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ORIGINAL TO)OTY CLERK PRESENTED BY Milton Ros COMMISSIONER t CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO �"����� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM , Public Works — November 16, 1965 IF --I i ERFAS, Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, a duly constituted public utility company under and pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, has filed several applications with the Commissioner of Public Works for the installation and maintenance of public outdoor coin telephone booths in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 51 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended by Ordinance No. 12724, approved May 19, 1964; and said Commissioner of Public Works has duly investigated said applications and made his report recommending the granting of each; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of St. Paul, that said Council hereby finds that the subject installations will serve public convenience and necessity and will not constitute a substantial hindrance or hazard to public traffic; and said Council hereby grants each of said applications and authorizes the Commissioner of Public Works to issue to the applicant company a City of St. Paul Permit, subject to and in compliance with the terms and conditions of said Chapter 51 of the St. Paul Legislative Code as so amended, such installations to be at the following specified sites: (1) In boulevard area 5' west of the curb on Dale Street and 7' south of the adjacent driveway entrance, (2) On the sidewalk 2' west of the curb on N. Dale St. and 18' south of the building line on Laurel Ave. (3) In boulevard area 10' north of the curb on Como Ave. and 4' west of the curb on Eustis St. (4) In boulevard area 2' south of the curb on Concord and 4' east of grass boulevard area in front of grocery store at 418 Concord. 10 1 Corpvlion Counsel COUNCILMEN s Yeas r Nays, Dalglish Holland Loss Meredith Peterson Rosen , Mr. President, Vavoulis ions aaa 7In Favor J Against NOV 40 Adopted by the Council 19— N ®V 18 1965 19— Mayor PUBLISHED NOV 20 WW DUPLICATE TO POINTER � 9 �j 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL �N)w~�-'Rf -i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED SY milt" loseas Public Works DA X"44019 146 1%5 COMMISSIONED M S, Umthwsteva Boil Tolepbo" Co pa"t a duly couetituted public Mtility COMPaay under and pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, half filed several applications with the Cosinissionei 'of I blia WerU .for the 11stailatiaw and naintanance Of public Outdoor coin tolophoae booths is accordsocs with the previsions of Chapter 51 of the fit. Paul Legislative Coda, as as*nded by 040021aa No. 12724, approved Xay 19, 1!!4; and Slid Commissioner of Public Works has duly investigated said applications and made his repot #ceao�esurdisg tie granting of each; now, thorefori, be it " RUKTSD, by the CON11wil of the City of St. Paul, that said Coaacil hereby buds that the subject installations will sorts Public cove dwe sad necessity and will not cma itute a substantial hindrance or hasard to public traffic; sad said (0021411 hereby grants each of said applications and authorises 0014 COMdasioner of Public tiil=ics to issue to the applicant company a City of $t. Paul 1petsit, subject to and in compliance with the terws and conditions of said Chapter 51 of the bit. Paul Legislative dodo as so "> %ded, such lustallatioMi to IFS at the following specified sit4ss (1) In boulevard aroa 511 west of the curb en male 8trost sad It south of the adjacent drivafay,entrance, (2) on the sidewalk ;! crest of the curb oo Gala fit. and 18' south of the building liss so Laurel Ave. (3.) in >t~aa],ivarci area 10' swum ,of the cur: curb oo �matis li ea ,Dodo ,Ave. and 4t wrest of the . t. , .. . (4) Is boulevard area 1' f0utk of the Will on Couaord and 4" east of grass boulevard area in front of grocery •tort -at 4.18.0s21cor4. NOV 18 1965 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish NOV 1810 Holland I Approval 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson Mayor Rosen Against Mr. President, Vavoulis ions 8-62 ` .: }. -i: �l...;`�.y' � •',,_ fYi 1 A,��u �t{� '`k +.. s. k,. •�'l`••`I '��' «���s�,; � • ".�. .:.� _4� ;od,t. ,,rr�• 225946, TO THE C01MISSIONER. OF PUBLIC WORKS DATED November 3L 1965 ST. PAUL., MINN. GRANTED INSTALLED Application is hereby made to install one (1) public outdoor coin tele- phone booth. Booth to be located in boulevard area 51 west of the curb on pale Street and 7' south of the adjacent driveway entrance. copjapwx AV 7, VJ 0 r CARROLL- AV Height' 211 Grourid Area Dimensions" 33 1/311X 33 11311 THE CLASS AND ALUMINUM OUTDOOR BOOTH WILL BE INSTALLED IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION AND WILL BE INSPECTED AT FREQUENT INTERVALS* THE COST OF INSTALLATION AND REPAIRS WILL BE MADE AT TELEPHONE COMPANY-EXPENSE. IN THE EVENT Of THE GRANTING OF THIS APPLICATION, AND THE ISSUANCE Or THE PERMIT HEREUNDERP THE APPLICANT—PERMITTEE SHALL BECOME AND REMAIN BOUND UNTO SAID CITY TO FULLY E;NjrY9 DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS SAID CITY AGAINST ALL LOSS AND LIABILITY ON ACCOUNT 0 NY AND ALL CLAIMS FOR THE RECOVERY Or MONEY DAMAGES FOR OR ON ACCOUNT Or INJURIES TO PERSON OR PROPERTY RESULTANT THEREFROM OR OCCASIONED BY THE EXERCISE OF 'A THE PERMIT, THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE or ANY SUCH PUBLIC PAY STATION TELEPHONE BOOTH THE REMOVAL OR NONREMOVAL OF THE SAME OR THE RESTORATION OR NONRESTORATION or THE 8tTE Oe THE SUBJECT INSTALLATION* 13Y THE PERMITTEE HEREUNDERo ' `' Approved by Commissioner of Public Works Date Date November 3. 1965 Approved by Sales Mnager '' Iw •' ,lr _t. i�, + � i } l ..n' y.',F• 14 -1tiu ; "r'hs �- S��f'�•y -1. r ...> yp J ,�. '�, ,' .1 0420 c `.�: f v.:•4 "T M�:•f.4�� LvY:!:➢ - -r;` _ _ .., .Y� r.,w.++:w.+i'.'� iilMSwtl:�ii.+W'F?�Mrn.wUY T A \` -' �� ,� �OR`i'H'��ES'l�;i'US AF.1�•i- Ti�,EPiIC�NE 00:�Ai�'Y� - • TO THE COUISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORM l DATED October 21, 1965 ' ST. PAUL,, MINN. . GRANTED INSTALLED Application is hereby made to install on® (1) public outdoor coin tale- , phone booth. Booth to be located On the sidewalk 2t west of the curb on N. Dale St. and 18t south of the building line on Laurel Ave. Y CoIN op r' 3 i$� DALE ` • - CITY h i ST. ` Height ` 7' 2" Ground Area Dimensions 33 X•33 1/3 THE GLASS AND ALUMINUM OUTDOOR BOOTH WILL BE INSTALLED IN GOOD WORKING CONDITION AND WILL BE INSPECTED AT FREQUENT INTERVALS* THE COST OF INSTALLATION AND REPAIRS WILL BE MADE AT TELEPHONE COMPANY EXPENSE. IN THE EVENT OF THE GRANTING OF THIS APPLICATION# AND THE ISSUANCE OF THE PERMIT HEREUNDER, THE APPLICANT — PERMITTEE SHALL BECOME AND REMAIN BOUND UNTO SAID CITY TO FULLY 1DEMNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS SAID CITY AGAINST ALL LOSS AND LIABILITY ON 'i ACCOUNT OF ANY AND ALL CLA IRIS FOR THE RECOVERY OF MONEY DAMAGES FOR OR ON ACCOUNT OF ' ( INJURIES TO PERSON OR PROPERTY RESULTANT THEREFROM OR OCCASIONED BY THE EXERCISE OF THE PERMIT# THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ANY SUCH PUBLIC PAY STATION TELEPHONE BOOTH THE REMOVAL OR NONREMOVAL OF THE SAME OR THE RESTORATION OR NONRESTORATION OF THE C;TE OF THE SUBJECT INSTALLATION# BY THE PERMITTEE HEREUNDERo , Approved by Commissioner of Public Works , Date Date /0/2/ Approved by Sales Manager No, 'I'tutlT&rL ill fILLL '1'L• TO THE ,COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS ST. PAUL, UNN. DASD C hiT,D INSTALLED Application is hereby made to install one (1) public outdoor coin tele- phone booth. Booth to be located ; n boulezard 23.E in fP of the curb Qn Como Avg.,,-and feet west of the curb on Eustis St. SAS sa ©� PoL,,�T 4 -- ---___ Lit C (A az rJ.SP• FRESy,JY ��r� TE �� c•�oP ..� i 3 tnd ! KiClftj Prtc,p�� 4.r / IIDr / - i Como A v Height_ 7, 21, Ground Area Dimension ' 33 1/3 X 33 THE QLASS AND ALUMINUM OUTDOOR BOOTH WILL BE INSTALLED IN QOOD WORKING CONDITION AND GILL BE INSPECTED AT FREQUENT INTERVALS. THE COST OF INSTALLATION AND REPAIRS GIbL BE MADE AT TELEPHONE COMPANY EXPENSE. IN THE EVENT OF THE GRANTING OF THIS APPLICATION, AND THE ISSUANCE OF THE PERMIT HEREUNDER, THE APPLICANT-- PERMITTEE SHALL BECOME AND REVAIN BOUND UNTO SAID CITY TO FULLY IDEUNIFY, DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS SAID CITY AGAINST ALL LOSS AND LIABILITY ON ACCOUNT OF ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FOR THE RECOVERY OF 6i0NEV DAMAGES FOR OR ON ACCOUNT OT INJURIES TO PERSON OR PROPERTY RESULTANT THEREFROM OR OCCASIONED BY THE EXERCISE OF THE PERMITS THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ANY SUCH PUBLIC PAY STATION TELEPHONE BOOTH THE REMOVAL OR PICHREMOVAL OF THE SAVE OR THE RESTORATION OR NONRESTORATION OF THE SITE OF THE SUBJECT 1NSTALLATIONi BY THE PERUITTEE HEREUNDERa Approved by Commissioner of Public V:Torks Date _ N / 1- eo Date b � Approved by Sales manager n # i,. ,..t ., :- 1�1tr1.;`: �, Y..;• �.±+,. �, �! w�w:. n' vi�b�. 1. A. 1*:: 1i. 4:+ 4eL+ wff�aJ�K.:. �. tL... N. biiuk: ..w.+'�n+�ar�VwYMT:n+++.spu. Ali' w��. w. �. si. t,+ �w w.N�x�TCk+.fn...... *;.w- .•�J„w '. . .,r, :a_ x. -, • '., i�ORfiH' +YES7. "�,I`'.2d fi}.+'T,I.+ 1''r,L�:�'�ii'lil��,'' G'J;'..'-i1.:iY 225946 ! TO THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBIC WORKS DAB November 3, 1965 ST. PAUL, )CNN. GRANTED IPSTALLED •'_. Application is hereby made to install one (1) public outdoor coin tele- phone booth. Booth to be located in boulevard area 2A 6nu'th_of thee curb, bn�-ee Concord 1�' east of grass boulevard' area in front of grocery store at 118 Concord 3 t3�vo `x'16 C R.D = > of ,, 1 �. Height ` 71 21I Ground Area Dimensions 33 1/3" X 33 1/3" THE GLASS AND A.LUMINUM OUTDOOR BOOTH WILL DE INSTALLED IN GOOD WORKING CONDITIOId AND WILL BE INSPECTED AT FREQUENT INTERVALS. THE COST OF INSTALLATION AND REPAIRS WILL BE MADE AT TELEPHONE COMPANY EXPENSE. IN THE EVENT OF THE GRANTING OF THIS APPLICATIONS AND THE ISSUANCE OF THE PERMIT HEREUNDERI THE APPLICANT- PERMITTEE SHALL BECOME AND REMAIN BOUND UNTO SAID CITY TO FULLY IDEUNIFY9 DEFEND AND HOLD HARMLESS SAID CITY AGAINST ALL LOSS AND LIABILITY ON ACCOUNT OF ANY AND ALL CLAIMS FOR THE RECOVERY OF UONEY DAUAGES FOR OR ON ACCOUNT OF INJURIES TO PERSON OR PROPERTY RESULTANT THEREFROM OR OCCASIONED BY THE EXERCISE OF THE PERUtT, SUCH PUBLIC PAY STATION TELEPHONE THE INSTALLATION AND MAiNTENAWCE OF ANY BOOTH THE REMOVAL OR NONREMOVAL OF THE SAME OR THE RESTORATION OR NONRESTORATION OF THE SITE OF THE SUBJECT INSTALLATIOND BY THE PERMITTEE HEREUNDERo Approved by Commissioner oT Public 19orks Date Date Approved by Sales Manager - j