J, a .
Resdl'ation Ratifying Assessment By
,fF In the matter of the assessment of benefits., costs and expermes for construction and
restoration of sidewalks and work incidental theretot
Contract 63- M-278) levy No. 8, District No. 3
-'F—O. f213973 Myoming St., botch -sides fro =. 1,4andmin Afire.
t'o. Dhio t
F.O. X214213 W. Roble }5t.. - north side from Bidwell St: to �$ llgyrg `:$t: ,
F.O. #213826 = Roble St.:- north- side.. from Charltoa`St. to Bellows
F -O- #213339 - Roble St., north-side from Ohio St. to the east lim of
Lot 26, Block 201, Irvfae'A Addition.
F.O. #214006 - Edgerton St., both eiders from Case Ave. to Jenks Ave. '
F.O. #214004 - Case Ave., both sides from Walsh St. to Weide St.
F.O. #213878 - Edgerton St., both sides from Laveon Ave. bo Cook Ave.
a F.O. #21387? - Curtice St., both sides from Seminole Av+e.
yl' �` •Si►+t' r. ?..., -r.ia+Y"+i► �f' �,.-:,.- e' n... �., ew. �.. n.. n-, a�t�. siQ` ��,Q-!{.K�3wriaatw�i+73s�w5�
uath'F&� .&.#21400 .CoopAiis.� -both °si�es'-fr ' e Awe.-''to (3reenbrie 3t;
F.O. X2].3612 r `Fourth St both sides from Bates. Ave�.,htoM�P_ye4A3t.-
!► Oi00--- 8eveutl%- St- .--- 'liot7i- sides= �m`�'- Aa�elv0od St: to(iei�iai:n �t:...`�_
F.O. ,#211680 - Cherokee Ave., bast e sid
, .�- �. cram Berner, st... to. King :�St,,,�w,,�,��,��;,,,,�„�,�
l -F.;O:rP11932' == Msnomii =Ave: - both' °scies�fro�Pa St. to_
( F.O. X213606 - Forest St.t'both sides from _� _ � ^
l ; yn.,* a Ave. to 8jragit�► -.A�� d a r�
F.O'i_i j 13r ' 6l �� Sh�l"i70 3 � ihi �� Oth rB (�eB� �I'DIl1' E �1'�nU lLi Sri G 6 s. a hai q..i.ss,-
p�`t. to Ike Ave.
meF.O. i n ?fur�ief o u� bor y jlkdejrfri°ma� :slsiL� eez r$t irally tiaf.wtor i,
' be iNOft- ASSESSABLE s
P.O- WYOzinB St -, both sides from Mmomin Ave. to Ohio St
#21.4006 .
F.O. - Edgerton St., both sides from Case Ave. to J,enka'Av�e.
F�:,� f l Ty ;Case Ave.,aAk5thXe1d6sarr'dkcwjj A ts':��'toywei.�e�%jt Z-M- ratified, and the
F.O. #213878, r Scert St., bo si w A�.,r.
sanF.'O.hf2138'ifzrz • 'i -'ce 8�t:4 btoti ' i�d � z 8 mfn� ]`.e Ave�� f io S sfi confirmation.
FOB 1#2p 012 CFO, hill�t: v0,: rtidesa:$ atss, tAl r�e.toiAlFip11S�Y.,d�'- ''ii:"t to iie
F.O. 6$0- •Cherokee Ave., east side from Baker St. -to King at
pajFM— 3 .1932_. — Manomin.rA* yfi.U-Welsides from Page St. to King St. �. '
F.O. #21.3606 = Forest St. both-sides from 4
F.O.213$6.- Sherwood St. a Ave. to >liyacinth Ave.
, both sides from Edgerton St, to pa4me Ave.
F.O. #213832 - Fifth St., both sides from Cypress St. to Earl St.
Yeas Nays
Loss I.
Peterson A
Yavoulis a
Form, R -2 2M 10 -68 8.
jiOV 111965
Adopted by the Council
NOV 171965
A ove
3 7'
Tn Favor
U Mayor
b 1%t +
Against um NOV 20 , 101. 1
r f
Report of Completion of Assessment
In the matter of the assessment of bem top; cobto and expOnZeft tar cbxstructicz and
refit ration of sidevaUs lia*?lg Incidental thereto:
Contract 63 .*•978, ivy No- 8, mstrjjct No. 3
F*O•. 13903 -- Wyoming St:, both -sides from Mahomin Ave. to nhio St.
F.0. #214213 -W. Robie St.,, - orth side from Bidwell St. to Bellows Sto
F.O. #213826 -Robie St., north side from Charlton St. to 'Bellows St:
F.O. #213339 - Robie St., north side from Ohio St, to the east line of
Lot 26, Block 201, Irvine's Addition.
F:0. #214006 - Edgerton,St., both $ides from Case Ave. to Jenks Ave.
F.O. i
#214004 - Case Ave,, both sides from Walsh St. to Weide St.
F.0: #f213878 - Edgerton St., both sides from Lawson Ave. to Cook Ave-
F-0. 213877�,- Curtice Sty., bother sides f qm, 5.eminolp,:Ave:V�- to= %ph f • ��������� �.
,�'27:.4L�2r.- �:CookAveo sr des _-- ..._. -..._� .._.. _ .�o`:Bt_.�:.
,' °both sides "fhom Payne Ave. to Greenbrier St.
F:0, #213612 -. Fourth St, both sides from - Bates. _ t
.Seven "tli"`StQ; = `both = `sides' from `Iiazelwood�S 1. to Germain St.�u k
F.O. #211680 •- Cherokee Ave:, bast aide from Baker St�_toICtngSt N��
' Fti�T'F:O•�#.?�932y = "..�lahomn"'Ave o = botli -` side s �from'�age" to icing St.
F.O. #213606 Forest St., both sides from Orange Ave. to Hyacinth
To fF�.:O,:'o 3586:1 t Sherwood• $'t;�� both sides from E yne Ave.
Edgerton St. to Payne Ave. f
F:0. #f213832 - Fifth Sta pot i sides from. C east St,to�l�St; ? #sielnent of ti,o eti
`tile Comm: Toner of 11.,.11it; Vt' y .X, }dltt3 t�► cC1S:Y,PU3Le,R
QN- ASSESSABLE: incuricd for ,and Li cmnoction 'with the making of the above improvement, viz.,
F.O. 213903
- Wyoming St., both sides from Manomin Ave. to Ohio St. t
14006 •. Edgerton St., both sides
F :O,
from Case Ave,. to
1400?+;: ', Ca�ae`- �Are�q� both- sides •from Walsfi' St, to Weice8_t:�,_
13878c= I•'Edgerton' S't j % both sides' iroln '
jam ' F.O.
Lawsson Ave : to Cook, Ave.
2]�387_7,�AtolCurtice. St, 3 • both- °sides' frolf "Se `" T
mingle Ave to_Ohid
#213612, - ;;Fourth St,•,• -both sides •from _ e S.;
Bates' Aver to Maple
#�211680�-°.i(Cherokee, Aver -east, 'Baker'
side' ftidjd 8�.
#211932:t�tiMano'mdn• Ave o i ,both. -sides - frbm Pa ` $t • to Ki.ng�t,�,���.
:.,; °_ �_, o;�to
#�213606> For"est,�'St. botfl sides-,f rom' Orarige'Ave. to. il,}iac3nth -
#�21k% Sherwood
- St.,, both sides from E '-
2 3 3 g dgerton� St, to' Pd e
1.8. 2 � isfth� 5 �; -zbbth -sides � o�.Cy' Ito ve:_,
Tess 'St. .�
i��f- ,YID,. tfi f. .�.......__•
_ . .. ... � . , .. ... . - -- 1 - -----
. . . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . o�w. . . . . ... - •.ii�
4 '�
NetAssessment ... ............................... $ 29,567
Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer-
tained, to -wit: the sum of $ 29,567.49 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed
benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with
the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,
identified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made part hereof, is the said assessment as
completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be
considered proper.
Dated October 5, 1965 comofssioner &fFinanV
Form R.2 2M 10 -68 8 u