222239 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �222�9 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FItE NO � OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /RESENTED E�Mi 1 t6n�os , Commi ssi oner of Publ i c Works COM M I551 ON EQ DAT� RESOLUTION OF ANNULMENT In the matter of opening, widening and extendimg Snelling Avenue to p�ovide a roadway width for a future underpass of the Northern Pacific Railway Company's tracks � and a connection to the future extension of Kasota Avenue easterly from Gibbs Avenue by condemning and taking the following described parcel of land, all in the City of St. Paul : That part of the NE� of the NE� of Section 28, Township 29, florth, Range 23 West, •bounded by•the following described lines:. Beginning at the intersection of the northerly right- , of-way line of the Northern P'acific Railway Company (�-� line) with the present west line of Snelling Avenue;, thence westerly along said right-of-way tine a distance of 125 ft.. to a point� thence northerly on a straight tine parallel to the said west line of Snelling Avenue a distance of 425 ft. to a point; thence msterly , on a straight line para'11e1 to the aforesaid right-of-way line a distance of 125 ft. to a point on the west line of 5nelling Avenue;, , thence southerly on the said west line e distance of 425 ft. to the point of beginning, under Preliminary Order No. 178199, � approved June 6, 1956• - RESOLVED, That al l orders i n� the above�matter 6e�-and�' "' ���" �"`J ' the same are hereby canceiled,, annulled, and rescinded, , and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. MAR 5 396� COiJNCILA�N Adopted by the Council I9._ � Yeas Nays Dalglish R � ��7'� Holland � Ve 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith � ���� ^, Mayor le/ p gS1I18t � Mr. President, Vavoulis pUBLISHED MA� 13 �g ions e.ea