222143 i . � . ' , �� � - ,�� � .�-�-__, u ,� ��,� COUNG°II., FIL� N0. �'' '���,,�..� - INTERMEDIARY ORDER � By . File No. 16719 In the Matter of . �--� -- _--�— - -.- .` Opnning, Widening and exteading UNIVERSITY AVEMIE by condemning and taking the following deacribed property: Starting at the northeast corner of University Avenue and Mississippi Street, thence 15 feet north on the east line of Misaissippi Street, � thanca southeasterly thru Lota 5, 4, 3, and 2, �lock 1, Dayton'a Addition to a � point 171 feet •aat of the point of beginning meaaured on the north line of University Avenun, thence weat to the point of beginning; also atarting at the ,aoutheast corner of IIniveraity Avenue and Miaaiasippi Strant, thence east on the south line of Uni- veraity Av�nue to the West line of Pine Street, thence three feet south,on the weat line of Pine Street, thance Westerly thru Lots 1, 4, 5 and 6, Block 2, Dayton's Addition to a point 14.8 feet aouth of the south line of Universitq Avenue and 20.3 feet east of the nast line of Kissisaippi Street, thence aouthwesterly to a point 34.7 feet south of the point of beginning neasured on the east line of Miss�.s�ippi Str�et, thence north to the point of beginning; aa well ac condemning and acquiring � the right Which shall be in the nature of an eas�ment to alter the grade heretofore establi�hed in University Avenue fram Hiasi�tippi Street to approximately 200 fnet sa�t of John Street, which conde�nation and acquisition shall include the taking of all right� claim, or intereat of abutting property owner� in aay grade heretofore , tat�blished or txisting in aaid Univeraity Avenue; and providing �therefor and , ' auth�rising th� change of grede in accordance with Drawing No. 941, paving drawer � 12, dated January 7, 1965, on file in the Department of Public Worka; and, further, � providing 'therefor and authorizing, where appropriate, awards to �compensate abutting i �, ' ownera for all taking or damaging of private property reaulting to subject properties and incorporating ell such compensation to which an abutting owner may b� or become entitled, if any, into a aingle award with respect to each parcel of abutting property. _D� _,,r- I Avenun, thence �rest to the point of beginning; also et�rting at the southeast corner of IIniversity Avenue and I+Iissisaippi Street, thence eaat on the aouth line of Uni- veisity Avenue to the west line of Pine Street, thence three feet aouth on tha weat ' line of Pine Stre�t, thance Weaterly thru Lots 1, 4, 5 and 6, Block 2, Dayton'a � - Addition to a point 14.8 feet •outh of the south line of Univereity Avenue and 20.3 � � feet east of the naat line of Misai�sippi Street, thence southvasterly to a point • 34.7 feet eouth of the point of beginning neasured on the- eaat line of t�Iisaiasippi Street, thence north to the point of beginning; a� Well as condemning and acquiring � the right vhich shall be in tha nature of an eaaement to alter the grade heretofore establi�hed in IIniveraity Avenue from Hiaais�ippi Street' to approxima�tely 200 feet east of John Street, which condemnation and acquisiti.,on ehall include the taking � of all right, claia`, or intereat of abuttiag property owners in any grade heietofore astabliahed or existing in aaid University Anenue; and providing therefor and anthoriiiag the chenge of grede in accordance uith Drawing No. 941, paving drawer 12� dated Jannary 7, 1965, on file in the Department of Public 'Works; and, further, providing ther�for and authorizing, Where eppropriate, aWards to co�pensate abutting ovnars for all taking or danaging of private property resulting to aubject properties � and incorporating all auch compensation to which an abutting owner may be or become entitled, if any, into a aingle award with reapect to each parcel of abutting property. i • , �?eterson �y�"`�`� `-�'�. � Mayor • �yavou,lis Against " ' - 6�$ 2� 8� R-1 �,.� c�- PUBUSHED MAR 6 ��� ,� , I � �, , . , � � -