2261472261.4'7 Council File No................_..__ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. NW Theundersigned hereby proposesthemakingofthefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: i i ....`. t::.:..: n,.. • `..:ync c. ro.+a...:. :... : `aw �.nv..d: ...�,�i x"��_,±•`r't ApeA,t;�widen;.' and= exp,aiid tfib- intersection -of Seventh Street and Jackson Street by c=am damning and -- taking far -s tree V-pur pose's that• -parce -1-6f° land- ,lying•••with'in "thee"follbwing ..d"escitibed lines: Commencing aCthe northwest corner of Lot 7 Block 2 St. Paul Prroper; thence southerly' along'the'westerly` line ­of said Lot 7 a +distance of 100 feetto a point; thence easterly .para,l,l,el,..to . the:. northerly_. 1. ine-., of:- sa, id _.,Lo.tRT.- a..dis,tance,.of. <8 f•ee- t-- to•.a- point; thence northerly on a straight line to a point on the northerly line of said Lot771 14 feed' tsteaste °rly- of•••the-4iorthwest• -' corner °of"'said'Lo-t"7 "`tlience'weete i -y along the northerly line of said Lot 7 to the point of beginnings except that part thereof;�taen for�the`� ,,. widening of Jackson Street. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement. viz.: t' .�lH.......... ..N.- .aar ...... .........mow" '�.. �wrwi •.. '��' .............. ,..... �.nr_.�..._..._r:. -... .....- `...f •�.�....... Opens widen. and: = eisgand the inteicecon.'of f Sev'erfth, Street sm[ d_ Ja ci�aso�n,_S&i6tw- Ei_iEondeui�ng x end•- taking•for••street purposes::ahat pa ;cal; -off; laridr- lying =- within s:Che..following..desc�ibed . lines: Commencing, -at! ti e',no;rthwe's,t +.' ;corner.,..o.f; ho_t ,7,; Block '2;' St: Faul Proper; - thence souitlier�ly 'al'ong "'tfie'wasteily line' "of "i "said''I`o't' "T "a' d "is`taiice':of`'f100 "`f ef�to''a' fsoint •' ' e . easterly ±pkr 11e1,�to -the northbkU`, Ane of slid Lost 7, e' distance of; 8,feet: toi a point; .. f.. _. �. ".... ..... .. .. ...r_- a. I. ......_.♦ thence, bnortherly, on a, straight sline,to" f-point' of the northerly, line of said .Lot 7 14% feet eas; ter "1'3#�of the,nortil* st�corn�r 6:txs9id Lo,t- 4- ;.•• thence•• westerly a- long,•.the­ northerly' nglQfre¢e�d, Lot .7 to the.'porit .nf beginnings ,except_ that part thereof, taken' for the widenting; o�f� �ckeu�nt yr a '• ,bae� .Q Public j4P6rke be a nd is hereby grdered- anti directed; _?= Tc in M.Ug o-te the -necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. - 2.' To investigate• the naature, extent and istimate'd cot of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. " 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ........ ®EP 3- ��----------- - - -•... YEAS Councilman Dalglish DEC 19 HollandApproved------------ ------- .................................................. ..._ Loss Meredith Rosen-- ---------- ----- --------- - - -- ----------------- - - ---- - ___�........�_........_.. MR. PRESinErrr Vavoulis Mayor. 3000 7-b4 PUBLISHED DEC 11 1965 41