226095ORIOMAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK QIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSION COUNCIL �� FILE NO RESOLVED, That pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Annotated, Sec. 511.276, the City Clerk is hereby authorized to destroy: 1. All Satisfactions of Chattel Mortgages and Releases of Conditional Sales Contracts filed and of record in the office of the City Clerk for more than ten years prior to the passage of this Resolution; and 2. All unsatisfied Chattel Mortgages and Unreleased Conditional Sales Contracts filed and of record in the office of the City Clerk, ten years after maturity; if no maturity date is shown, then ten years after the date of filing; provided, however, that the authorization herein contained shall not be applicable to Chattel Mortgages filed by-the Federal Government or its agencies. FOAM - REMOVED Asst. Corooration ounsel r } COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish H 'ed Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M 6-012 i r 6 Tn Favor Against DEC 11%a Adopted by the Council 19— DEC 1 155 Approved 19— Mayor PUBUSHM DEC 4 V DUPLICATC TO PRINT[R CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, That pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Annotated, Sec. 511.276, the City Clerk is hereby authorized to destroys 1. All Satisfactions of Chattel Mortgages and Releases of Conditional Sales Contracts filed and of record in the office of the City Clerk for more than ten years prior to the passage of this Resolution; and 2. All unsatisfied Chattel Mortgages and Unreleased Conditional Sales Contracts filed and of record in the office of the City Clerk, ten years after maturity; if no maturity date is shown, then ten years after the date of filing; provided, however, that the authorization herein contained shall not be applicable to Chattel Mortgages filed by the Federal Government or its agencies. DEC 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays p�� Dalglish DEC 1 13i�a! Ie}krad� Approved 19— Loss In Favor Meredith Peterson D Mayor Against Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 10M e-6s t A, ARS Form 20- 11(61) ' MINNESOTA STATE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE 4 117 University Avenue, St. Paul 1, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO DESTROY PUBLIC RECORDS 1. TO: Minnesota State Archives Comm_ fission 2 DO NOT USE THIS SPACE Application No. r sl. FROM: _��la a St. Paul 'w'wAefi / y Department or agency N. ivis on or section Date received: / /'- 3. Space occupied by records:' cubic feet approximately. The rdc6rds listed in the application are not, 4. Location of records: nee ed for post audit purposes. 5. Laws other than M.S. 138.1 w is ,re ate o e des ru tion or safekeeping'of the records: Public Examiner Dept. Date 6. I certify that the reco s M' in is app Ica on a ccurately de cribed, and that AP ROVALS: / they have no further administrative, legal o �sc aloe for h a nc Under authority of Minnesota Statute records listed in this appli, tion be e r � ADDENDUM: F • s s Y j0_�( � Q � / n i Pub Exeminer spa e t head or authorize ei et}u el Date Sec ion V38.17, it is hereb ord red that the ttorney General �tioye ' %3 Sc a aq Commissioner of Adminlstration Date D actor, Minneaote Historical Chairman, State Archives Commissio DO NOT USE THIS SPACE The records noted in the application have been retained Yor.at least ten years in accordance with Minnesota Statuteak 1961; section 53.1:276. -Those prior to November 4 1955 are now eligible for destructions It is recommended that the Archives Commmission approve the application:. ed R: Thibodeau deputy- State Archivist and Records Administrator * - November 12i 1965 D ate i )/I IYM Date I ate Prepare in quadruplicate. Complete items 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, and list records to be destroyed on reverse side of this sheet. If additional space is needed, use ARS Form 20 -12 (61) continuation sheets. Submit original and 2 copies to the State Archives and Regards Service, 117 University Avenue, St. Paul 1, Minnesota. Retain one copy until approved copy is returned to you. r QUADRUPLICATE TO DEPARTMENT CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE IMBOLMo That #arsuant to tho pro vUlons,of XinaosotA stototox -Annotatods: so*, ,5110, ,t the: 0-ity C3*rk to hereby authorizod to 4e0rov 1. All SatUtaotloaw of chattel mor . t"n and Re-letnes of 0011diticoal ft%** contraoto 8100 to or r000rd $4 th* orfitO of th* City Cletk for more then ton you prior to tho passage of thle. Resolution; and .9*- All Unfttiefled Chattel Xortg4es and VMV1*AS*d Conditional WOOF CoAtrafto f., led and of r000rd In the offloo ottho -city Clerks. ton yoors after mttwxty; If no maturity date In thoun,# then ten years Ot" the date Of f1luW1 Provideds ho"'Ver.* that the OuthoVizatIM herein Contaltif*4 shall not be Applicable to Chattel Mortgag*v filed I)y the Fedoral 00"mmht or ite ageaolis* COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish A1014and Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis IOU 642 Tn Favor Against DEC 11965 Adopted by the Council 19— Approved DEC I 1M 19— Mayor • f � w - october 143, 1965 - :. Mr. 9te:phen L, Merrell _ Corporation - comet Building ; Will you plmoe prepare _the, pr re®ol n euthoriting the City Clerk 1 'the to destroy the following rostrums f in City Clerk's office, - All in accordanca Vith Sect' n ,51.1,: Minnesota Statutes_ Annotated; I.- All satisfactions chattel rtg and reiessas-'of conditional. " sales 0ontracts f- d for rec more than 10 years;. - 2. All ubA&+,isfied' a tel. mortg s' end unrdleased conditioria7: 'sales contracts, 10 years er mzs _ tyl if no maturity date .is shown., then 10 er ding. ` • _ • _ . , .,. - Very truly "yours y ..- " -_ - - City Clerk 4 AO /rig 1 _ _ O F F I C E O F C 0 R P 0 R A T I 0 N C 0 U 9 S E L T0: DATE: October 15, 1965 Mr. Robert B. Gerber, Jr. City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Your letter of October 14th. 19, concerning slgstrl jDn of art aszeym -ntn f Pd- in_ +heof=6ae of the City Clerk. has been received. Mr. _. Robert E of this office has been as'signed to the matter, and you may direct future inquiries concerning the same directly to him. A 3' STEPHEN L. MAXWELL Corporation Counsel Ales Form 20-11 (el) MINNESOTA STATE ARCHIVES AND RECORDS SERVICE 117 University Avenue, St. Paul 1, Minnesota APPLICATION FOR AUTHORITY TO DESTROY PUBLIC RECORDS 1. TO: Minnesota State Archives Commission DO NOT USE THIS SPACE Application No. 2. FROM: City Clerk Records 3. 4. Department or ag ency Division or section Space occupied by records: cubic feet approximately. Location of records: Basement Vault - City Hall Date received: The records listed in the application are not needed for post audit purposes. 5. Laws other than M.S. 138.17 which relate to the destruction or safekeeping of the records: Sec. 511.276 Minnesota Statutes Public Examiner Dept. Date 6. I certify that the records listed in this a lication are accurately described, and that they have no further administrative, ega o fiscal va for t is ag ncy. APPROVALS: �D y L �/ U� Public Examiner Date Department he or authorized s!g Date unoer authority of Minnesota Statutes, Section Z:fS.Z %, it is hereby ordered that the records listed in this application be destroyed. ADDENDUM: Attorney General Date State Auditor Date Commissioner Administration Date Chairman, State Archives Commission Director, Minnesota Historical Society Date DO NOT USE THIS SPACE i Prepare in quadruplicate. Complete items 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, and list records to be destroyed on reverse side of this sheet. If additional space is needed, use ARS Form 20 -12 (61) continuation sheets. Submit original and 2 copies to the State Archives and Records Service, 117 University Avenue, St. Paul 1, Minnesota. Retain one copy until approved copy is returned to you. C�aaCay�- ,(N,