226029It I� I 1 I_ ii i 4 1 I TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COON RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM BY :)NE n�rc FICOUNCIL NO 226029 Resolved that permission be and is hereby granted to the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, to make the necessary excavation to place buried cable in Hoyt Avenue from Wheelock Parkway to Sylvan Street. Work to be done under direction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The Telephone Company to pay for the cost of publication incident hereto. I 1 1 i �= t i ii I t 1. i t 4 COUNCILMEN Y as Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith `1 Peterson President, Vavoulis i P 10M "2 1 4 is a NOV 2 41965 Adopted by the Council 19- // _ NOV 4 41965 6 .� en Tn Favor i slir;..0 f, V Mayor — Against PUBLISHED NOV 2 7 1965