225912Original to City Cierk F\ PRESENTED BY 3 ORDINANCE 225912 COUNCIL FILE NO. A414-1 ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: !'An administrative ordinance fixing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and employments," approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by adding to the material in Section III the following subsection: "T To employees employed at the Como Garage in the Department of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings under the title of "Watchman I", a sum not to exceed 15� an hour as payment for performing nedessary- additional duties not required of other employees employed under this title.!' Section 2., This ordinance shall take effect- and be in force on the first day of the jirst payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish -HvHmTd- Loss . �s ^ �� v Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavou Attest: City Cle ,k ayor IM 8-82 X22 Form -approved Corporation Counsel B .PUBLISHE DEC .i DEC 1 Passed by the Council 4 Tn Favor E.-I November 16 f 1965 ' W, Herbert+ tVon = ; s. Chief Examiner & Director of Personnel - -' Dear Sirs - r i The City-Council toda y- y -gave F aemdin Council Fl.le No. 2259].2, , _ being ,an o'rdineb a emending Ord. . , Salary' Ordiniwce,- by a ding _ -' to Sec. M.Subseation T, perteini employes at Como-Garage under - ,- title of Watchman 1s sw -exc a 150 an hour as payment for per. forming necessary addi el s no squired of other employees employed under this t e. The'Council also ga irst Read to Council,File Nos. 225"913 and • 225914,'- .amending Ord. a. 3250 7607 respedtive7ay, `with reference - r tb Supervisor yea ts. ' = Very truly' yours; . City di.erk ng ,CITY CLERK I/- THIRD READING & APPROVAL OF FORM - Nov. 24., 1965 025912 I�J)o1 An or4bi=ca ameading Ordinaneo M. 6446* ctititle4i I'AA admWOrathle otdln=06 44 -sang the COW- Pon-vation rates of 'Cott,-.In -citr appmved'Twa-Ary aso 192sw *0 amasidod-i VHS COUNCIL, OV THZ 4 Or- SAWT PAUL DOC-$ OWAIM ;0. 6446* apptavad Jamelty 23, 1925.4, a* amonda4, be 404 tho suft is horeby furiber amended by uddiftS to the w1wtow in, soction 01 tho jQ'40wjzg sjxbsetmtont OT T*,ewp1*y. *es ,mp1oyo4 at tho Como Oatago Wtha Dapk0racut of patka 'and aecrtation 4nd Pkiblid Buildings Under the t1do of "Watcbman III* -a sum not to txtood 150, an tmor ws 1p ywent for parloM, lno wece0saty, additional dotiva not ftqU1V44 6f Otho cwployaes employ*4 Under this title." sectl"On. 2. TWe cronmceOoM t4o effoct and b* in fir e On tha first first p4y.Vp tMrty &�a oftor tto psaage* approvals, wxdpablicatloa, V--0 1 r v3 I st 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app — Adopted Ye Nays Yeas Nays Dalglish Dalglish Holland a Loss �oss Meredith2¢91 eredith G Peterson `Peterson U R:.:en �� Rosen Mr. President Vavoulis �Mr. President Vavoulis O