dipoint on tthe" nor_th�'l =ine� of.•,the south !> oflrsraid1;!,ot ,1�2, ^ -4_4 rfee'tZ asteYly ;bfjifhe4!east :er >l; , y 2258'1 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS 226150 REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE May 28, 1965 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre- liminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 223582 approved_ May 21, 19 65 relative to Open, widen and extend Jackson Street to a width of 100 .feet from Eighth-: +� Street to Plinth Street, and to open and expand the intersection of Eighth �- Street and Jackson Street by condemning and taking for street purposes the ,.following described parcel -of land all in the City of St. Paul: I 1 That portion of Lot 1 except the southerly 26 feet thereof taken for widening Eighth Street, and the-south one -half of Lot 2, V. D. Walsh's_Rea_rrangement 'of Lots 1 and 2, Block 16, Robert & Randall's addition and Block 7, Hoyt's �Additlon lying westerly of a line beginning at a point 69 feet east of the east line of Jackson Street on the north line of Eighth Street as now and widened; thence northwesterly to a point 44 feet east of the east line of er a by Jackson Street and 25 feet north of the north line of Eighth Street as nobs r ep(widened; thence northerly along a line parallel to and 44 feet east of the east line of Jackson Street. 1 he Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for the purpose of enabling !the City or its agents to enter thereon to wreck the entire building occupying the premises located at 464 Jackson Street on the following' .!described parcels of land all in the City of St. Pau): ' iTh,at portion of Lot i except the southerly 26 feet thereof taken for widening i.Eighth Street, and the south one -half of Lot 2, V. D. Walsh's Rearrangement of Lots 1 end 2, Block 16, Robert & Randall's Addition arJ Block 7, Hoyt's addition lying easterly of a line beginning az a point E9 feet east of the east line of Jackson Street on the north line of Eighth Street as now widened; thence northwesterly to a point 4.4 feet east of the east line of ..Jackson Street and 25 feet north of the north line of Eighth Street as now widened; thence northerly -along a line parallel to and 44 feet east of the ,eastlline of Jackson Street. c. i Commissioner of Public Works I • � • • \ 4 ���x' •,' '`g =• � , l y � � •.dam _ .,• � Y �