05-996Council Fi1e � os - 9910
Green Sheet # 3028416
_ 11 .� 0
Presented By
Referred To
Committee: Date
RESOLVED, that the proper city officials are hereby authorized and
directed to request SCORE state recycling grant funds from Ramsey
County in the amount of $540,052 in 2006, for support of the citywide
curbside and multi-family recycling collection programs conducted
under contract with Eureka Recycling and Macalester Groveland District
14 Community Council; AND
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in order to continue service in 2006 for weekly
two-stream collection of recyclables with plastic bottles (all fibers
in one bin and all rigid containers in another bin), the City
Recycling Service Fee in 2006 shall be the same as 2005: $24.36 per
unit in residential buildings with one to three units, and
condominiums; and $16.24 per unit in residential buildings with four
or more units, for support of the citywide curbside and multi-family
recycling collection programs conducted under contracts with Eureka
Recycling and Macalester Groveland District 14 Community Council.
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Adopted by Council: Date � ,�t�0� By:
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney:
Approval Recommended by 0££ice of
Financial Services Director:
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Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet ,
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Confad Person & Phone:
Rick Person
26G 6 i72
Must Be on Council /\qenda
Contrad Type:
�I 0
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Order 4
Green Sheet NO: 3028416
or's Office Ma or/Assis[ant
Total # of Sigrtah Pages _(Clip All Lo cations forSignaWre)
Action Requested:
, Agreement for SCORE state recycling grant funds in the aznount of $540,052 for support of the citywide curbside and multi-family
, recycling collection and neighborhood clean-up progrxms in 2006.
iaaaons: t�ppm�e (.v) w n
Planning Commission
C16 Committce
GNI Service Commission
Personal Service Contrscts Must Mswerthe Following Questions:
1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a contrad fir this departmeM?
Yes No
2. Has this person/firtn eeer been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this person/firm possess a skill nM nortnally possessed by arry
curteM city emptoyee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach W green sheet
Inkiating Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Whyj: �
Joint Powers ageements between city and Ramsey County for wunty collecdon of recycling service fee on behalf of city and SCORE
funds are in place.
Advantages If Approved:
City will continue its existing recycling pmgrams.
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Disadvantages HApproved:
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Disadvantages If Not Approved:
City would need to curtail program and/or increase recycling service fee.
TotalAmountof $r�� 052
wnain� source: Solid Waste and
Financial lnformation: Recycling Fund 232
�COSfIKevenue Budgeted:
Activity Number. 32401
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