222227OrijhRl to City Clerk ORDINANCE 22222 COUNCIL FILE NO. c PRESENTED BY 6&" '� ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: °CAn administrative ordinance fixing the com- pensation rates of certain city positions and e.mployments,'''' approved January 23, 1925, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ' Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out Group A in Section II, and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: Group A 3.69 Assistant General Foreman (Schools) $4.78 Boilermaker 4.20 Bricklayer 4.18 Carpenter 3.85- Carpenter Foreman--Fire Department 4.35 Cement Finisher 3.86 _ Electrician 4.28 Electrician Foreman 4.78 Electrician General Foreman 5.28 General Blacksmith 4.20 General Foreman (School Maintenance) 5.28 General Lighting Foreman 5. 28 Heating Equipment Serviceman 4.20 Iron Worker 3.96 Iron Worker Foreman 4.31 Kettle Tender - Roofer 3.46 Lather 3.99 Lighting Foreman 4.78 Lighting Repairman 4.28 Lighting Repairman Helper First year of employment 2.96 Second year of employment 3. 20 Third year of employment and thereafter 3.45 Painter (Brush) 3.69 Painter Foreman 3.94 Plasterer 4.09 Plastererls Tender 3.51 Plumber 4.20 oatatnal to city clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO 4222 ?7 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. ✓ 0 Police and Fire Alarm Lineman 4.28 Roofer 3.77 Roofer Foreman. 3.92 Shade Repairman 3.85 Sheet Metal Worker 4.19 Steamfitte r 4. 20 Stone Mason 4.18 Welder - Blacksmith 3.80 Temporary and emergency, employees employed under any of the titles in this Group A shall be paid the gross rate (base rate plus cost of fringe benefits) provided in the appropriate union -- Associated General Contrac- tors; contract. Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out Group D in Section II, and by sub- stituting in lieu thereof the following: ` Group D Assistant Supervisor of Custodians $3.89 Custodian - Engineer I - 3.24 Custodian - Engineer II 3.34 Custodian - Engineer III 3.49 Custodian - Engineer IV 3.69 Custodian- Engineer (Municipal Stadium) 3.49 Janitor First year of employment 2.69 Second year of employment 2.84 Third year of employment and thereafter 2.99 Supervisor of Custodians 4.09 Supervisor of Methods and Materials (Schools) 3.89 Supervisor of School Heating 4.29 Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after May 8, 1965. Dalglish' �u Holland Loss �' •' Meredith • Peterson Mr.President (Vavoulis Approved: Attest: i City Clerk Ins "2 Form approved Corporation Counsel By In Favor A vainest MAR 191965 PUBLISHED MAR 2 7 ��' CITY CLERK ��2 l THLRD READING & APPROVAL OF FORM - 3 -12-65 0 a 'Otero mmadws ordhom-to not "O's *Oouol s ,"An adwhASOMWO Deaf tow*; ` thy► ponsalft vats -of tee +cam vosloim a me� a o*04 4aaaUny 00 1920* 4* en . 'TM 0OUN014 O ' 'M CITY OIP SST ]PAUL 909$ OSMAM Soc k: U Thu Ordbioco. 04. 606# opprdvied . AwA" j9zst as a g e be and the men is horoby, for antooftit by stdkftg Aosist"t Osoolrororma t U) . f bousmakfor - 4« ,20 zvkuoyor 4.16 "nor 1. d3 il.r.y,� C4 m"tVi0ohot, 'neutral i,a+4 *A*' I ovum mo amootol a 4._4iyt Si O gyp', Wilk. yw of i )FOa `,ot omployaumt, and *61104aftr 1, 45 fttoor PIWI*969 4," Pboopoet s. 4. yj 0 *A*' I- 222227- SOOlke Wd F496 AUK, UUQMO* 4.2$ RAO 0" to.. MN*, Arotomm 3.92 4.11 Tompotsty and emelogeticy Omplo #M Adyed -undot Ow Of 4011000 im to so "to 14at ricat vilvi tie arovo AsUU be aid ihe St .46 old tow#* CCOUAct, SOO&MA a %tot 0444 Ovdimmactig 40 twomud . ad am $=*.to & w �04 hordby furthOt swevid0i 6y stv*lbs 00 -Or&OPO in, OftUO6 14 At4 * subi's salwilts. to l(fou Oogeot tho (41towlAss Atwp V IV -too 4 30Uymea and *0*64or err r Ot Oustb&ftm ao"Vvilior At uOtbado OndIVACIrw1i ("040) 43099 110'0 jL491 208,01 Z 4il-01 10,49. 4. Al UCU60130 Tbio Oral"Otol Oua to" forco from and aftsw )40y 00. 1965. 0 1 0� Ao * twR 19 Ns� 1 st- 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app v — Adopted Yeas Nays :��alglish Nays 9 Dal lish ::��Holl " olland Los "s Loss `Meredith Meredith (J -- Wer-son— eterson .,Rosen- President Vavoulis M\rl.-.�resident Vavoulis