06-1000Council File # �� —� B[� Green Sheet # 30�300 � Presented 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $ 9 1� 11 IZ 13 14 1S 16 17 i8 19 2� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2g �RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, the D�paA�sieRfof Public Works has entezed into a coopecative conshucfion agceement with the Minnesota Deparlment of Transportation, for the drninage channel improvement construcfion adjacent to T.H. 52 on Bazge CLannel Road at Concord Stree� and WFIQ2EAS, ihe Minnesota Depar�ent of Transportafion will participate in the cost up to a macimum amount of 5125,400, and WFIEREAS, the budget for this project is included in the 2006 Major Sewer Repair Progcam, approved by Council on CF OS-1163 as Log # SU-6600819, so THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the CiTy of Saint Paul, upon iecommendafion of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range CapitalImprovement Budget Committee, that $125,400 is available for appropdaGon in the 2006 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, be hereby futther amended in the Improvement Budge[s, in the following pazficulars: FINANCING PLAN Major Sewer Repairs-`06 C062T930 Mn/DOT Sewer Service Fund Cuaent Budget Change izs,aoo.00 izs,aoo.00 125.400.00 125,400.00 Amended Budget 2.680.083.95 2,68Q083.95 SPENDING PLAN Major Sewer Repairs-`06 C06-2T930 Constrnction 2.680 083 95 2,68Q083.95 125,400.00 2 680 083 95 2,805,483.95 2.805,483.95 2,805,483.95 ;�e St. Paul Long - Range Cagital Improve�ilettf Budget Committee Teceived this zequest on Q� 9� d D D(� __ and recommend< date) ----- - °� ����� ��: AdoptedbyCouncil: Date //�//j��lJp� �— Adoption CertiFied by Council Secretary By: Approved ay . Date y By: Requested b: Depaztment of Public Works PTK/'ab 9/21/06 By: Form Ap v'd by City or��y By: �� 6D- Z to Council � c �� � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � D��/B� Ce� Departmentloffice/council: Dafe Initiated: PN/ - PublicWorks 22SEP-06 Green Sheet NO: 3033009 Contact Person & Phone: Paul KurK 26Gt>203 Must Be on Council qqen� Doa Type: RESOLUTION W/$ iRANSACi E-0ocumentRequired: Y DocumentContad: PaulKurfz � Assign Number For Routing Order Conpct Phone: 266-6203 � � Total # of Signalure Pages _(Clip NI locations for Signature) o �nuowo� �SV y���/uco �— G 06 1 ' 'C_WUCkS ___..._____ DeDarlm¢nt_DireM4r __ _ _ 1.�7L7 6 2 ' Services ceI�SnancialServi � • • 3 ' A rne f � 4 or's OtHce Ma or/As�iYant 5 ul Cti Comcil 6 Clerk Cti Clerk Action Requested: Approval of attached Resolution amending the spending and financing plans of the 2006 Major Sewer Repair prograzn by adding $125,400 from the Minnesota Departrnent of Transportation. itlation5: Appro�e (A) or F Planning Commission CIB Committee CiHI Senice Commission MustMswerthe Following 1. Has this person/firm e�er vrorked under a coMract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm eeer been a city employce? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirtn possess a skill rwt nortnaliy possessed by any cuirent city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheetand aitach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Department of Public Works has entered into a cooperative constrnction ageement wi[h the Mim�esota Department of Transpor[afion (Mn/DOT), for drainage channel improvement construcaon adjacent to T.H. 52 on Bazge Channel Road at Concord Street. Mn/DOT will participate in the cost up to a ma�cimum amount of $125,400. The budget for this pmject is included in the 201 Major Sewer Repair Program. Advanqges If Approved: The budget for the 2006 Major Sewer Repair Progcam will include the $125,400 that is teceivable fromfl�fn/DDT� ��"" =`� ,- ���;""f� ����'�: 'e..`- `-=°'='= Disadvanta5les MApproved: None. � � � �� ,�...�..,..' ,.;' � ;`Sb �° �"� a DisadvanWqes If NotApproved: The budget for the 2006 Major Sewer Repair Pmgram wIll not reflect the $125,400 receivable from Mn/DOT. Transaction:� 12 7"� Fundin� Source: MnIDOT Financial Information: (Explain) • _ f CouncBl Rese�rch Cet��eF 2 3 2006 �i :":"P:�P..� OCT 23 20�6 t«6�.: �e `� -� ���6C� CostlRevenue Budgeted: �' Activity Number. Cp('y2T930 Septembe� 22, 2006 6:48 AM Page 1