222293 ` �222�� r ORIGINAL TO CITY GLHRK .. � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U IL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RES�re�eY COMMISSIONE �' ATF WHER.EAS, it is necessary to schedule examinations for several engineering classes, and WHER.EAS, the Civil Service Bureau has found it impossible during recent months to establish suitable eligible lists for engi.neering classes from among local applicants; therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, that the residence requirements for admission to exa.minations as provided in Section 10 D of the Civil Service Rules are hereby waived for tlze first exaxnin.ations for �'�Mechanical Engineer I« and ,-- ceMechanical Engi.n.eer II�t,to be held following passage of thi.s resolution; date of the exa.minations to be set at the discretion of �he Chief Civi.l. Service Exami.ner. t��R � 196� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � MAR 9 ��� . Dalglish �` proved 19— Holland ` Loss V Tn FSVOP � Meredith (7 Mayor ,-Peterson A gainst , Rn�g Mr. President, Vavoulis ���`���E� MAR �� 1965 �o� � OVrLICAT6 TO MtINT[R �,G..,�" ��� 1���:+� � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL ��"c�� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �ESENTED/Y COMMISSIONE� DA*F �YHEREAS, at �s� ne�es�ary to schedule cxaminations for *evtixa]: enginee�i.ug �lasraes, az�d V4�T�.EREAS. fihe +Civil Service 1�3ure�.0 #�as fotmd �t impo�sible during reeent month� to .��tab�ish euita.ble eligi�le liats for engineering el,�.�ses from among 1oca1 aFplican��; tlierafore� i�e i't RESOL�ED. that thE residence ��quir�e.ments for admi��ion to exa.minations a$ provicl�ed in Se�tiQn 10 D o� #he Givil. Sexvic� Rules are I�ereby waived for the firr�t exam�ations fo� "Mechan�Ca� �hginear �� sud �'Mechanical Eng3r�eer .I�" tA be held �olla�g passage of this reeoXutatd� : da.te o� the examinations to be �et at the c��eretion of the Chi.�f Civil Serwlce Exami�er. MAR 9 �� COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays naiglisb fNAR 9 1�� Holland , Approv� 19— Loss Favor Meredith O ' eteP�rson� �y� �►g'8illSt. Mr. President, Vavoulis iosa s�