222105 f ~ - ~ rORIGINAL TO CITY CLH11K o� s CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY ��� COMMISSIONE p�re Febrnary 19_ 1965 AESOLVBD� That the Parchasing Agent be and he ia hereby aathorized �nith the consent oP the Comptroller to parchase trom AIIFFRIDGE JOHNSON EQIIIP�Jr OD11�9�NY one �odel CT etqle PM No* GT-4A JaCkson Compaotor Tr�iler PoAer Piant and one CP-410A Jackeon Vibratorq Compactor at a cost of $1940*00 delivered withont competitive bida pnrsuant to Section 290 0! the Charter ot the Citq o! St„ Paal ae these are patented, Code 1200-804 (Pil� ��'� ' APPROVED AS TO FOR APPROVEDi ��;W;�� J. Pl�s�s.�nell �;�::y ��.�fy�n°oiier � JJ / - rv�.Y AS3ISTANP CO RATION COUNSEL CpMpTgpLLER ��_-w'�� '�-�'�.�.=����irc�'' . � � �a � '% „ P ING AiGENT. � FEe 2 s �s5 COiJNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ' Dalglish FEB 2 61965 � Holland � Approved 19— Loss Tn FBVOI' � Meredith , 1 � Peterson �� , MaYor A gainst �-- ' Mr. President, Vavoulis - lo� �� PUBLISHEO �JqR 6 1�� � ��,�5� DUrLI�TS TO IHIINT[R ^("'\ 1' CITY 4F ST. PAUL couHCa d��' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO COUNCIL RFSOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rR��o.r ' COMMISSlONFR DA�-�'�b��tr�t�lal�h R�OLV�� T�t tb� Pw�ch�sin� A�ait bs aod lsf 3� h�isby authori.�d wi�h th� aomr�st o! th� Co�ptratier to purcbai� tro� ft�tlt�(ig J�N80l� �qOIPY� E701�A�iZ c�n� 1[od�1 CT •t�l� P1[ �o�, CT-4A .�c�upu Co�e�ctpT T�i1�r Pow�r Plalnt and ot� CP-410A J�cluoti Vibratar� Co�pactor a�t a cost o! �1g40,00 deliv�r�d wrl.tkout aa�p�tittn bids pursMat • to 8�ctio�t ?,�0 ot tli� Cha�r��r o! th� City a! Sts Panl as thss• �r� p�t�at�d. Coci� 1�00-80� (#'Ih � . • APPRE)'f� IIB TO z 11PPROi�Ds _ ; ,. . ..�_ �. ... �..�,..:� _.�c-�„-� ASBISZ`�NT PORATI03�I CQUNSEL CUf$�T�O� - ' "' ` - Gf�,,.� . ^�� � IN(i �YGBNT� FE g �.619f�5 COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish FEB �+s ���� Holland Approvecl 19— Loss � Favor Meredith Peterson � ��Or .-Resen___ A S��t Mr. President, Vavoulis iox ses