" J
File No. " 16849
In the Matter of _ I
Opening, widening 'and extending Ii11MLINE AVENUE from University,
Avenue to Marshall Avenue by taking and condemning the follow-
ing described parcels of land: The westerly 4 feet of the E"
easterly 34 feet, except the northerly 85 feet thereof, of Lot I
149 Kittsondale, being Auditor's Subdivision N6. 270 St. Paul,
Minn. Also the east 10 feet of Lot 59 the east 10 feet of
Lot K. and the east 10 feet of that part of.Lot 7 lying north
of the north right- of -wny line of interstate Highway No. 94
as opened by the Minnesota Highway Department~ all in Bohn'a
Rearrangement, St, Paul„ Minn.
.�' Also condemning and taking a permanent easement for highway --
,purposes on and across the east 10 feet•of Lot B in Bohn's-
Rearrangement, St, Paul. Minn.
Alsq condemning and taking easements in the land necessary
for slopes, cuts, and fills including right of removal of
lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof occa-
sioned by excavations thereof or construction of'slopes in
the grading and paving of Hamline Avenue from University Ave-
` nue to Marshall Avenue, the extent of said-easements to be as
shown on opening and slope easement plan' No. 1688 on file in
the Department. of Public, Works�j
Minn. Also the east 10 -feat of Lot 5, the east -10 feet of
Lot K. and the east 10 feet of that part of Lot 7 lying north
of the north right -of -way line of Interstate Highway No. 94
as opened by the Minnesota Highway Department, all in Bohn's
Rearrangement, St, Paul, Minn.
Also condemning and taking a permanent easement for highway'
purposes on and across the east 10 feet,of Lot B in Bohn's
Rearrangement, Sto Paul, Minn.
Alsq condemning and taking easements in the land necessary
for slopes, cuts, and fills including right of removal of
lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof occa-
sioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in
the grading and paving of Hamline Avenue from University Ave-
nue to Marshall Avenue, the extent of said easements to be as
shown on opening and slope easement plan No. 1688 on file in
the Department of Publics Works y
6 -68 2M 8 R -1
Nays - Iv 0 V 3 01965
Appr e
7n Favor
0 Against PUBLISHED DEC 41965