226141ORIGINAL tJ CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI At CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM iasen. Public Worms nAm December, 1965_ WHE&EAS., By authority of the Laws of Minnesota for the year 1959, Chapter 300, H.F. 217 and ratified by C.F. No. 192216, approved May 2, 1959, the City of Saint Paul, may pay a portion,of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction, when such costs exceed the benefits to the property owner WHEREAS, It has been determined that the following described parcels of prop- erty be relieved of the following amounts: Description Amount Lot 1, Bergerts Re. of Block 21 of Banning and Olivier's Add. to W. St. Paul $ 163.371 Except W. 63.31, the following: So. 50' of Lot 14 and all of Lots 15 and 16, Princets Re of Lots 1, 2, 6, 7, 8,9 and 10, Block 20, Banning and Olivierts Add. to W. St. Paul 101.06 T Except So. 15.601; Lot 15 and all of Lot 16r Block 61, Lawton Brothers Add. 89.51 ,So. 451 of Lot616 and 17, Block 2, Lockwood's Addition 109.84 Lot 18, B lock 2, LockFJOOd'S Addition 68.66 Lot 19, Block 2, Lockwood's --Add. Lots 22 and 23, Block 2, Lockwood's Add. Lot 1, Block 31 Lockwoodts Addition Lot l.-Block 5, Beaupre and Kellyts Addition Except Alley; Lot 2., Block 5, Beaupre and Kellyts Except Alley; Lot 3, Block 5, Beaupre and Kellyts Lot 9 and No. -- of Lot 10., Block 1, Jos. R.. Weide's 4th. Add, Lots 1 and 2., Block 18, Lienauts Re. of Blocks 17 and 18, Olivierts Add. to W. St'. Paul Lot 15, Block 122 A. Gotziants Re. of Sigel's f, Lots 11 and 12., Auditors Subd. of Lot 6, Bidwell's Add. to W. St. Paul 21.07 65.26 60.64 36.57 3.8.09 54.63 38.55 138.29 170.99 136.31 ORIGINAL SO CITY CLEIIK � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE�� DATE Milton Rosen Public Works December, 1965 2 Description Amount Except Alley; Lot'8' Block 2, Belvidere Park Subd. of Lot 2, of Bidwellts Addition to W. St. Paul 160.79 Lot 1, Block 3, Belvidere Park Subd. of Lot 2, of Bidwellts Add. to W. St. Paul 133.9 Except'E. 2 Ft.., Lot 2,, Block 3, Sauers Addition 25.73 Lot 8, Block 52,, Lawton Bros. Addition 192.03 Except alley; Lot 15, Block 101, H. M. Ranney's Subd. of Blocks 101 and 102, Lyman Dayton's Addition 172.71 So. 2/3 of Lots 16 and 17, Block 101, H. M. Ranney's Subd. of Blocks 101 and 102, Lyman Dayton's Addition 115.14 Lot 15J Block 92, Asch's Subd. of Block 92 of Lyman Dayton's Addition 23.97 Lot 16, Block 92, Asch's Subd. of Block 92 of Lyman Dayton's Addition 31.76 W. 35 Ft. of Lot 17, Block 92 of Aschts Subd. of Block 92 of Lyman Dayton's Addition 4 103.95 Lot 3, Dana and Humes Subd. of the W. half of Block 98, Lyman Daytont s Add. 66.41 Except E. 36 ft.; Lot 1land except E. 36 Ft. of So. 20.62 Ft.; Lot 2.. Dana and Humes Subd. of the W. half of Block 98, Lyman Dayton's Add. 60.64 Lot 30, Block 84, Adam Gotzians Subd. of Block 8/+ of Lyman Dayton's Add. 165.08 Lot 1, Block 89, A. Gotz�an's Subd. Block 89, Lyman Dayton's Add. 79.37 Lot 319 Block 89, A. Gotzian's Subd. of Block 89, Lyman Dayton's Add. 63.53 Lot 12, Block 97, Gruber's Subd. of Block 97, Lyman Dayton's Add. 25.99 Lot 13, Block 97, Gruber's Subd. of Block 97, Lyman Dayton's Add. 59.19 Lot --14 -, Block 97, Gruber's Subd. of Block 97, Lyman Dayton's Add. 70.75 Lot 3, Block 91, O'Farrellts Subd. of Block 91, Lyman Dayton's Add. 46.20 �l� ' Lot 1. Block 96, Stinson's Subd. of Block 96 of Lyman Dayton's Add. 166.42 ORIGIAAL TS CITY CLHRK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Milton Rosen Public Works December 1965 COMMISSIONER DAB December. ,.1965 — 3 — Amount Lot 14, Block 90, Walther and-Schnittger's Subd. of Block 90 of Lyman Dayton's Addition 165.08 Lot 15, Block 90, Walther and Schnittger's Subd. of Block 90 of Lyman Dayton's Addition 165.08 Part.of Lot 17J all of Lot 18, Block 112, Johnstone's Subd. of Block 112 of Lyman Dayton's Addition 318.96 Subject to Seventh St., S.W. 7.3 ft. of Lot 20 and all of Lot 21, Block 112, Johnstone's Subd. of Block 112 of Lyman Dayton's Add, 136.70 W. 2 of E. 2%3 of Lots 1 and 2 and N. 2 of W. 2 of E. 2/3 of Lot 31 s Block 95, W., St. Paul 5.35 TOTAII 3,847.66 WHEREAS, The total amount of assessable costs the City may pay is 03,847.66, now therefore be it, - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to pay from the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 6000, the amount of 13,847.66, a portion of the assessable costs of Sidewalk Construction under the 1963 Sidewalk-Contract 63-M-278, Levy No. 9, District No. 30 L- 6544, said Local Improve- ment Aid Fund, 0920 -701. (1965). \01- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith on Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis IOU 6-0 Adopted by the Council DEC 31 19— Approve ®E� 3— IiI Favor Mayor Against PUBLISHED DEC 11 196a N '.DUPLICATE TO MINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -- GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER � e.tli 1 f.S ' e i a.. a Works Deembert 96 DATE Why, By suthoritr of the :haws of Minnesota for the year 1959- Chapter 300,; Hid`. 217 and rat1fied bpr C.F. No. 192216* approved May 2i, 19590 the 014 of Saint Pau]., may play a portion of the assessable costs of Sidevalk Constroationt, when such ousts ezaeed the benefits to the property owner* WBERWIP it bow been determined that the following deareribed parcels of prop-- arty be rs1 . ed of the following itss Desor ption Amount t 1i Berger's Re. of Block 21 of Bunning and Olivier's Add,. to W. St. F'ml S $ 363.37 rzeept W. 63.31* Vle follovingr So. 50' of Lot 14 and all of Lots 15 and 16 Los's Re of Tots It 2j 6, 7y 8i9 and 10* Block 20,i Bann ng and Olivier's Add: to W, st. Paia im o6 Amcept So,, 15.601-1 Lot 15 and all of Lot i f Block 61## Uvton Brothers Add. 89.51 So. 45' of Tot 16 and 17;,- Block 20- Lookwood's Addition log. 84 Lot 180 B !oak 20 Loakwoodfa Addition 68,,66 Lot 19 Block 2, LookwoodVas Add* 21.o7 1,6ts 22 and 230, Blank ,2,, Loo wood f s Add, 65.26 Lot if Block 3* Lock�oodfs Addition 60.64 Lot Is Block % Beaupre and Kelly's Addition X6157 fteept Allen Let 2j, Block 5# Beaupre and Xelly" s 384.09 Except Allen Zot 3, Block 5i BaauF* and Kelly's 54.,63 Lot 9 and No, -- of Irot 10* B3ook 1* Jos,: R. Weida's 4th., Add. 38055 Vote 1 and 2* B1eok 18s, Lioamfs Tte. of Blocks 17 and 1$i Olivier's Add. to W, St. Pahl 13829 Iomt 15, Block 12, A. Gotsi.'an' as Re. of Sigel' as 170499 Trots 11 and 121, Auditors Subd. of Tot 61, Bidwell o Add. to W. St. Pain. 136 -31 DUPLICAT[ TO PRINTZR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM n l�� COUNCIL NO COMMISSIONER .r 1'iitton Rosen PUNIC Worka pATt DseembAr, 1965 COMMISSIONED 2 Poeeriptim Aunt .... –., r ' &001t Allen. W, 8w d 131o* 2# Belt' we Park Subd.. of lot 2# of Btd"Il!s Addit3Ii to W, St: Pans lot 1 B3.bok 3,,� 13e3.�r38 Park Subd., of Tlot 21, of B 'is Add+ Paul i�, St;. .� apt F.O. 2 Ft• $r. Iat 2s Block 3,, Sau.SrB Addlt�ou 25.73 Lot 8s, Mo* 52;# Lwt= Bros. Addlticm 192,10 ftotpt #2160 Lot 15,, Block 101# Hjj X. RsnWls Subd. of Blocks 101 and 102A lommn Diytonra Addition 172471 So. 2f3Tof. Lots 16 a]3d 17JL Block 143.* R. 14. &=eyts ftbd. of Blookes IM and 1020 It' en. D&7Uuts A ditim 3.15.0 Lot 2!;.0 W�ok 92, U&II a ` Subd, of Block 92 of Tin' Dayton $ b' MAd t 23.97 jot 160 414* 92 ,4, AsWe %bd.. of Mo*- 92 if jam, Daytoxlo A4d::t3.vat 31.76 W* 35 rt►* of tot 17,- Bloat 92 of Uqhto 8ubd.' of 92 of Damon l s t Addit a 103.95 Lot 39; Dom s isd Feet St".b of the W. half of Moak 960 LW.n Daytoills, Addy - 66.41 ,Rmapt z, 36 fC,t Lot l and ex*opt D. 36 Ft. of So. 20.62 dt 20 Dam aid Hume Subd. Ok.tbo W. ' dt Blo* 9$t Iysn Add. =.1w 60.64 Lot 30r ' bloek fly Adsa i3ot' Uw Subd ,6 of Blook of i1 DaytIputo Add* 165.08 Lot ]., WOCk Sqs , A:. (t un's 5tibd♦ Biook 89w, jVvqn D nt0 Add#, 79:37 tot 31,, Block $9i. A:. datxUn ;s Subd. of Block 891,.jgwo Baytouls Add#, 63.53 Lot l2 j Block 971, f bxrl s Sabdo of Block 97, Lymn ,D oul s Add. 25.99 Lat 33 # Block W. Ca%ber f s &abdo of hook '97 ' Xmn lei Add. 59.19 Iat 14 .M*ok ",, Ombwfs S bd. of Bloch 97o IV= Dayton *e Add. 70.75 t 30. Block 920 othrro3l's Oabd., of Block 9111, Xown D&ytonls A 'z, 46:20 Lot It. Brook 961, SUnsouss Sp bdw of Block 96 9f' Lymn Daytonis Add, 1666x,2 DU PLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION -- GENERAL FORM !RESENTED BY DATE December,,* x % COMMISSIONED zL E Desciriptd= � '''` t 1 B1jeck 90 #. Walther and Schnittgar T s 5obd E � of Block 90 of ZIm' a Additlm , $ 165.08 Lot 15, Ba oak `90$, Walther e d Sahni tiger i s Subd i. of Blro di 90 of 'Daytonlo AddlUoft 163.08 Part Of '%at 17„ all of Lot 18j Blood 132.# J'ohnstfte l e Odbd. of Bloch 112 of lom Dayton Ia;Add tica 318.96 Sub f eet to seventh 4t* # S..W,. 743 fit. , of .iot 20 and 421 of Dot 21# Block 13.2t Abnstone's Subd., of Block Z:7"2 of tyman Daytmi s Add, 336.70 W� + of & 2/3 of Zots 1 and 2 and of Wo -j of $+ 2/3 of %t �.�. Block 95 #, W, St. Paia.1 5.33 TtY.e L $ 3,#$47.66 I UMJ18-� total t of astsessabio poets the City rely pay is $3#81.7.66a now tY�ra�oz� bs � td ,=0L9XD9. 'Thgtt the Cor siowr of PuUio Workx be and he is 2 by authorised to pey fro the P' "men$ lit Revolving Pundo - Code 60000 the mwmt of (3,84746 a pertloa of t'he aesesbsable owafe of aide Construction wader the 1.963 Si down tt'�ot 63 78# toeTy Nb: 90 DUtrict 2Ia.. 3,#. L -63",, sa+l d Cowl. Zitpro— merit Aid F mdt 0920 +7010 (39651:1 " DEC 319�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland 6 Loss In Favor Meredith Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis 10m 6.0 Approved DEC 3 0 19— Mayor a