06-1008Return copy to: jmb
Public Works — City Real Estate
1000 City Iiall Annex
Presented <,
Council File # p� ��� �
Green Sheet # 3033351
4 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul ("City") has determined there is no longer a public purpose for
5 owning and maintaining the Public Safety Building property (the "Property") located at 100-1 lth
6 Street East, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and legally described as follows and shown on map, Exhibit "A";
Lots 1 through 14, both inclusive, Block 6, Roberts and Randalls Addition to St. Paul, Ramsey County,
Minnesota, except the Easterly 20 feet ofLots 1, 2, 3, 12, 13 and 14
and wishes to vacate its interest in the Property; and
WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
("HRA") has received a proposal for redevelopment of the Property from Penfield Condominiums,
LLC, ("Penfield") for the purpose of constructing residential condominiums on the Property
("ProjecY'); and
Wi�REAS, the HRA has identified a growing need for residential development within the downtown
neighborhood of the City; and
WHEREAS, the current occupants of the Public Safety Building aze the City's Departments of Police
and Fire and Safety Services and they have agreed to short term leases of the Property from the IIRA
according to terms of attached draft leases between the HRA and the City of Saint Paul Departments
of Police and Fire and Safety Services; and
WHEREAS, by City Council Resolution #06-626 adopted on June 21, 2006 the City Council
approved the Tenth Amendment ("Tenth AmendmenY') to the existing Redevelopment Plan ("Plan")
for the Seventh Place Redevelopment Project Area, and the Tenth Amendment added the Properiy to
the Redevelopment Project Area; and
WIiEREAS, the HRA also approved the Tenth Amendment by its Board of Commissioners on June
28, 2006 by HRA Resolution No. 06-6/28-2; and
WHEREAS, the City has also received a request from the IIRA to convey the Property to the IIRA far
disposal to Penfield, a private organization; and
WHEREAS, a portion of Lots 1, 2, 13 and 14 of the Property ("Tas Forfeit Lands") are subject to
reversionary rights in the State of Minnesota as contained in conveyances of forfeited lands dated
d� -�od�'
December 2, 1941, filed December 5, 1941, as Document No. 1002521 in Book 1090, Page 150; and
dated January 5, 1942, filed January 1Q 1942, as Document No. 1004575 in Book 1093, Page 51; and
WHEREAS, Minn Stat §282.01, Subd. 1 d provides that a conveyance of tax-forfeited lands by a city
as authorized by chapter 469 is not an abandonment of use and the lands sha11 not be reconveyed to the
state nor shall they revert to the state, and that a certificate made by a city referring to a conveyance by
it and stating that the conveyance has been made as authorized by chapter 469 may be filed with the
county recorder or registrar of tifles, and the rights of reverter in favoz of the staxe provided by
subdivision le will then terxninate; and
WI3EREAS, Minn Stat §469.041 (1) provides that the City may convey any of its interests in any
property to the I3RA for the purpose of aiding and cooperating in the planning, undertaking,
conshuction or operation of projects, and
WHEREAS, a project is defined in Minn Stat §469.002, subd. 12 as including a redevelopment
project, and the Project falls within this definition; and
WFIEREAS, the conveyance of the Tax Forfeit Lands and the other portion of the Property from the
City to the I�RA will aid and cooperate in the planning, undertaking, construction or operation of the
Project within the meaning of Minn Stat §469.041 {1); now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the HRA, as documented in Public Works — City Real Estate
vacation file number 13-2006, the Property is hereby vacated and discontinued as public property; and
This vacation shall be subject to the terms and conditions of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981, of
the Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions:
1) That the HRA shall pay $600.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and
payable within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution.
2) That the HRA sha11 reimburse the City in the amount of the gross proceeds from the sale of this
properiy per Section 3.4 of the Development Agreement between the HRA and Penfield in the
amount of Fair Market Value, consistent with the Development Agreement, of $3,560,000.
3) That the HRA, its successors and assigns agree to indexnnify, defend and save harmless the
City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions or claims of any character
brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or
property on account of this vacafion, or the HRA's use of this property, including but not
limited to, a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, ar misconduct of the HRA
or because of any clauns or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in
accardance with the law, whether by the HRA or any of its agents or employees.
4) That the HRA, its successors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this
resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in wri6ng of the conditions of this resolution
and shall, within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, compiy
in all respects with these terms and conditions; and be it further
RESOLVED, that the proper City officials be authorized and directed to convey by quit claim deed
title to the Properry to the ARA; and be it further
• ��:
89 RESOLVED, after the conveyance of the Properry to the HI2A that the proper City officials are
90 authorized aud d'uected to execute and file a certificate for the release of State of Minnesota
91 reversionary rights on taY forFeited land as authorized under Mimi Stat §282.01, subd.ld; and be it
92 finally
94 RESOLVED, that the proper City officials be authorized to approve the leases to the City's
95 Depamnents of Police and Fire and Safety 5ervices in a form and content substantially as set forth in
96 the attached draft leases.
Yeas Na s Absent
Bostrom �
Harris `
Helgen �
Montgomery `
Thune �/
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Adopted by Council: Date � /�iJp�_
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
By , l .
Approved by a ate � /
Requested by Department oE
Public Wor
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Form pp �ved by City o
By: � d " �� "�
Form Apj�by ayo ub 's ion to Council
By: �.
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
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PW — Publicwodcs
Contact Person 8 Phone:
Jean Boigen
s eo ouncilAgend
E-DocumentRequired: N
Total # of Signature Pages
Date Initiaf
All Lxations forSignature)
Green Sheet NO: 303335�1
0 blic Works aNe 50
1 blic WorlS 1 D� � enar(ment Director
2 ICitv Attomev I Judv Hanson ��
3 r's Offi Ma or/Assistant
4 oun il
5 erk lerk
PUBLIC HEAILING. Resolution to approve vacating City interests in the Pnblic Safety Building Biock for redevelopment pwposes.
Also to approve, in substance, draft leases for Depts of Fire & Safety and Police, until new building is ready to be occupied by them.
idations: Approee (A) or Reject (R):
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Ciul Service Commission
Personal Service Contracks Must Mswerthe Following
1. Has this person/firtn eeer xrorked under a coM2ct for this departmeM?
Yes No
2. Has 7Ms persoNfirm e�er been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any
current ciry employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green she¢t
Initiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
HRA is involved in redevelopment agreement for Public Safety Building Block, to be redeveloped into residential condominiums by
Penfield LI,C.
Adva�Wges N Approved:
Redevelopment will proceed.
OCT 1 6 2006
None foreseen.
Redevelopment will not go forwazd as planned.
Total Amount of 600
Funding Source:
Financial Information:
CosHRevenue Budgeted:
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Activity Number. GL-255-72363-2833
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October 4, 2006 3.•36 PM Page 1
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Revised jRevision Date]
Authority (C.F. or A.O.)
October 1.2006
LESSOR:Housin¢ and Redevelopment Authoritv of the Citv of
Saint Paul (HRA)
Leased Premises. The LESSOR, in consideration of the payment of the Basic Rent and
Additional Rent hereinafter specified to be paid by the LESSEE, and the covenants and
agreements herein contained, does hereby lease, demise and let unto LESSEE the premises
hereinafter referred to as the "I,eased Premises", whose address is:
2° floor East of the Public Safety Buildine, 100East 11'—" Street. Saint Paul, MN 55101 ,
and which is legally described as:
Lotsl -14, inclusive, Block 6, Roberts and Randalls Addition to St. Paul, Ramsey County,
MN, except the easterly 20 feet of Lots 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, and 14.
together with any buildings, fixtures in such buildings, improvements and stmctures, if any,
located thereon;
See Exhibit "A", plan or map of leased area which is incorporated herein by this reference.
E�ibit B Buildout Specifications,Exhibit C Maintenance Schedule and Exhibit D Buildout
Schedule has been intentionally omitted from this lease.
Term of Lease. This lease shall be in effect for a term commencing and ending on the dates
indicated below, unless terminated eazlier by the LESSOR as provided herein.
12 months
Commencing Date
October 1, 2006
Ending Date
June 30, 2007 or when the Fire
Admin is relocated, which ever is
Use of Premises. The LESSEE shall use and occupy the Leased Premises for the following
Fire Administration
and for no other purQose without the prior written consent of LESSOR.
Basic Rent LESSEE shall pay all rents in advance, on the first day of the term of
the lease and on the first day of each payment period thereafter as indicated in the
Payment Schedule below:
Payment Schedule
Total Rent
During Lease Term
Commencing Date
October 1, 2006
$ per Period)
$LESSEE shall pay
operating expenses
during iYs
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LESSEE shall make all payments of Basic Rent and Additional Rent to LESSOR
at the following address:
The applicable account number for CiTy Finance Accounting Code is:
Taxes. LESSOR shall be responsible for and pay all tases and assessments against the Leased
Ri2ht of Entrv. At all times during the term of this lease, the LESSOR shall have the right, by
itself, its agents and employees, to enter into and upon the Leased Premises during reasonable
business hours to examine and inspect the same, provided that such entry does not interfere with
the wnduct of official business or compromise securiTy of the LESSEE.
LESSOR'S Insurance. The LESSOR shall acquire attd keep in effect during the term of
this ageement the following coverages:
contractual liabiliTy coverage and personal injury liability coverage with a
combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Such insurance
Jean Borgen Penfield Condominwm LLC Lessor City StP Fire Admin Prevention Lessee at PSB doc Page 4�
/1 /n i��l/1 �
shall (a) name the City of Saint Paul as addirional insured; (b) be primary with
respect to LESSEE'S insurance or self-insurance; (c) contain a standazd cross
liabiliry endorsement; (d) $2,000,000 aggregate policy lunit.
$1,00000,000 combined single limit and $2,000,000 aggregate, covering hired,
non-owned and owned automobiles.
WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE with not less than statutory
minimum limits; and EMPLOYERS' LIABILTfY INSURANCE with minimum
limits of at least $100,000 per accident and with an all states endorsement.
The LESSOR shall supply to LESSEE current insurance certificates for policies
required in Paragraph (7). The said certificates shall certify whether or not the
agent has errors and omissions insurance coverage.
The limits cited under each insurance requirement above establish minimums; and
it is the sole responsibility of the LESSOR to purchase and maintain additional
insurance that may be necessary in relation to this lease.
Nothing in this contract shall constitute a waiver by the LESSEE of any statutory
limits or exceptions on liability.
LESSOR shall place the insurance with responsible insurance companies
authorized and licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota and approved by
LESSEE, and shall deliver copies of the policies to LESSEE on the date of
LESSEE'S execution of this ageement. The policies required in paragraph (7)
shall be endorsed to indicate that the insurer cannot cancel or change the insurance
without first giving the LESSEE 30 days' written notice.
LESSEE'S Insurance. The LESSEE shall acquire dwing the term of this lease the
following coverage:
The LESSEE shall be responsible for the self insurance of, or the acquisition of,
Commercial Property Insurance on its personal properry.
The LESSEE is self-insured under the laws of the State of Minnesota for the
purposes of tort claims against the LESSEE.
iii) FIRE AND ALL RISK INSi.JRANCE, including fire, extended coverage and all-
risk insurance covering the Leased Premises and all property located therein
belonging to LESSEE.
Waiver of SubroeaHon. LESSOR waives its right of subrogation for damage to the
Building, contents therein, loss of use thereof, and/ or loss of income, up to the amount of
insurance proceeds collected. LESSEE waives its right of subrogation for damage to
property in the Leased Premises, loss of use thereof, loss of income and/or accounts
Jean Borgen Penfield Co ndominiums LLC Lessor City StP Fire Admin Prevention Lessee at PSB doc � Page 5�
receivable, up to the amourrt of their respective insurance proceeds collected. The parties
shall notify their respective insurance companies, in writing, of the provisions of this
paragraph; and, if either cannot waive its subrogaUon rights, such parry shall immediately
notlfy the other party, in writing.
Cancellation or Terminafion. This lease shall be subject to cancellation and termination by
LESSEE at any time during the term hereof by giving the LESSOR notice in writing at least
ninety (90) days prior to the date when such termination shall become effecrive. In the event of
such termination, and on the effective date of such termination, LESSOR shall retum to the
LESSEE without interest any unearned rent that the LESSEE has paid in advance.
Nofice. All nofices herein provided to be given, or that may be given by either pariy to the other,
shall be deemed to have been fully given when served personally on LESSOR or LESSEE, or
when made in writing and deposited in the United States Mail, certified and postage prepaid, and
addressed to the LESSOR at the address stated on page (1) and to the LESSEE at CiTy of St. Paul
Real Estate 25 — West 4`" St., 1000 City Hall Annex, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The address
to which the notice shall be mailed may be changed by written notice given by either parry to the
other. Nothing herein shall preclude the giving of such address change notice by personal service.
Assignment and Sublettin�. LESSEE st�all not assign or suhlet this Lease without the written
consent of the LESSOR, which consent must be obtained prior to the execution of any agreement
to su6lease the Leased Premises.
Maintenance and Repairs. LESSEE shall, at its own cost and expense, be responsible for all
repairs, maintenance and upkeep of the Leased Premises, including but not limited to emergency
repairs of any kind; routine maintenance and repair to keep the Leased Premises in good repair,
safe and in compliance with applicable fire, health, building and other life-safety codes; and all
repairs and maintenance needed to keep the buildings or structures on the Leased Premises in
good condition, including (a) the exterior (including doors, windows, and glass breakage but not
including signs erected by the LESSEE) and interiar structure of the buildings or structures, (b)
the roof or roofs, (c) the heating, venrilating and air conditioning systems therein, (d) all
electrical, plumbing, lighting, mechanical systems, fire suppression equipment i.e. fire sprinkler
system; and (e) all grounds, fences and roads within the Leased Premises.
Tn addition, the LESSOR shall keep the sidewalks bordering on said Leased Premises at all times
free from ice and snow, and shall remove ice and snow from the roof of the Leased Premises
when necessary. The foregoing obligations shall bind the LESSOR regardless of the cause of the
damage or condition necessitating the repair or maintenance. See Exhibit C Maintenance
Schedule for janitorial activities.
Surrender of Premises. The LESSEE, at the expiration of said term, or any sooner termination
of this lease, shall quit peacefully and surrender possession of said properry and its appur[enances
to LESSOR in as good order and condition as the property was delivered to the LESSEE.
Indemnity. The LESSOR agrees to indemnify, defend, save and hold hannless the City of Saint
Paul and any agents, officers and employees thereof from all claims, demands, actions or causes
of action of whatsoever nature or chazacter, arising out of or by reason of the condition of the
Holdover. Any holdover after the expiration of the term of this I.ease shall be allowed only after
receiving the written consent of the LESSOR. Said tenancy shall he deemed to be a tenancy only
from month-to-month. All other terms and conditions of this Lease shall be applicable.
Pollution and Contaminants. LESSOR agees to comply with all ordinances, laws, rules and
regulations enacted by any govemmental body or agency relating to the control, abatement or
emission of air and water contaminants and the disposal of refuse, solid wastes or liquid wastes.
LESSOR shall beaz ail cost and expense arising from comgliance with said ordinances, laws,
rules, or regulations and shall indemnify, defend, save and hold hannless LESSEE from all
liabiliTy, including without limitation, fines, forfeitures, and penalties arising from the failure by
LESSOR to comply with such ordinances, laws, rules or regulations. LESSEE has the ri�t to
perform cleanup and deduct such costs from the monthly rental payments should the LESSOR
fail to comply.
Controlline Lease. In the event there is any prior existing lease or rental agreement between
LESSEE and LESSOR (or its predecessor in interest) covering the subject property, it is a�eed
and understood that this Lease shall cancel and terminate any prior leases or rental agreements as
of the effective date of this lease.
Destruction. In the event of damage to or destruction of the Leased Premises or in the event the
premises becomes untenantable or unfit for occupancy due to such damage during the term of
this I,ease, LESSOR may at its option:
terminate the lease upon fifteen (15) days' written notice to LESSEE; or
within fifteen (15) days agree to restore the premises within a reasonable time period
following the casualTy.
The Basic Rents to be paid during the restoration period shall be abated in proportion to the
percentage of loss and impairment of the use of the Leased Premises as determined by the
proportion of said Leased Premises that are in suitable condition for occupancy and are actually
occupied by the LESSEE.
Default Remedies. In the event the LESSOR fails to obseroe and perform any covenant or
condirion of ageement on its part to be observed or performed as required by this Lease and this
failure persists for 30 days, the LESSEE may, at its election:
send notice to LESSOR that self help measures will be taken by LESSEE and charged to
LESSOR, such charges to be deducted from subsequent payments of Basic and
Additional Rent beginning with the rent next due and continuing, should the rent next due
be insufficient to reimburse the LESSEE'5 expenditures, untit such tune as LESSEE has
been fully reimbursed far said expenditures and reasonable accrued interest; or
terminate this Lease by giving not less than thirty days' written notice to LESSOR,
provided that, should the LESSOR recfify its failure to observe or perForm as required
Jean Borgen Penfield Condominiums LLC Lessor City Fire Admi'n Prevention Lessee at PSB doc � Page 7'
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within the said thirty day period or by a mutual]y agreed upon date, said written norice
shall be withdrawn.
Terminarion, as provided in this paragraph shall release the LESSEE of any further
obligation to pay Base Rent or Additional Rent, as defined in Paragraph (4), to LESSOR
or to LENDER. Any monies paid in advance for rental of the Leased Premises subsequent
to the date of termination shall be refundable to the LESSEE and shall be due on the date
of termination.
Comnliance with Laws. The properry described herein may be used for only the purposes stated
herein. It is the sole and exclusive responsibiliTy of the LESSEE in the use of the properiy to
comply with all laws, rules, regulations or ordinances imposed by any jurisdiction affecting the
use to which the property is proposed to be put. The LESSOR shall comply with all laws, rules,
regulations or ordinances imposed by any jurisdiction affecting conduct on the property, and shall
allow no violation of such laws, rules, regulations or ordinances by its agents or employees or by
other tenants.
Liens. Neither the LESSOR nor the LESSEE shall permit mechanic's liens or other liens to be
filed or established or to remain against the Leased Premises for labor, materials or services
fumished in connection with any additions, modifications, improvements, repairs, renewals or
replacements made to the L,eased Premises, or for any other reason. The LESSOR and the
LESSEE shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the other from all claims, demands,
actions or causes of action of whatsoever natwe or character arising therefrom. In addition,
LESSOR agrees to indemnify, defend save and hold harmless the LE5SEE from all claims,
demands, actions or causes of action of whatsoever nature or character arising out of or from any
activities of LESSOR or persons or companies under its control and supervision.
Eminent Domain. In the event the entire Leased Premises are taken by eminent domain, or such
portion thereof is so taken that in the LESSEE'S reasonable judgment it is uneconomic or
otherwise impracfical thereafter to restore the I,eased Premises and proceed under the terms and
provisions of this lease, LESSEE may terminate this Lease by giving to the LESSOR thirty days'
written noUce of termination, effective as of the date on which the condemning authority acquires
legal title to or physical posse'ssion of the Leased Fremises. The LESSEE shall be entitled to its
leasehold interest in all economic damages in the condemnation award. LESSEE may, to the
extent otherwise permitted in the eminent domain proceeding, remove its own trade fixtures at its
own expense.
LESSEE'5 Oblieations. The LESSEE will keep the Leased Premises clean and wi11 not allow
any condition to exist that would create a nuisance or fire hazard, or that would increase the rate
of insurance on the Leased Pxemises.
LESSEE sha11 not waste or misuse water, gas, steam or any other utilities furnished by the
LESSEE shall not, in any manner, deface or injure, or permit the defacing or injury of, said
Leased Premises or any part thereof, or overload the floors.
Non-Disturbance in the Event of Chan¢e of Ownershia. In the event of the sale of the Leased
Je�_ an Borgen �Penfield Condominwms LLC Lessor City StP Fire Admin�Preventwn Lessee at PSB doc � � Page 8�
Premises or foreclosure of the mortgage or any change of ownership by other means, the
instrument of transfer shall bind the succeeding owner, as a direct lease between the succeeding
owner and the LESSEE, to the covenants and obligarions of LESSOR as described in this Lease
Agreement for the balance of the term of said lease.
The holders of any mortgages that predate this lease, upon succeeding the LESSOR as owners of
the I,eased Premises, shall be bound as by a direct lease with the LESSEE to the covenants and
obligarions of LESSORS as described in this lease agreement. See E�ibit "D", attached hereto
and by this reference made a part hereof.
Upon assumption by the succeeding owner of said covenants and obligations, the LESSOR shall
be relieved there from, provided, however, that the LESSOR shall not be released from any claim
resulting from a default of the LESSOR occurring prior to the date of such sale.
LESSEE shall accept the succeeding owner as LESSOR and shall adhere to all terms and
conditions of the LESSEE as described in this Lease Agreement for the balance of the term of
said lease.
Alterations. The LESSEE will not make any alterations to the premises without the written
consent of the LESSOR, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. If the LESSEE desires to
make any such alterations, see Exhibit B, an accurate description shall first be submitted to and
approved by the LESSOR and such alterations shall be done by the LESSEE at its own expense.
All such work shall be performed under the LESSOR'S supervision and any improvements made
to the Leased Premises at the LESSEE'S expense shall become the properry of the LESSOR or
removed at LESSEE's expense at the end of the Lease period. LESSEE agrees that all alterations
will be done in a workmanlike manner and in conformance with applicable building codes, that
the structural integrity and building systems of the building will not be impaired, and that no
liens will attach to the premises by reason thereof.
LESSEE'S Si2ns. LESSEE may elect at its own cost and expense to provide and install an
exterior sign; provided, however, that the size, design and manner of installation of said sign
shall be subject to the written approval of the LESSOR and comply to existing codes and ]aws.
LESSEE'S Personal Proaertv. LESSOR shall have no obligation to repair or maintain any
personal property or equipment brought into the Leased Premises or installed therein by LESSEE
for LESSEE'S purposes, and LESSEE shall be permitted to remove said personal properiy upon
the termination of this Lease. LESSEE shall, at its own expense repair any damage to the Leased
Premises caused or created by the installation or removal of said personal properiy.
Amended. Anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding, this I.ease may be
terminated, and the provisions of this Lease may be, in writing, amended by mutual consent of
the parties hereto.
r ...,
Jean Borgen Penfieid Condominiums LLC Lessor City StP Fire Admm Prevention Lessee at PSB doc LL Page 9;
EJean Borgen �-�Penfield�Condominiums LLC Lessor City�StP PD 911 Center Lessee at PSB doc � � � ��� � Page 1�'
�/n � I n/JO
Revised [Revision Date]
Authority (C.F. or A.O.)
LESSORHousin¢ and Redeveloament Authoritv of the City of
Saint Paul (HRA)
Leased Premises. The LESSOR, in consideration of the payment of the Basic Rent and
Additional Rent hereinafter specified to be paid by the LESSEE, and the covenants and
agreements herein contained, does hereby lease, demise and let unto LESSEE the premises
hereinafter referred to as the "Leased Premises", whose address is:
2° floor East of the Public Safetv Buildina. 100East 1 l�` Street, Saint Paul, MN 55101 ,
and which is legally described as:
Lotsl -14, inclusive, Block 6, Rober[s and Randalls Addition to St. Paul, Ramsey County,
MN, except the easterly 20 feet of Lots 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, and 14.
together with any buildings, fixtures in such buildings, improvements and structures, if any,
located thereon;
See Exhibit "A", plan or map of leased area which is incorporated herein by this reference.
Exhibit B Buildout Specifications,Exhibit C Maintenance Schedule and Exhibit D Buildout
Schedule has been intentionally omitted from this lease.
October 1 2006
Term of Lease. This lease shall be in effect for a term commencing and ending on the dates
indicated below, unless terminated earlier by the LESSOR as provided herein.
Commencing Date
Ending Date
12 months
October l, 2006
7une 30, 2007 or when the 911
County Dispatch Center is fully
functional and operating, which
ever is last.
Use of Premises. The LESSEE shall use and occupy the Leased Premises for the following
Jean Borgen Penfield Condominwms LLC Lessor Cifij StP PD 911 Center Lessee st PSB doc � � ��� �" Page�2 �
n�n .� / /i /1 Q
911 Communications Center
and for no other purpose without the prior written consent of LESSOR.
Basic Rent LESSEE shall pay all rents in advance, on the first day of the term of
the lease and on the first day of each payment period thereafter as indicated in the
Payment Schedule below:
Payment Schedute
Total Rent
During Lease Term
Commencing Date
October 1, 2006
$ per Period)
$LESSEE shall pay
operating expenses
during iYs
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The applicable account number for Ciry Finance Accounting Code is:
Taxes. LESSOR shall be responsible for and pay all taxes and assessments against the Leased
12iQht of Entrv. At all times during the term of this lease, the LESSOR shall have the right, by
itself, its agents and employees, to enter into and upon the Leased Premises during reasonable
business hours to examine and inspect the same, provided that such entry does not interfere with
the conduct of official business or compromise security of the LESSEE.
LESSOR'S Insurance. The LESSOR shall acquire and keep in effect during the term of
this agreement the following coverages:
contractual liability coverage and personal injury liability coverage with a
0 (� -�
combined single limit ofnot less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Such insurance
shall (a) name the City of Saint Paul as additional insured; (b) be primary with
respect to LESSEE'S insurance or self-insurance; (c) contain a standazd cross
liability endorsement; (d) $2,OOQ000 aggregate policy limit.
$1,00000,000 combined single limit and $2,000,000 aggegate, covering hired,
non-owned and owned automobiles.
WORKERS' CONII'ENSATION INSi3RANCE with not less than stahrtory
minimum limits; and EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY INSLJRANCE with minimum
limits of at least $100,000 per accident and with an all states endorsement.
The LESSOR shall supply to LESSEE current insurance certificates for policies
required in Paragraph (7). The said certificates shall certify whether or not the
agent has errors and omissions insurance coverage.
The limits cited under each insurance requirement above establish minimums; and
it is the sole responsibility of the LESSOR to purchase and maintain additional
insurance that may be necessary in relation to this lease.
Nothing in this contract shall constitute a waiver by the LESSEE of any statutory
limits or exceptions on liability.
LESSOR shall place the insurance with responsible insurance companies
authorized and licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota and approved by
LESSEE, and shall deliver copies of the policies to LESSEE on the date of
LESSEE'S execution of this agreement. The policies required in paragaph (7)
shall be endorsed to indicate that the insurer cannot cancel or change the insurance
without first giving the LESSEE 30 days' written notice.
LESSEE'S Insurance. The LESSEE shall acquire during the term of this lease the
following coverage:
The LESSEE shall be responsible for the self insurance of, or the acquisition of,
Commercial Property Insurance on its personal property.
The LESSEE is self-insured under the laws of the State of Minnesota for the
purposes of tort claims against the LESSEE.
iii) FIl2E AND ALL RTSK INSiJRANCE, including fire, extended coverage and all-
risk insurance covering the Leased Premises and all properry located therein
belonging to LESSEE.
Waiver of Subro¢ation. LESSOR waives its right of subrogation for damage to the
Building, contents therein, loss of use thereof, and/ or loss of income, up to the amount of
insurance proceeds collected. LESSEE waives its right of subrogation for damage to
property in the Leased Premises, loss of use thereof, loss of income andfor accounts
receivable, up to the amount of their respective insurance proceeds collected. The parties
shall notify their respective insurance companies, in writing, of the provisions of this
pazagaph; and, if either cannot waive its subrogation rights, such party shall immediately
notify the other party, in writing.
Cancella6on or Termination. This lease shatl be subject to cancellation and termination b�
LESSEE at any time during the term hereof by giving the LESSOR notice in writing at least
ninety (90) days prior to the date when such termination shall become effective. In the event of
such termination, and on the effecrive date of such termination, LESSOR shall return to the
LESSEE without interest any unearned rent that the LESSEE has paid in advance.
Nofice. All notices herein provided to be given, or that may be given by either pazty to the other,
shall be deemed to have been fully given when served personally on LESSOR or LESSEE, or
when made in writing and deposited in the United States Mail, certified and postage prepaid, and
addressed to the LESSOR at the address stated on page (1) and to the LESSEE at Ciry of St. Paul
Real Estate 25 — West 4`� St., 1000 City Hall Annex, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102. The address
to which the notice shall be mailed may be changed by written notice given by either parry to the
other. Nothing herein shall preclude the giving of such address change notice by personal service.
Assienment and Sublettina. LESSEE shall not assign or sublet this Lease without the written
consent of the LESSOR, which consent must be obtained prior to the execution of any agreement
to sublease the Leased Premises.
Maintenance and Renairs. LESSEE shall, at its own cost and expense, be responsible for all
repairs, maintenance and upkeep of the I,eased Premises, including but not limited to emergency
repairs of any kind; routine mairrtenance and repair to keep the Leased Premises in good repair,
safe and in compliance with applicable fire, health, building and other life-safety codes; and all
repairs and maintenance needed to keep the buildings or structures on the Leased Premises in
good condirion, including (a) the exterior (including doors, windows, and glass breakage but not
including signs erected by the LESSEE) and interior structure of the buildings or structures, (b)
the roof ar roofs, (c) the heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems therein, (d) all
electrical, plumbing, lighting, mechanical systems, fire suppression equipment i.e. fire sprinkler
system; and (e) all grounds, fences and roads within the Leased Premises.
In addition, the LESSOR shall keep the sidewalks bordering on said Leased Premises at all times
free &om ice and snow, and shall remove ice and snow from the roof of the I,eased Premises
when necessary. The foregoing obligations shall bind the LESSOR regardless of the cause of the
damage or condition necessitating the repair or maintenance. See E�ibit C Maintenance
Schedule for janitorial activities.
Surrender of Premises. The LESSEE, at the expiration of said term, or any sooner terminarion
of this lease, shall quit peacefully and surrender possession of said property and its appurtenances
to LESSOR in as good order and condition as the properry was delivered to the LESSEE.
Indemnitv. The LESSOR agees to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the Ciry of Saint
Paul and any agents, officers and employees thereof from all claims, demands, actions or causes
of action of whatsoever nature or chazacter, arising out of or by reason of the condirion of the
Holdover. Any holdover after the expiration of the term of this Lease shall be allowed only a8er
receiving the written consent of the LESSOR Said tenancy shall be deemed to be a tenancy only
from month-to-month. All other terms and conditions of this I,ease shall be applicable.
Pollution and Contaminants. LESSOR agrees to comply with all ordinances, laws, rules and
regulations enacted by any govemmental body or agency relating to the control, abatement or
emission of air and water contaminants and the disposal of refuse, solid wastes or liquid wastes.
LESSOR shall beaz all cost and expense arising from compliance with said ordinances, laws,
rules, or regulauons and shall indemnify, defend, save and hold hannless LESSEE from all
liability, including without limitation, fines, forfeitures, and penalties arising from the failure by
LESSOR to comply with such ordinances, laws, rules or regulations. LESSEE has the right to
perform cleanup and deduct such costs from the monthly rental payments should the LESSOR
fail to comply.
ControllinQ Lease. In the event there is any prior existing lease or rental agreement between
LESSEE and LESSOR (or its predecessor in interest) covering the subject property, it is agreed
and understood that this Lease shall cancel and terminate any prior leases or rental agreements as
of the effective date of this lease.
Destruction. In the event of damage to or destruction of the Leased Premises or in the event the
premises becomes untenantable or unfit for occupancy due to such damage during the term of
this Lease, LESSOR may at its option:
terminate the lease upon fifteen (15) days' written notice to LESSEE; or
within fifteen (15) days agree to restore the premises within a reasonable time period
following the casualty.
The Basic Rents to be paid during the restoration period shall be abated in proportion to the
percentage of loss and impairment of the use of the Leased Premises as determined by the
proportion of said Leased Premises that are in suitable condition for occupancy and are actually
occupied by the LESSEE.
Default Remedies. In the event the LESSOR fails to observe and perform any covenant or
condition of agreement on its part to be observed or performed as required by this Lease and this
failure persists for 30 days, the LE5SEE may, at its election:
send notice to LESSOR that self help measures will be taken by LESSEE and chazged to
LESSOR, such charges to be deducted from subsequent payments of Basic and
Additional Rent beginning with the rent next due and continuing, should the rent next due
be insufficient to reimburse the LESSEE'S expenditures, until such tnne as LESSEE has
been fully rennbursed for said expenditures and reasonable accrued interest; or
terminate this Lease by giving not less than thirty days' written notice to LESSOR,
�Jean Borgen �Penfield Condominwms LLC Lessor City StP PD 911 Center Lesaee at PSB doc Pa 7�
provided that, should the LESSOR rectify its failure to observe or perform as required
within the said thirty day period or by a mutually agreed upon date, said written notice
shall be withdrawn.
Termination, as provided in this paragraph shall release the LESSEE of any further
obligarion to pay Base Rent or Additional Rent, as defined in Paragaph (4), to LESSOR
or to LENDER. Any monies paid in advance for rental of the I,eased Premises subsequent
to the date of termination shall be refundable to the LESSEE and shall be due on the date
of termination.
Compliance with Laws. The properry described herein may be used for only the purposes stated
herein. It is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the LESSEE in the use of the properry to
comply with al] laws, rules, regulations or ordinances imposed by any jurisdiction affecting the
use to which the property is proposed to be put. The LESSOR shall comply with all laws, rules,
regulations or ordinances imposed by any jurisdiction affecting conduct on the property, and shail
allow no violation of such laws, rules, regulations or ordinances by its agents or employees or by
other tenants.
Liens. Neither the LESSOR nor the LESSEE shall permit mechanic's liens or other liens to be
fled or established or to remain against the Leased Premises for labor, materials or services
fumished in connection with any additions, modifications, improvements, repairs, renewals or
replacements made to the Leased Premises, or for any other reason. The LESSOR and the
LESSEE shall indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the other from all claims, demands,
actions or causes of action of whatsoever nature or character arising therefrom. In addition,
LESSOR agrees to indemnify, defend save and hold harmless the LESSEE from all claims,
demands, actions or causes of action of whatsoever nature or character arising out of or from any
activities of LESSOR or persons or companies under its control and supervision.
Eminent Domain. In the event the entire Leased Premises are taken by eminent domain, or such
portion thereof is so taken that in the LESSEE'S reasonable judgnent it is uneconomic or
otherwise impractical thereafter to restore the Leased Premises and proceed under the terms and
provisions of this lease, LESSEE may terminate this Lease by giving to the LESSOR thirty days'
written notice of termination, effective as of the date on which the condemning authoriTy acquires
legal title to or physical possession of the Leased Premises. The LESSEE shall be entitled to its
leasehold interest in all economic damages in the condemnation award. LESSEE may, to the
extent otherwise permitted in the eminent domain proceeding, remove its own trade fixtures at its
own expense.
LESSEE'S Oblieations. The LESSEE will keep the Leased Premises clean and will not allow
any condition to exist that would create a nuisance ar fire hazard, or that would increase the rate
of insurance on the Leased Premises.
LESSEE shall not waste or misuse water, gas, steam or any other utilities fumished by the
LESSEE shall not, in any manner, deface or injure, or permit the defacing or injury of, said
Leased Premises or any par[ thereof, or overload the floors.
- /Of�
Non-Distarbance in the Event of Chanee of Ownership. In the event of the sale of the Leased
Premises or forecloswe of the mortgage or any change of ownership by other means, the
instrument of trac�sfer shall bind the succeeding owner, as a direct lease between the succeeding
owner and the LESSEE, to the covenants and obligations of LESSOR as described in this I,ease
Ageement for the balance of the term of said lease.
The holders of any mortgages that predate this lease, upon succeeding the LESSOR as owners of
the I,eased Premises, shall be bound as by a direct lease with the LESSEE to the covenants and
obligations of LESSORS as described in this lease agreement. See E�ibit "D", attached hereto
and by this reference made a part hereof.
Upon assumption by the succeeding owner of said covenants and obligations, the LESSOR shall
be relieved there from, provided, however, that the LESSOR shall not be released from any claim
resulting from a default of the LESSOR occurring prior to the date of such sale.
LESSEE shall accept the succeeding owner as LESSOR and shall adhere to all terms and
conditions of the LESSEE as described in this Lease Agreement for the balance of the term of
said lease.
Alterafions. The LESSEE will not make any alterations to the premises without the written
consent of the LESSOR, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. If the LESSEE desires to
make any such alterations, see E�ibit B, an accurate description shall first be submitted to and
approved by the LESSOR and such alterations shall be done by the LESSEE at its own expense.
All such work shall be perFormed under the LESSOR'S supervision and any improvements made
to the Leased Premises at the LESSEE'S expense shall become the properry of the LESSOR or
removed at LESSEE's expense at the end of the Lease period. LESSEE agrees that all alterations
will be done in a workmanlike manner and in conformance with applicable building codes, that
the structural integrity and building systems of the building will not be impaired, and that no
liens will attach to the premises by reason thereof.
LESSEE'S Siens. LESSEE may elect at its own cost and expense to provide and install an
exterior sign; provided, however, that the size, design and manner of installation of said sign
shall be subject to the written approval of the LESSOR and comply to existing codes and laws.
LESSEE'S Personal Proaertv. LESSOR shall have no obligation to repair or maintain any
personal property or equipment brought into the Leased Premises or installed therein by LESSEE
for LESSEE'S purposes, and LESSEE shall be permitted to remove said personal property upon
the termination of this Lease. LESSEE shall, at its own expense repair any damage to the I,eased
Premises caused or created by the installation or removal of said personal property.
Amended. Anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding, this Lease may be
terminated, and the provisions of this Lease may be, in writing, amended by mutual consent of
the parties hereto.
___ , __ .. ___ _. _ .__
: Jean Borgen Penfieid Condominwms LLC Lessor City StP PD 911 Center Lessee at PSB doc Page 9;
' ` '
Ol� 1���
I(we), the undersigned, constituting a majority of the owners (or theu legally designated representatives) of the abutting properties, do
hereby peririon the Council of The City of Saint Pau] to vacate its interests in the properry(ies) legally described as follows:
Lots 1-14 inclusive, Block 6, Roberts and Randalls AddiUon to Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, except the
easterly 20 feet of Lots 1, 2, 3, 12, 13 and 14.
I(we) request this vacation for the following reason(s). (Indicate whether you will be building on the site.)
Petitioner has received a proposal for development from Penfield LLC with the purpose of constructing residential
condominiums on the site.
I(we) have attached six copies of the site plans of any development intended for construction on the lands to be vacated.
Contact Person
Name: Cynthia Carlson Heins, Real Estate Mgr,
Person(s) responsible for payment of vacation fee
and for acceptance of the terms and conditions of
the vacafion:
Phone: 651 266-6608
Address: 11a� City Hall Annex, 25 W. Fourth St.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
Alternate Contact Person
Name: Diane Nordquist, Project Manager
Phone: 651 266-6640
Address: 1300 City Hall Annex, 25 W. Fourth St.
Saint Paul, MN 55102
o(� -/aa�'
Signatures of Owner(s)/Representarive(s) of Property(ies) Described Below:
None other than Petitioner
Pef ' er:
{� �Executive Director
Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
�, Cecile Bedor, Executive Director of the Housin� and Redevelopment Authority of ffie Citv of Saint
Paul Minnesota , am the petitioner, or one of the petitioners in the above matter; and I do hereby swear and
verify that each of the signahues on this petition was signed in my presence by the person described in the
Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul
Cecile Bedor, Execurive Director
1300 City Hall Annex
25 W. Fourth St.
St Paul, MN 55102
Subscribed and sworn to before me this l`S� �
day of l��
1/ �
//L�� /���� i�
�� � � � I
My commission expues
� MY CONIM� � � t 0
OCe -/�a8
Bruce Beese, Director
Christopher B. Co(eman, Mayor
July 25, 2006
To the Honorable Members of the
Council of the City of Saint Paul
Technica[ Services Division Ph: 651-266-8860
1000 Cin� Hall Annex Far 651-266-8855
25 W. Fourth Street
S¢Ent Pau[, MN 55702-1660
The City of Saint Paul hereby petitions to vacate the City's interest in the Public Safety Building
block. The property to be vacated is shown on the attached map and described as follows:
All of block 6, Roben's & Randall's Addition, City of Saint Paul.
The City, through its Public Works/'I'echnical Services Division, Real Estate office, has
determined this property to be surplus to its public use needs.
�� • 1 ••
�t. , !/ , /� ,
_ _
) ss.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me,
Tf{ "—
this � day of u , 2006, by
� !'�—� �� ( / � -F°r 1-Inx
vt Gr a G.,� , Mayor of the
City of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation under the laws
o in t
� .�tNN�! A. O°rZl'1Z
s �,� �aYCO�aatss�ow �
NotaryPublic fi � ��'+RESSAi�.�g.L �
AA-ADA-EHO Hmployer
v . _. _
Jean Borgen Replies doc Page 1,
/� ln � �/f �� m.
Department of Public Works
Bruce Beese, Director
1000 City Hall Annex Phone: (651) 266-8850
Saint Paul, MN 55102 Fax: (651) 266-8855
r Christopher B. Coleman, Mayor
July 25, 2006
To: City Departments
RE: Our File 13-2006 (Vacation of Public Safety Block)
The City of Saint Paul is petitioning for the vacation of CiTy interests in all of Block 6, Robert's
and RandalPs Addition, Saint Paul, Minnesota with a street address of 101 East 11`" Street, Saint
Paul, Minnesota.
The purpose of this vacation is to allow for future redevelopment.
Does your organization have a need for this property? If so, please state the public purpose
for use of the property on the attached Reply to Vacation Inquiry. If you have no need for the
properiy, please indicate that as well. If you would prefer to respond on your own letterhead, or
by e-mail message, that is acceptable.
I would like to receive your comments before August 3, 2006 so I can prepare a report to the
City Council on this matter.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call me at 651-266-8866.
Jean Borgen
Public Works —Reai Estate
Technical Services Division
(My Dowments/CINU Inq.doc)
r Jean Borgen Re Pubhc Safety Bldg Block Page 1';
U (1� C d��
From: Steve Zaccard
To: Borgen, Jean
Date: 8/31/2006 8:0120 AM
Subject: Re: Public Safety Bldg Block
From Assistant Fire Chief Dave Pleasants: "I wouid say we 'approve of the vacation subject to the
following conditions' and list our need for a new HQ and FP location. "
Steve Zaccard, Fire Marshal
Dept. of Fire & Safety Services
100 E. 11th St.
Saint Paul, MN 55101
651-228�201 Office
651-228-6241 Fax
612-880-5779 Pager
»> Jean Borgen 8/31/2006 7:55 AM »>
This is a third request. i do need a reply in order to continue vacating this property so that this site can be
released and another built for you. Your interests in this site are being protected by a lease or leases that
will become a condition of this vacation. Those are being prepared by Dave Nelson, x6-8860. Thanks for
your help, Jean
Jean Borgen
Tech Svcs - Real Estate
25 W. 4th St., Ste 1000
St. Paul MN 55i02
Ph 651-266-8866
Fax 651-266-8855
OC� -166d'
so: Jean Borgen �`°'°
°�AQp o4' W���
Repiy to Vacation Inquiry
File # 13-2006 c,c�ofsx.Paut
Public Works Technical Svcs
Phone# 266-8866 P�one#
F�u 266-8855 F��
We have no obiections to this vacation
We will approve this vacation, subject to the followin� conditions:
For the followin� reasons, we cannot approve this vacation:
Block 6, Roben's and Randall's Addition, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
r �
D� � /D��
To: Jean Borgen F�om: Colleen Paavola
Reply to Vacation Inquiry City of St. Paul c�n ofst. naui
F�le # 13 �2��6 �blic Works Technical Svcs Public Works
rho�e � 266-8866 Pnone # 266-6104
F�a 266-8855 F�� 266-8855
We have no objections to this vacation
We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions:
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation:
Block 6, Robert's and Randall's Addition, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
. . � ��!�,�
Jea Borgen Re Fwd Proposed vacation 13 2006 � Page 1'
D(� -lD�d'
From: Melanie Huggins
To: Jean Borgen
Date: 8Rl20�6 2:4133 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Proposed vacation 13-2006
We aren't interested. Thanks for letting me know. Melanie
Melanie Huggins
Library Director
St. Paul Pubiic Library
90 W. Fourth St.
St. Paul, MN 551Q2
651.266.7073 p
651.266.7060 fi
»> Jean Borgen 817/2006 1:52 PM »>
I'm sorry this didn't get to you in a timely manner. I had the name of the former interim director instead of
yours. What we are iooking for is Libraries (and other departments) to specify yes or no to a need fior this
specific property. At this time it is occupied by depts. of Police and Fire Safety. There is a new
construction site for those operations, and they will be relocating. Please call or email if you have any
questions. Thanks,
Jean Borgen
Tech Svcs - Reai Estate
25 W. 4th St., Ste 1000
St. Paul MN 55102
Ph 651-266-8866
Fax 651-266-8855
»> Jean Borgen 7/25/2006 12:49 PM »>
Attached is information related to the City's petition to vacate its interests in the Public Safety Bldg Block:
All of block 6, Robert's and Randall's Addition, Saint Paul, Minnesota
1) Vacation request letter (MS Word)
2) lnquiry reply form (second page of request Ietter)
3) Map (TIFF format), area shown within red boundary
Please review and reply at your earliest convenience, but preferabfy no fater than August 3, 2006 if at aiI
possibie. If you have questions, or if you cannot open the attachments, please reply via email or call me
Jean Borgen
Tech Svcs - Real Estate
25 W. 4th St., Ste 1000
St. Paui MN 55102
Ph 651-266-8866
Fax 651-266-8855
Jean Borgen ��Re Proposed�vacation�l3 2006 � �� � � � � � �� � � �'� �� �� � � � Psge 1 j
�LQ '�D � �'
From: Tom Beach
To: Borgen, Jean
Date: 7/25/2��6 3:51:46 PM
Subject: Re: Proposed vacation 13-2006
LIEP has no objectio�s to the vacation of Biock 6.
»> Jean Borgen 7/25/2006 12:49:b7 PM »>
Attached is informatio� related to the City's pe6tion to vacate its interests in the Public Safety Bidg Bfock:
All of biock 6, Robert's and Randali's Addition, Saint Paul, Minnesota
1) Vacation request letter (MS Word)
2) Inquiry reply form (second page of request letter)
3) Map (TIFF format), area shown within red boundary
Piease review and repiy at your earliest convenience, but preferably no later than August 3, 2006 if at all
possibie. If you have questions, or if you cannot open the attachments, please reply via email or call me at
Jean Borgen
Tech Svcs - Real Estate
25 W. 4th St., Ste 1000
St. Paul MN 55102
Ph 651-266-8866
Fax 651-266-8855
�t� -16��
To: Jean Borgen From:
5�G Gae� PY e
Reply to Vacation Inquiry s-�- P,eu.2 ��/«-e
File # 13-2006 City of St. Paul
Public Works Tuhnical Svcs
Pbone� 266-8866 Pboae�
F�n 266-8855 F��
We Yiave no obiections to this vacation
We wili approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions:
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation:
Black 6, Robert's and Randall's Addition, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
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Signed Date
To: Jean Borgen From:
Reply to Vacation Inquiry
File # 13-2006
City of St. Pau]
Public Works Technical Svcs
rhoneR 266-8866 phoner
F,� # 266-8855 F'x"
We have no obiections to this vacation
! We will approve this vacation, subject to the following conditions:
For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation:
I Block 6, Robert's and RandaZl's Addition, Saint Paul, Minnesota.
"" �r
�'Z7• 06
SEP-10-2006 13�13
T�: Jean Borgen rrom:
DC� ���
ReQly to Vacation Inquiry
File # 13-2406 c;t orsc ra�
Publ"u Works Technical Svcs
PhoneA 266-8866 P�nes
r�u 266-8855 F��
We have no objections to this vacati.on
We will approve this vacation, subject to the followin� conditions:
For the following ceasons, we cazuiot apvrove this vacation:
Block 6, RoBert's and Randall :s Addition, Saint Paul, Minnesota,
T67RL P.02
� __ _ _ .
Jean Borgen Re Pubiic Safety Bwldmg Block � " Page 1'
D� -�a��
From: Dave Maauffo
To: Borgen,Jean
Date: 8/14/200612:46:51 PM
Subject: Re: Public Safely Building Block
SPRWS has no issues or concerns with the proposed vacation of Public Safety Building, your fiie #13-
»> Jean Borgen 8!7/06 139 PM »>
This is a second request for a reply. Sorry, if replies crossed in the mail. NOTE: to Police, Fire and others—
The vacation of city interests wiil include a Iease or leases for existing occupants to remain until they are
moved into a new "home."
Jean Borgen
Tech Svcs - Reai Estate
25 W. 4th St., Ste 1000
St. Paul MN 55102
Ph 651-266-8866
Fax 651-266-8855
l�( �1�08
Nofice is hereby given of the petirion of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint
Paul, Mimiesota to vacate the City's interest in the Public Safety Block, Block 6, Robert's and
Randall's Addition, as more fully described on file and of record in the office of the City Clerk of Saint
Paul, Mimiesota, and will be heard and considered by the Saint Paul City Council at a meeting to be
held in the Council Chambers on the 3rd floor of City Hall and Court House on the lst day of
November, 2006 at 5:30 P.M.
Dated: October 5, 2006
Shari Moore
City Clerk
(October 9, 200b)
Interdepartmental Memorandum
To: All Council Members
From: Bruce Engelbrekt (clo Jean Borgen)
Public Works Technical Services
Real Estate
1000 City Hall Annex
Date: October 5, 2006
RE: Public Works Vacation File No.13-2006 (Vacate City's Interest)
I recommend a public hearing befare the City Council be held on November 1, 2006
to consider the petition of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of
Saint Paul, Minnesota.
This petition is to vacate the City's interest in the Public Safety Building Block,
block 6, Robert's and Randall's Addition.
The purpose of this vacation is to facilitate re-development of the property by
Penfield, LLC, far residential condominiums.
This property is located in Ciry Council Ward 2, Planning District 17.
Alantis/pw/Technical Services/Rea1 Estate/Vacafions/2006/07-200