222158 _ �
� "�-*� s, �'y • �_
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Resolution Approving Assessment � By . a ,
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon �
File No.__.�6tF7(
and Fixing Time of Hearing on the Award �-
- of Damages �
Tn tlie matter of ' -
.._� ..�.. .�enin�,.. widening,..and �xtenctin�, Second 5����t �ro� a.Po�!nt apprax�L'�lg* 154 £eet
west af �he we�t iinQ of Jackson S�reet tio 5ibley S�reet bq -cond�n�.n� �nd tulcfng an�
eESeraent for highw�y p��poses en arad ecross �3ze folZovia; parcels of lanrl, all i� th�
City af Saint Paul, Coun�y of R�se3r and S���e of Riinr�esota, ra r�it: Lot 9� A :t'� r's
S��,tdo. 35 excep� CI�e i�orthc��QS�er�y 20° t�er�og neasesred at �igt�t �ng�es tio �e north- �
wea�er ly 1 iae o€ ��i�d l"�� 9. _�;.�•''�.
�L1 0� tihci.t p��� oi vaca�ed ��cond S�reot �aunded by ttae fo2lo�,r�ng �escrib�d lines;
be��nnin� at �he I�or�he�s�exiy carner of £�Iock 39, ��. Paul P�o��r; t��nee in a �oester2y
dxrec�ion elang �he Pdort�erly l�ne of s�id BZoci� 39 a distas�ce of 22.3'� �o � point; thence
in az� easterly d��-ectioz m�zking an an�le Q� 35°-11! V�i�� ��e �tfor��en�ioned northe�Iy li�e
o� sa�d �lock 39 � d•iWta.nce of 98 ree� m�re or l.ess tca a �o3nt on thersauthwes�erly line
� of �acicson Stre�ec:; ther�ce sautheasterS.y aZon� �hQ sou�hF�es�eTly� ��dQ o£ 3ackson StreeC a
dfstance of 3i £Ee� �are o� Ie�a �o the f��e a� wa�L of the gubwa� u*�dPr t�.a elevated���
approach �racks L-o ���e 11:�ion Be�ots t�ience sa��nv�aste�3y al4n� �he face of said wall a
clfstancQ of 53 f�e� ��re or l�es �a the �o�Lnt wt�er� �h� no��h �.fne o� sttid Block 39 �
�xterided ir� en e��terlq airec�ian intcerapc�� �'ne faca of sgid c•rall;. �h�n�� ue�terl� aLong
sa�d northeYiy l�ne og saad B1oc�c 39 .pro�'u�md A dis��nca of 32 fee� r�are or leys to the
R. poir�� of Fae�,�.r:�in�o � .
7 '"'*�°"'� AIj ��3� r�ar� Af �lk 30, 5t. P�u3 Proper, arad �he i�ublic I.evee bour;ied by the
�OILOCJ?13i;`.C:�3S�'L"iDea �ina: ' �"�'�"""�" , ` � , ''' '`"�`',
I ��t''�'i SeG�r:�ing a� t� po�nt on �he sont�a�:•i�ate�l.q line of ���l�q Str��t, 5.547 fcet �� � .
�:;.;�;�"southerL> o� a eoncs�te mo�z��ent ira th� sot�thwos�e�ly side o� Sihley Str��t, s�3d '
, , p- �or.�r�ent ��rkino thE easterly c�rn��r of lttzd accu��.�d by the est�ns:ior. �o th3 i'ost Office
•G ��.,r•`�^ t3T1C� CLtStO�IlOLj8F� bui�.d�rtr at St. �'aal, I�in�a ; ��enc� south ��°-35' 30" W�st 1�D.E44 ft. ta
�'�'��rW�n�a �ain� in. e-1�.r,��_4..-75 ��et.nor�x�.e;�st�r3y �ro� ��:e �ea��r lir.� o� spur t�ceck, �a�?d 4.75
.� .,_ �
,,;,M1�-feet be-in��e�st��-e� a�"xinl�t �an�se�=-Co° t1�e-�centnr $inQ"of �Ck� "spur`Ezac�C"`the �aZ Iowing ,
y-�;w �jcaurses �r�c! d�.s��;��cs: 5outi� 3b�-35� 30",�3est 53.� €eeti; �outh 38°-22° 30" c�c���� 66 feet;
`°-�, South 40°-ZQ' �:.�}' �y�st �4 feet; Sou� 43°-E36' 41est 22 f2e�., 5ou4h �►9°-13° �Jes� 03.24 feet
,�;,��� to a ���int �n �:�� rortheasterly s�de os J�ckson 5�reet, sa�.d poin� 3.yinn� 3.75'�S �5°-46°
�^� ��20" E•of a cor.c•���e �ontir.�enC fn the �ort�Z��st�rly s��d� ag 3acic�an S�fe��, said nonument
.�'�.: £'�m.�.rk�ng thv sc;.����cg].y eorner o� th� land occtapied by tlie �xt�r.�io� �o. the Post ��fice
� �r.d Cus*o�?z�us�� �;�i3.din�, �t St. P��.1, Minrss�o�a; thenc� south�aste�3y alors� the nor�h-
easte'ly lynE c} Jackson S�r�et to the fmCe af wa11 0€ �ize subi��4y c��der �h� eLevated a
' apg�^oaci� �r��ks �o th� Unipn �eg�t; said i'ace of wa3.1 ��in; 6001 �eet S �;��-4.6' 20", � '
c� the m4r.�s�ez�c �:srkin� �.�� eouth�rly c4rner o�' tize �a�d pect:,�ie� by �he� �xte:��ion �a �
�he �os�. O�fice end Custo�:hause bui?dinu; ther.co �lon� fmce of wa21 fr�� �he t�c�rtheas�erly
� �ine of 3�c�:sc:�, Si:reet �o �he sasih�Jesterl�r lir.e o� Si�ley Stireet; �a3r3 €r�c� os" c��l.l •
� follows ��:� fo�,��:�in, cour�� and distsn�es: tha �,�a11 curves to the Zeftf clith � zadius of
i ' 743.�g9 feeG �;,o�� �. euive wizase �ar.�enL• a��kes an e�;le of 9a°-L9° 3�=' �S.�h t�e rnz�th-
`� easterly li:�e��� J�ck�on Stre�t 'Chros�l� the 3ackson S�:.ee� sub�ay•c����r �he eleva�:�d
� trac�:� La �Le Un3an D4�o� fo� e� di�tance a3.orU tY�ze c�arve o� i9�.6� ��et �ram �he sa�d
� • nostlzeaste�iy, 1'inc of �nckson StreeL-;� thenc� &bon� � c�n.gent ta said cit�ae zor � dfstan�e .
� of 47.36 £cet;r�hence �a t�e ri�n� �or a d�lst�:ce of 2Q' a�.ong a line . �,�tci:�g an an�1�
of i�a-52' 18"y�if.�� �$e l��t mention�d �a�l�ent �o a point, ssid goint bQ�in� tt�� corner
? of �ace af c�all o� caid subc�ay,ana �he �au�he�est���y l�.t�� of Sibie�_��r-���Y t£ience
¢� narth�aes�exly a3.�ng �he �s�uthc���te��y _1�rie`af_�Sibley S«ePz ��r_a-"c��s�a�c� of 57.8 �eQt
..+!� ��r.--,—+.--«.
""� -- to �he �oint•�o� beginnin�. � � ' ��_ .�.�.. ._ � - -
.w;u _��� �..
i ' x .
s• �°`� /
r - • Also, condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes �
� < on the fol�owing d�scribed parcel of land: that part of Lots g and 9, Auditor�s- -
� ". St�bdivision ivTo. 35 lyirg southeast of a line commencing at a point on the �
.-_ � easterly line of said Lot �, 3 feet from the mos-t easterly corner thereof, � i
° - t thence westerly 90.55 feet to a point on the westerly line of said Lot 9,
-- 2.50 feet�fro�n the northwe"s� corner of said Lot 9, and lying northwest 'of •
. a line 20 feet southeasterly of�and parallel to the northwest line of said
-" Lot 9. _ `