225982ORIGIV,)(L TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL n FILE Nb OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK° COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER MILTON ROSEN A nwT, November 22, 1965 WHEREAS, Additions and Deductions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as the Grading, Surfac- ing and Sanitary Sewer in WINTHROP STREET from Lower Afton Road to Edgebrook Avenue, Comptroller's Contract L -6683, F.'Morettini Construction Company, contractor, have been' provided for in the specifications, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make th.e following Additions and Deductions, to -wit: DEDUCTIONS 34.5 tons of Bituminous Mix 8.00 276.00 69.0 gallons of bituminous material' _ for seal coat . . . . . . . . .25 17.25 3.5 tons of torpedo gravel . . . . @1 7.50 26o25_ Total 319.50 ADDITIONS 1 - 6 foot standpipe 75.00 1 - 3.0 ft. standpipe 50.00 A 125.00 Total Net Deduction 8 1811.50 and, WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the above named contractor that the sum of $ 191+.50 is the correct amount to be deducted from the above contract, therefore, be it RESOIVED, that the City of Saint Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing Deduction made in accordance w .1th the spgcifications in the sum of $ 191.50, said amount to gdeducted from the lump sum consideration named in Comptroller's Contract _ L -6683. NOV 2 31965 COUNCILMEN , Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays g s NOV 2 3 196 Holland Approved 19— Loss rn Favor ` Meredith G Mayor " Peterson Against ��'�� PUBLISHED NOV 2 7 1965 Ei3eif ;� g; iient 5q 11ns's.' Mr. Vice President F �s_.. Roen) 10M "2 DUrLICyTC TO rRINT[R 425982 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO H OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Cf)UNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM RESENTED BY HILTON ROSEA D� November 22i 1965 COMMISSIONED WEMAS, Additions and Deductions which raight prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the grading# Surfac- Ing Rnd Sanitary Sewer in WINTHROP STREET from Lower Afton Road to Edgebrook Avenuejl Comptrollerts Contract L -66831 F, Morettini Construction Company, contractors have been provided for in the specifications, and WMEASj it has bem found necessary to make the following Additions and Deductions, to -wit t DEDUCTIONS - 3 ,.5 toms of Bituminous Mix 8.00 $ 276.00 69.0 gallons of bituminous material for' seal coat . ', .25 11.25 3.5 tons of torpedo gravel a 74 50 2 Total w 319.50 AUDITIONS 1 - 6 foot standpipe 75.00 1 - 3.0 ft. standpipe 50.00 125.00 Total Net Deduction J-1211250 ands the Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the above named contractor that ;the sum of $ 194.50 is the correct amount to be deducted from the above contract; therefore, , be it RESOLVED$ that the City of Saint Paul through its City Council .ap- proves the foregoing Deduction made in accordance with-the spdcifications in the sum of $ 194.50, said amount to7deducted from the lump sum consideration named in Comptrollers$ Contract L-6683* COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays —ZaIgUsl- Holland Loss Meredith Peterson oserR ............ .................:............ F 0sxdeat" Y,avoulisE: Mr. Vice President (Rosen) 10M e-6= Nov 4 3 1955 Adopted by the Council 19— �V 31965 Approvprl 19— Tin Favor Mayor Against