95-4ORIGINAL Presented By Referred To Council File # 9�� Green Sheet # � RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� Committee: Date 1 �� z RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves 3 a of the appointments and reappointments, made by the Mayor, of the following s 6 people to the ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON AGING. � a 9 REAPPOINTMENTS TERM EXPIRING io ii Harold Hebl 11/30/96 iz Kathryn Barron 11/30/96 is Nancy Adair 11/30/96 14 is APPOINTMENTS TERM EXPIRING 16 i� Sheila White Eagle 11/30/96 ia Mary Claire Olson 11/30/96 i9 Dean Lemke 11/30/96 zo Mary Weisensee 11/30/96 ai az Requested by Department of: By: By: Approved By: 61 Date � � � [ < � Form Approved by City Attorney gY: � ��� �Z -.`� U - C/ / � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY� l�`�`'If/lJ'�/J Adopted by Council: Date a , 9 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary 9S-�f DEPAA7MEM/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED 1 V� 2 7 4 9 0 Alberto Quintela 12/19/94 (',,REEN SHEET � wmaware iNmawnre CONTHCf PEFSON & PHONE � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR COUNCIL Mayor'S O££ice� 266-8529 � �.r,rAR�yN�r CRYCLERK MUST BE ON COl1NCILAGENDA 8Y (DATE) pOUTING�� � BUWEf DIRECTOR � FIN. & MGT. SERVICES DIR. ONOER O MAYOR (Ofl A$$ISTANn � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAG£S (CLfP ALL LOCATIONS POR SfGNATURE) ACTION qE�UE5TED: _ Reappointments and appointments to the ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON AGING. RECOMMENDATIONS: npprove (A) or Re�ect (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING COMMISSION _ qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Has this person/firm ever worked under a wntract for this tlepartment? _ CIB COMMIT7EE YES NO _ STAFF 2- Has this personRirm ever been a ciry employee? — VES NO _ DISTflICT COUAT _ 3. Does thlS pEfSOnfllftn pO55e55 a Sklll 110t noffnall y possessetl by any curzent city empioyee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to grcen sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (WM. Wha�. WM1en, Where, Why). None. ADVANTAGES IF APPfiOVED: REAPPOSNTMENTS APPOINTMENTS Harold xebl Sheila White Eagle Kathryn Barron Mary Claire Olson Nancy Adair Dean Lemke Mary Weisensee All terms will expire.on November 30, 1996 DISADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED. ' �� ���T�3 �#i� D�� 2 � 1�94 � DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDIIdG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBEH FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) �5-� Irrterdepartmerrtal Memorandum CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO: Councilmember Dave Thune Councilmember Janice Rettman Couacilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Roberta Megard Councilmember Michael Harris Councilmember Marie Grimm Couttcilmember Dino Guerin FROM: Alberto Quintela � Jean Karpe�� � DATE: December 19, 1994 RE: ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON AGING Mayor Norm Coleman has recommended the appointment and reappointment of the following people to the Advisory Committee on Aging: REAPPOINTMENTS Harold Hebl Kathryn Barron Nancy Adair APPOINTMENTS Sheila White Eagle Mary Claire Olson Dean Lemke Mary Weisensee TERM EXPIRING 11/30/96 11/30/96 11/30/96 TERM EXPIRING 11/30/96 11/30/96 11/30/96 11/30/96 Copies of the applications for Ms. White Eagle, Mary Olson, Dean Lemke, and Mary Weisensee are attached. If you have any questions, please call me at 266--8529. Attachments � � � OFFSCE OF THE MAYOR � 390 CITY HAI,L �� SAINT PAIIZ„ MIN2IESOTA 55102 266-8526 � Name: ���� Home Address: 9s� Street City � Zip Telephone Nuaber: (Home) p( `y� 1S 9 � (Aork) f0 / �� / � Planning Distsict Catmcil: 1 City Council Aard• � P=eferred Hailing Address: �(� // c 1L�/YJ/1�/T �L�P ` c�/ �!J({/ ////� — l 5 � Ci�7 What is your occupation? �Di �re e-f r- J P.�t o-F.�n o( (C} t'� �C� � �� � c�.� /) r n,, n , r n �, , _ , Place�o£ Employment: Committee(s) Applied For: � 1 Ahat skills/training or esperience do you possess �or the co�ittee(s) £or chich you seek appointment? S � �'u q7�a � 17P� �J i The in£ozmation included in this application is considered private data accozding to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a=esult, this in£orma.tion is not releasec to the genezal public. (OVER) Rev.a/21/93 PERS02.TAL ItgFERENCES . �� � - Name• ' Address• Fhone:_{Home) '(Aork) ' � ' � ' - Name: Address Phone: Name Address Phone: a a � Reasons £or your Snterest in this paZticular co�ittee:��/,� ��_ /}'�,����j�����) �� �� �� �il � �„0, r�`��'r�i�rr� Have you had previous contact with the co�ittee £or which you are making application. I£ so, when, and circumstances? "� ��.r�> — /9��'/a ./J�n> .�'I� /`,r'r'��/.'o��os>>�o�a��a�om�7o`�rol Sn an attempt to ensure that committee representation reflects the makeup of our co�unity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntary, kThite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Paci£ic Islander �_ American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Hale / 9 � Female Date of Birth: �� /� / � ' � ! Disabled: Yes No � I£ special acco�odations are needed, please specify. 0 Hov did you hear about this opening? _��� q s-� Sheila WhiteEagle - Bio. Updated 10/5/94 Sheila Lee WhiteEagle is originally from Winnebago, Nebraska. Fler family inciudes a S3 year old grandmother, mother, 5 brothers, 3 sisters, numerous nieces and nephews, aunts and uncies, she has four children and two granddaughters. She came to St. Paul in 1970. She worked at a variety of places including the St. Paui Post Office, West Publishing Company and the St. Paul Public Schools Adult Basic Education Program and Jackson Elementary School. She began to work with the Departmenf of Indian Work in 1974 and became the Dir- ector in 1976. In this position she has expanded, improved and initiated new programs in the St. Paui community. Her collaborative style with American Indian and non-(ndian agencies, organizations and peop(e has enhanced programs and projects in St. Paui. Some of the new progams she initiated included: a Youth Olympiad, expanded Foodsheif (2 sites), Eiderly Transportatian, Native American Farenting classes, Nome Family Aide {work with families refierred by Ramsey County Child Protection), Youth Enrichment Program {afterschool program at 3 schools for American Indian youth), Urban Indian Clergy Training Project (training program for American Indian theology sfudents for urban ministry),etc. She attributes the many program successes to the dedicated staff, volunteers, advisory board members and cooperating community agencies and organizations. in i993, the D{W programs touched the lives of over 5 American indian people. She has served on a variety of advisory councils and Boards of Directors; such as the indian Education Titie IV of the ST. Paul Public Schools, Second harvest St. Paul Food Bank, Mayor's Advisory Council os� Aging, American Red Csoss Pluralism Committee, Ramsey County Chifdrens Mental Health Advisory Committee, Earthstar Project - American Indian Mental Health Project, Federal Emergency Management Assistance Grant Review Committee, Noneywell-St, Thomas Pow-wow Committee, Wiider Multi-culturai Media Project etc. The Earthstar Project was awarded a HUD grant to build a hi-rise for American indian elderly in St. Paul. invoivement in such committees assures irtput, contacts and representation of the American Indian community. Sheila has often calfed for action the religious community for causes of American Indian people, the most recent being the proposed nuclear storage dump site on the Prairie Island Reservation, the Miile Lacs Treaty - State of Minnesota agreement and #he American Indian Religious Freedom Act. She is active in seminars and workshops to psomote cultura4 awareness and sensitivity regarding Amesican Indian values, traditions and current concerns. �s-� While working for the Department of indian Work, St. Paui Area Counci� of Churches,Sheila aftended the University of Minnesota for 2 112 years and the United Theologicaf Seminary for one year. The McKnight Human Service award was presented to Sheila in 1993. 7he DIW also received the iVationai Councit ofi Churches USA Recognition award for mending human community. � �c� `i� VV`"�'" ' Nave: Home E 11 OFFICE OF THE 2�iAYOR 390 CITY HALL SAS?v'T PA6L, MINNESOTA 55102 z6s-ss26 z E�EIV��' MAY 10 1994 95�� Telephone 2vinoer: _ (Hoae) 888-5360 (Aork) 223-5000 . �, Ylanning District Cotimcil• Citp Council Aard: Preferred :jailing nadress;: _101 Diorzaest-Cen"ter SS.Ecst STh_S�!^eet, S�rlt Paul�-rIIy-55101____. -- 3�at is your occupation? Director of Mer P1ace�of F�loyment: Saint �aul P_rea Chzniper oi Corr.erce Coamittee(sj Applied Fcr: Advisory Corrmi��ee on A ina Ahat skills/training or esperience co you possess for the comittee(s) for vn;cn Sou seek appointaent? _ I have five vears exDerience work;ng in lon� term c�re l7ie last pos�tion I held was Director o= Social Service a� Ebenezer Ridges for �hree years. During my five ye�s, I have interacted wi;]z zgEncies a-�d organizations within the 1Fain Cities to coordinate service for senio?^s. I have en�oyed my u;ork with serLiors and their fasnilies helping the*1 � unders��nd the aging process and options avilable to tre�n As our peaulation continues to ge� older, we need to provide seniors with tne best services witn tne resources avail�le. I bel?eve r,�y skills in long term c�re along with my business e�erience �.�ill help the com�+ittee fulfill it's m�.ss?on. I believe it is ir!*;o��t that people who have been in - the arena be involved on this co� ;ttee. In addition, I received my de�e in social work �rom Augsbt�g Colle�e. The infor included i� this aoplication is considezed private dzta accordir.g to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this in�or��ion is not released to the generzl pnblic. (OVER) Rev.d/2 JL1CC1. Lltp � 21p PEFSOt1AI, REFIItENCES 95-� Zlame : KPnfi F'4cl iinct � Pra�i dPnt • Address: (`inrinnai Rivarn�acP. nte 3Q6 43 MaL*i Streei S E Phone: (Home) (Aork) 331-9007 Nane: M�ry Hoeppn�r, MS, RN Add=esS: Va; Arim Mp�'iC�2l ni_2?'. $�QQ �� �)712 �Et22"nS 17T'1V2 Phone: Name 725-2000 �' 4777 Address: 13637 1Lros�cod Drive, Bm,zsville Phone_ (vork) �35-2089 Reasons £or yovr interest in this particular committee:_ I am interes�ed in tnis ccmmittee as 1 would like to a��ly my }mowledoe ��d _ exuerience of workine with seniors znd resources availa�le to theJ*i to the of the cen�nittee. Have you had previous contact vith the co�ittee for vhich you are making application. S£ so, when, and circumstances? No In an attempt to ensu=e that co�ittee representation re£lects the makeup of our comm�mity, please cneck the line zpplicable to you. This information is stri.ctly voluntary. X White (Caucasian) Black (African American) American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo Male X Female Date of Birth: Disabled: Yes No X Hispanic Asian or Paci£ic Zslander 7/7/62 I£ special acco�nodations aze needed, please specify. D!e=as Release s2nt to tne Char,tber - Bov did you hear about this opening? __ . Cinc�nnatus arvearuc�. suiTe � 43 �W N SfAEE7' S.E MIhNEAPOUS, 4tINNESOTA 55414 PHONE (Gl2) 3349007 F.ix (Giz7 3iv9aat April 18, 1994 . Mayor Norm Coleman City of St. Paul 390 City Hall St. Paul, MN 5�102 Dear Mayor Coleman: �5-i� I am writing to support the application of Mary Claire Olson to the City's Advisory Commission on A�ing. Mary Claire worked for three years as the I?irector of Social Services at the Rid�es Care Center in Bumsville. The Ridges is a facility of the Ebenezer Society, and I served as its president durins the three years that Mazy Claire was at the Ridges. A Director of Social Services is a criticai position because it is responsible for ihe relationships between the residents, the caregivers, and the volunteers within a long term caze setting. As such, a person in this position comes to understand the issues of aging from many very important perspectives. Mary Claire was a very successful director for us: we were sorry to see her leave. I would believe that her cunent expenence with the St. Paul Area Chamber of Commerce would provide invaluable insi�hts into the business communiry and business concerns with a�ing issues, particularly those zelated to the heatth issues of retired employees. The results of ali of this experience should provide many important insights into our City's aging needs. Please call if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, ��.�� Kent E. Eklund President �_ : =�-�r � ^.�. t "1 ' a1i3; � �� � ' � � qs-� �iinneso�, Association o� PublicTeaching� ilding 10, One Veterans Drive, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55417 (612) 725-2000 ext. 2053 April 25, 1994 Mayor Norm Coleman 390 City Hall St. Paul, MN 55102 Dear Mayor Coleman, Seniors represent a growing segment of our population. They have unique gifts and problems due to their physical constraints, variety in family support systems, and disparate economic resources. I believe the Advisory Committee on Aging will be best served by having members who are experienced, enjoy working with seniors, and who understand the structure of available services in which senior citizens work to meet their needs. For this reason, it is a pleasure to support the application of Mary Claire Olson for the Advisory Committee on Aging. She will bring to the committee not only her experience as Director of Social Services in long term care settings, but her commitment to insuring seniors receive the best services the community is able to offer. As a colleague, I have had the opportunity to observe Mary Claire interact with the elderly and their families. She has excellent communication skills, and listens carefully to their concerns. This ability has been an enormous asset, allowing her to successfully respond to their needs. Through our work on interdepartmental committees, I found she has the ability to identify and raise important issues. She approaches projects with energy, and actively contributes to meeting the objectives identified by the group. While understanding the difficulty of decision- making in ambiguous situations, Mary Claire's commitment to action, optimism, and sense of humor, are characteristics that have allowed her to achieve F�<;t;,,o ���±�� Mary Claire will bring these skills to the Advisory help you meet your vision for what the City of St. I highly recommend her for this important work. Sincerely, � t ha:�� ��-F��-- Mary.Hoeppner, MS, RN Nursing Education Department Program_Manager Committee on Aging, and Paul will be in the future. v ______ r_ .... .._.,.._� �__,_. . c. .,_ ., ___' „_�__, ..,_.__ ..,_ ' _ ' .' q5-� Aprii i �, i 994 Mayor Norm Coleman 390 City Hall 5t. Paul, MN 55i 02 RE: Advisory Committee on Aging Dear tv3ayor Coleman: i am pfeased to have an opportunity to write this (etter of recommendation far Mary Claire Olson and support her desire to serve on the Citizen Advisory Committee on Aging. Mary Claire has a strong academic background in social service issues and wili come to this committee with a wealth of experiences affecting the senior population of St. Paul. As a co-worker with Mary Ciaire in the long term care arena, I had an opportunity to observe her effective coilaboration and coordination of resources, age�cies and other health care facilities as indicated to perform her job as a social worker. in this capacity, 1 think Mary Claire demonstrated her strengths for recognizing the need of community invoivement in caring for the elderly. She works well with community groups and has the skiil to develop and implement programs and supervise service resources appropriately. 8ecause of Mary Claire's background in long term care and her recent experience with the St. Paul Chamber of Commerce, I think she is an exceptionai candidate for this committee. You will find her to be skiiled at communicating effectively with the diverse populat+on this committee is designed to serve. Mary Ciaire has strong customer relations skilfs, she is responsive to the needs of others and is a valuable team pfayer. You wil{ be fortunate to have her sociai awareness and organizational strength on the advisory committee as she supports the city oP St. Paul in this volunteer capacity. Respectiully, .� �-'� l/YLc.c� - i Lorrie M. Kaiser Administrative Nursing Supervisor Fairview Ridges Hospital � J � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR °� 390 CITY HALL } � � SA22IT PAIII,, MI2INESOTA 55102 ,-��y��'��L �� 26b-8526 T a*ame: ��E'Q r� /I• ��'�'/7/! � �.°� 20 �994 Home Address• / � � J^l. ,� �74�0 �� � �/Yl . �^-•� �>-`:�� S- St=eet City ��� Zip Telephone I��sber: (Hoae) ��a - y � / ' �S � � (AOrk) Planning District Coimcil: ��� Citp Council Aard: �� P=e£erred Hailing Add=ess: /t c�Jol i Ahat is yovr occupatioa? /7 {� �i I F C1 P1ace�o£Employment: /O �m�rf� �-EdPRt� �vGiv/`�t'CO•'l/ �. �-S�/nz iS �nna ti r'r Co�ittee(s) Appiied Fo=: /� C v;.5c.� =; �� //1 iI7 i�! P F G T �� r^ Fihat skills/training oY esperience do you possess fo= the committee(s) fo= vnich you seek appointment? l_�yl',o��.,_ a� �} ��i <SO��;!__f...cS �l['17?'± _r vl'- .�U_Tt'41'S� -/'/—/� Cl 5 C /�1 (/// q - U O/ C! �/"!Q� I S �,.��`� - Q' CSI Sr24 J G�J!(c ..... ., ... /"��ill'.�:- r J/P� r P� �i. iGY1 — � ( . � �!� / � � / f�Y' .J P/' ioj' �='dPruli�/� .. ��i4ii c. G� nl 7JiiT� -P Y' /i 71 v u n n ir�in �n ra /_Sr'cu,-;r, TT cc�,, Y� /� ��c"_Q/'s �,- `� ;/' S� TG /"��,- � /� -� , n So m i' �- rr# � a' r . _ „ �o ,.-rd -�:� �� / �t'i, - /� �'rr r� /_, r G�� � m i1��'r�r' U' � -�� lF Fi,�n-, � t°z o�F�lys n oI°ifQr e %,o -v o� Sc�-n � � The in£or�ation included in this application is considered private data accordiro to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Practices Act. As a result, this infor is not released to the general public. �� SPyjior� .s /' U' �� �/S Y ��, �O, � i� U /-�' Y /r? G ��tPis' �JP�7C�iTs• (04ER) Rev.4�21/93 Name:---�P /'�� r /!' � (.` /t o �� - �a'`°cc l ir P ✓i i�rlrc/ �j �i �-- � Address:_� yj 5f S�/ �'1 iv-Pi�Si!';� /7 v� SC'' /�c „ ss��v Yhone • (Home) (Aork) � �/.S -- G a 6'� Name : �cr �- f � r I �''i rI/i v�i r� -- � S�s �( /19 S/� i/ Address: �OGi4 � SPG��ilS /�c�iy+. _�l� lTo6r'i-7 .S� �fC�'Y.•4� /�ir�s, SC/a�,j S� cy c � i Pfione• (Home) (Aork) � /G � �J / � 'Z� Name_ ��.�I n ���?f� r��'1 ��/�SC��r�l /7IG 5P/ Address: Soctr / .�r'r.�r��l� /1 �m _ f�// �fir�o� o %� �I�a•rro� t �ln ' > > Phone:_ CHomel CAork) _� �a `- a5�f Reasons for your interest in this particular committee: ��%'c ,E,; � -�� Z r�r-es� iN l�x° /yP�dS � G�,��rn r5 GF' � _ �" r Have you had previous contact vith the committee for vhich you are making application. I£ so, vhen, and circumstances7 Sn an attempt to ensvre that committee representation re£lects the makeup o£ ois communitp, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly volvntary, //Wnite (Caucasian) Hispanic Black (African American) Asian or Pacific Islander American Tndian or Alaskan Eskimo d Hale _. __ Female Disabled: Yes xo '� Date of Birth: � ��O ��� � � / I£ special accommodati.ons axe needed, please specifp. Hov did ou hear about this o enin � /� � �` �` T'�o � Y p g. // 4 i . � i� i � ST.PAUI, MN `� : ;. _ � _ r/J . .. . - __ . �� ..: . - .. : :-- -.-.: = _ _ - _ -_>`:'�.-,"'_=.�_ -",= - - � � � L. - �: F.'.�' _ - 4. i� . . _ . � � - L. �_ � � .��<-" . ._ 'i� � _ • �• - / � � � � Y'�C.�U-�F��1L�'��"32 i - ¢i ��ir����_:h��P'� ��. L ` � ��=.- _ '_ _ _ :;,_ > . . _ , ' � 3 S> �' / ' ' / / '- $� �' � � i� I I � 1 ' i�. -. � g s� / •I / � . � •I I / I I - c.b�r E I / � t � ��`" '�� �°= � • ♦' ' - 7 ' �� �, _ = _ ��, �� x ��:-. ��. .' , a _ . / ;' � r; � :1 1 z' � - � � a ,- � � -__ I.awrr►akers plan to crack down . _ �on °operators of bogus garrmes � ' Dean Lemke knows what to do with mail that -':. says he's won a prize. -_ ,'=-'He'throws it away. � -- - � -. >`He wishes, other older people would do tlie same _ _ �.-zi.<__- "T�� get'ripped off said . . irBIIt�! i � 4...... r �... _. -.- -- --- Lemke, a retired governinent worker who has tes=. - . tified at recent legislative hearings on the dan- ' gers of phony swe�pstakes and ' � � � ° �� ` other bogus contests: �,a01.�!±er iist� �- In April, Lemke told state law- ��� � °�� ���' makers about older Ivlinnesotans � ,�used fo press[e'e�� who lost thousands of dollars af-- okier"�4i�svie�atans�; . �.�_ �.� �- ��,� ter being taken in bv fake and s.'�HI{O .�., .� , �� g, � misleading contest giveaways. "�"��� ��� 9 Some sent money after receiving �'���� postcards announcing they had won a priae. Many weze pmmised cash, cars and dacaiaonsr Most got no prize at all. ," Legislators made aware of the problem have set - out to give"prosecutors the muscle needed to put a stop to it. Bills_ awaiting action on both floors of -.= . the Legislature would require conEest organiiers �° to give out certain information, such as the retail -=> value of piizes offered, the odds of winning, the - nuumbez of finalists, and the sponsor.of the con- ' test. Polators would face a maximum $10,000 fine -I and two years in prison. The measure would a]so require thaE prizes be awarded within 30 days after the winner is notified. � `•"fihis would give the attorney general a little clout to stop some of these companies from oper- ating in Miiinesota," said Lemke, who serves on the Minnesota Senior Federation's consumer frand co�mittee. - The Attomey General's Oi�ce says the fake contests; which have ea�ploded in number over the past two years, have become its single big- Please see CoMests on page 4 Dean Lemke has testified at legisiative hesrings on the dangers of corttest scams. Abova, he holds a consumer ftaudguide that he helped derelop. � �/ !/- �}� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR G• ��/"' �- 390 CSTY HAT,L `l}��yJ � SA2NT PAIIL, M2N21ESOTA 55102 26b-8526 Name: Mary G. Weisensee, PhD, RN �`:��i�� �APft 7 5 1994 ��—� Home naaress: 444 So. Lexington Pkwy., St. Paul MN 55105 Street City Zip Telephone Nu�ber: 62�4=6604 Planning District Ca+mcil: � C"ty Council Aard: � n�versi y ot innesoza, choo� of Nursing Preferred �ailing Address:_ 6-101 HS Unit F, 308 Harvard St. SE, Minneapolis, MN .55455 irhat is yovr occupation? Assistant Professor in C�ursing P1ace of Employment: UnlVet'Slty of Minnesota School of Nursing Conmittee(s) Applied For: Advisorv Committee on Aai Ghat skills/training or eaperience do you possess £or the committee(s) for �:nicn you seek appoin�ent? I have been on the faculty at the University of Minnesota School of Plursinq for over 20 years. I have taught Community Health Nursing at several agencies in the Metro area including Ramsey County Nursing Service. Also, I teach Long-Term Care and the Role of the Baccalaureate Nurse in the Nursing Home. I have conducted research in the area of criteria for guardianships and have presented papers locally and nationally. I have had several peer reviewed publications published in Gerontology journals. I have participated in District 14 Living at Home and 63ock Nurse Projects. I'm a member of the Minnesota Gerontological Society Committee on Public Policy. I feel that I could be a contributing member of this committee. The information inclnded in this application is considezed piivate cata acco=ding to the Hinnesota Goverment Data Przctices Act. As a zesult, this infoz�ation is not released to the general public. (OVEIL) Rev.`'-�21/93 PER502.TAL REFERENCES xame: Karen Pollench, RN, Living at Home Coordinator flistrict 14 aaaress: 1�4 So. Snelling Immanuel Lutheran Church, St. Pau1, Mh 55105 95� Phone: CHome) 925-2055 (Aork) 690-5291 Part-time xame: getty Lia-Hoagber�, PhD, RN University ofi Minnesota, School of Nursing aaaress- - n� , 308 Harvard St. SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 Phone:__(Home� 823-5127 (Aorkl 624-6924 xame: Verona Gordon, PhD, RN University of Minnesota, Sc o0 o ursing ndaress: 6-101 HS Unit F, 308 Narvard St. SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455 Phone: CHome) 474-0679 (Aork) 624-9605 Reasons £or your interest in this particulaz committee: Personal and professional interest and expertise in the area of aqinq Have pou had previous contact vith the committee £or vhich you are making application. 2f so, when, and circumstances? No In an attempt to ensure that co�ittee representation reflects the makeup of our co�unity, please check the line applicable to you. This information is strictly voluntaiy. � ' X White (Caucasian) _ Black (A£rican American) _ American Indian or Alaskan Eskimo 2fa1e �_ Female Disabled: Yes No X Date of Birth: Hispanic Asian or Pacific Islander 2£ special acco�odations are needed, please specify. xoV did you hear about this opening? P�oneer Press article