05-984Council File # � S � � � Green Sheet #_S�� RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � Presented by CALLING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF AN RFP FOR AN INDEPENDENT ENTITY TO CONDUCT A COMPREHENSIVE REVIEW AND AUDIT OF CITY EFFORTS RELATED TO INCLUSIVENESS IN CITY ECONONIIC OPPORTUNITIES WHEREAS, The Saint Paul City Council passed a resolution on June 7, 2005 to initiate a comprehensive review and audit of the City's efforts related to inclusiveness in City economic opporhxnities; and 10 WHEREAS, on June 14, 2005 a subsequent resolution further clarified the a process for developing and 11 issuing an RFP seeking an independent entity to conduct the review and audit; and 12 13 WHEREAS, a draft of the RFP has been developed by the appropriate City officials/employees, City 14 Council Reseazch, and the Equal Access Working Group; and 15 16 WHEREAS, the City Charter grants the Council power to conduct audits of the City as it deems necessary; 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council calls for the immediate issuance of the attached RFP far an independent entity to conduct a comprehensive review and audit of City efforts related to inclusiveness in economic oppornuuties; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a selection committee of 5 members chaired by Council Research and including 2 representatives from the City Council and 2 representatives from the Administration be convened to review proposal responses and select an outside entity to conduct the review and audit; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, Council Research will be involved in the development and execution of the final contract with the independent entity and on-going guidance of the independent entity will be managed by Council Research. Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date ��,�(j�� f��(? �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: ,! � i Approved b Ma x: Date /'l/_ z� p� �, ' BY- ��i.��neo G�iIS.G�e.d 6ycs /l/i'/�i✓�,r Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � os ���{ � Green Sheet Green Sheet GreerrSheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � co �om� Conqct Person & Phone: Councilmember 7hune Must Be on Council Agen ConLactType: RE-RESOLUiION ��-� i Green Sheet NO: 3028518 -, I DepaMieeirt SentToPerson IniliaUDate ! 0 oond � ASSgn 1 ooncil IDeoarhnentDirector Number Z Y�yh GStvClerk For Routing 3 � � Order 4 5 Total # a f Signafure Pages _(C NI L ocaf ion s f or Sig Action Requested: Resolution calling for the issuance of an RFP for an independent en6ty to conduct a comprehensive review and audit of City efforts related to inclusiveness in City economic opporiunities. iaanons: Nppm�e �N� or rce�ecc �rq: rersonai aerv�ce i.onvaccs muscs�nswerme rouowmg uuesnons: Planning Commission 1. Has this persoNfirtn e�er worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Citil Service Commission 2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this persorJfirtn possess a skill rrot nortnally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No � Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Probiem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantages If Approved: Disadvanpges IFApproved: Disadvantages HNotApproved: Total Amount of Trensacfion: FundinA Source: Financial Information: (Explain) Cosl/Revenue Budgeted: Aetivify Number: October 19, 2005 3:15 PM Paqe 1 COUNTY OF RAMSEY x CITY OF SAINT PAUL BUYER > Duane Kroll SAINT PAUL - RAMSEY COUNTY DIVISION OF CONTRACT & ANALYSIS SERVICES 280 CITY HALL - COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 651-266-8900 Page � BUYER'S PHONE NO. REQUISRION NO Of 13 (651) 266-8905 24869 � � ��-q�� REQUEST FOR BID REQUESTFOR PROPOSAL NO. >A - 24869 -11 THIS IS A REQUEST FOR PRICE, NOT AN ORDER. PLEASE RESPOND TO EACH ITEM SEPARAIELY. THIS FORM MUST BE RESPONSES RECENED AFTER Th'IS TIME WILL NOT BE CONSIDEREO OPENING DAIE AND TIME: > Wednesday, November 9, 2005 at 2:00 PM FOB DESTINATIONlLIP CO�E WARNING AND DISCLAIMER: if you have received this document electronically, please note that electro�ic document wpies are provided as a convenience. In the event of a discrepancy between eleetronic documents and the hard wpy mailed antl/or distributed solicitation documents, including addenda and attachments, the hard copy solicitation documents shall govem. The City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County assume no liability for the completeness or accuracyof the electronic documents, and any use of such documents inconsistent with this disclaimer shall be solely at the risk of the user This is a request for price, not an order. Your response is your offer to perform or supplythe items or service described below. Awards wili be made to the lowest responsible bidder or the most responsive proposal in accordance with the specifications, applicable bonds and certifcate of insurance, and other terms and conditions described in the specification must be submitted before you will be authorized to commence work or delivery of products. This response, the contract or purchase order, plus the plans and the specifications will constitute the contract between the �arties. (See oaae 2 for additional terms and conditions. DESCRIPTION Eiedronic copies of bids, quotes, RFP's and other solicitations are available only to subscribers to Contract and Analysis Services Bid Information System (BIS). You can subscribe online at our website at http:!/sqrccontracts.ci.stoaul.mn.us. PLENSEFRINS' INiN[F 9R°PYPE�HE^FO "Lti'O[N1NC� . . � . . � . . ' ' . . ' � CASH DISCOUNT COMPANY % 30 DAVS NAME AND TRLE 30 Day wsh discowt will be tletludetl lo tletertnine ihe low offer Oiswunt tertns of less than 30 tlays will not affect Ne awartl qDDRESS PHONE NO E I NUMBER CIN STATE ZIP FAX NO The E I Number is that numberwhich is SIGNATURE 800 NO. assigned to wmpanies For use in fling their 800 "EmployetsQvartertyFetleralTaxReWrn" � Treasury Department Form 941 or an 7he signer has reatl and untlerstands Ihe lerms and wnditmns on Page 2 of ihis tloament antl vnil wmply wiN all requirements set torih by the Crty of Sam� mdrvitlual's Social Secunty number. paul and ihe County of Ramsey. V� {� f Saint PaullRamsey Couuty Bid/RF'P Form, Page 2 Terms and Condi6ons Preparation InsW ctions: Responses must be submrtted on ihis folm along with any other infonnation requested in specification. Quote lowest prices F.O.B. destinalioq no shippmg charges added. Show unit prices extended to totals. Do not include Federal excise taaces in your response Responses must be signed and submitted'm a sealed envelope. The envelope shoWd Iist the bid or proposal number, daze of opening and be submitted to the Division of Contract and Malysis Services, prior ro dffie and hwr shown on face of this document Any communications on a bid or proposal should reference the bid or proposal numba. Bid Bond' A 60day bid bond'm the amount of 5%of the total arnoun[ of tf�e conhact, induding opbons, must accompany bids/proposals of $SQ000 a more. Affumative Action/Equal Opportunity Requirements. fill veudors submifting bids or proposals to Ramsey County must commit to nondiscriminaYion m vendor's employment practiws and fumish statement of wmmihnent upon request All vendors submllllng bids or proposals W the City of Saint P�1 must comply with ffie Ciry's Affim�alive Action Requiremenis in Employment, pursuanY to Section 183.04 of the Saint Paul Le�slative Code and the Rules Goveming Affirmafive Requ'vements in Employment On contracts of $50,000 a more, the apparent low bidder must submR for approval: 1) Affirmazive Action Prog�azn, and 2) General Campfiance Repmts, includmg shoR term and bng term goals for the employment of minorities and females in the contractor's work force, before an awazd is made azid ar� agreement sigied. Special Requirements When Labor is Inctuded in Bid: 1) A certified affidavit stating that alt claims for all work, labor perfoimed, and mazerials fiunuhed have been fuRy paid will be reqused before fma! paytnent 2) An agdavit of payment of withhoiding of income ta�ces is requQed in accordance witb Minnesoffi StaNtes, 1986, Ch�ter 290. Foans for this puipose are available at ihe State Depar�ent of Taxalion, 7ncome Tax Division, artd must be compleied by a71 contractors and submntractors before fi�al payment is made. A certificaYe by ihe Commissioner of TaYalion shall satisfy this requQement Seciion 290.97 aiso reads,'No deparlment of the State of Minnaot� nor any political or government subdivision of the state shall make finaF setllement with any wntractor under a contract requiring [he employment of employees for wages by said conhactor and by subconirac[ors unlil salisfac[ory showing is made that said contractor or subcontractor has complied vrith the provisions of Section 290.92." 3) Ransey County: "All connactoxa and submntractors shall confortn to the labor laws of ihe Srzte of Minnesots, and all other laws, ordmances, and legal requQements affecGng [he work in Raznsey County and State of Minnesota. The minunum wage ra[e per hour to be paid for each clusification of work shall be unit wage rate in ihe locality of the projec[ for thase classifications over which Hie unions havejurisdicao¢ arid the local prevaiting catrs for the classifications of work in ]oca]ities over which the unions do not have jurisdiclion." 4) City of Saint Paul Administralive Code 82.07: "All contrzcu in llre amount of $10,000 a more hereinafter entered intri For the pmpcse of perfonning any work for the CiTy of Saint Paul involving either new conshuction work or repair work on any roads, bridges, sewers, sheets, alleys, parks, parkways, building or any other public works involving the improvement of public properly, includmg the removal of public nuisances, shall be made upon the basis that the wages paid to tf�e occupationzl �roups ufilized'm such works shall not be less than ihe wages and fiinges paid to compmzble posirions in die classified Civil Service systems. Insurance Requiremenis: Satisfactory proof of the existence �d carriage of insurmice of ihe tands and sffied limits in llie specificarion wilt be requued. Vendas aze �equested to discuss this condfion wi[h their insurznce agent before submittine a bid or proposal. A Completed Certificate of Insurance must be retumed to the Division of Conhac[ and Malysis, 280 Cdy HaIUCourt House, Saint Paul, MN 55102 within 10 wor(dng days of the receipt of the Vendor Notificafion Letier. Performance/Payment Bonds: (CITY BIDS): Separate perfort�ance and payment bonds, each to cover the total value of ihis conhact, may be requ'ved if the contract includes labor and exceeds $75,000. Assistance may6e available for minority, women and disadv�tage busmess with meeting this requirement under provisions of the CiTy of Saint PauPS Administrative Code Chapter %4 and Mmnuota Stffiue 57426. Please inqu'se to [he Division of Coniract and Anal}sis Services (COlJNTY BIDS): Separate performance and payment bo�ds, each to cover the total value of this wntract, may be requQed if the contract includes Iabor and exceeds $I5,000. The specification or RFP wilt oulline what is specifically requ¢ed for this project. If your offer is accep�d, you will be sent bond'mfonnaYion for this wnhact Only the language in our bond fom�s is accepiable. The completed bonds, with both conhactor and surery signazures, countersigned arid nohmized and the names and addresses of conhactor and surety, must be rehuned to the Division of Contract and Analysis Services, 280 City HalVCouct House, Saint P�155102 within 10 working days of receipt of Ihe Vendor Notification Letter. Financial Interest �davit: 1) Signature on this foim indicates compliance with the foQowing Minnesota S1aMe Section 383A201 —No Ramsey County official or tf�e official's depuTy, clerk, or employee and no commissioner for taY-forfeited lands or the commissioner's assistants may have a personal financial interest (1) in a contract, work, Iabor, or business m which the Coimty is a party or in which h is or may be interested, 2) or in the fiunishing an article to, or the purchase or sale o£any real or personal properry by the counTy, or of which the consideratioq price, or expense is payable from the county treasury. p viola[ion of ihis section is a goss misdemeanor; 3) Saint Paui Administative Code, Chapter 24.03, Subdivision 1—Except u pemiitted by Iaw, no ciry official or employee shall be a party to or have a direct Snancial interest in any sale, lease, or contract with the City. Awazd Requ'sements: Responses must remain open �d subject to acceptance unlil an awazd is fina(ized, or a minimum of 60 days following the date of the openmg. Awards wi11 be made ro the lowes[ responsible bidder or the most responsive proposal in accordance wiih the specificaUOns. 1Ue City and Rarnsey CounTy resecve [he right to rejec[ any or all offen or por4ons thereof. Response Requ'sements: Failure to respond with required documentauon within 10 working days may resu@ in the awazd wing to the n�t lowest responsible bidder/proposer meeting specificafions. TaY Requiremenis: Minnesota Statu�s, 1990, Section 297A25, amended 1992, requ've local govemmenis to pay sales tae on many purchases, up to a maeimum of 6.5%. MaLerials used in wnstruction projects are also taeable, and ihe total bid price shall include all applicable sales tax. Audi[ Reguiremenu: Pu�uant to Chapter 6.551 of the Minnesoia Stawtes, the successful bidder or proposer aaa eees to maintain all books, documents, papers, account records, and other evidences (whether in writing or electronic folm) pertaining to work performed unda a Saiut Paul or Ramsey Counry Agreement in such a manner as will readity conform to the tem�s of the Ageement and to make such ma[erial available az its of&ce at all reasonable times during ihe Agreement and thereafter up to six (6) yeazs for aud'R or inspection by ihe Ciry, CowTy, the Legislative Audi[or or State Aud'ROr. �-��� City of Saint Paul RFP # A-24869-11 For An Operations Review and Audit I.Overview 'I'he CiTy of Saint Paul is seeking proposals from qualified providers for a comprehensive and legally defensible review and audit of the city's efforts related to inclusiveness in city economic oppommities. In particulaz, the City is seeking feed back on whether economic opportuniries under the jurisdiction of its Deparnnent of Planning and Economic Development and its Housing and Redevelopment Authority meet the objectives of applicable laws related to inclusive participation of women, minorities and persons with disabilities in City funded conshuction projects, contract procurement, developer selection, programs services and initiatives. The City will use the information generated through this audit to identify ways to maximize the inclusive participation of women, minorities, and people with disabilities in City economic development initiatives. Work on the audit is expected to commence upon contract execution and to be completed within four months of that date. II. Scope of Work A. Back rg o�d The City of Saint Paul has operated programs to encourage the participation of minority-owned, woman-owned, and small business enterprises (MBEs, WBEs, SBEs) in the public contracting process far many years. In 1997, the City Council adopted Chapter 84 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code creating the Vendor Outreach Program. Because the Program has been in existence for nearly a decade, City officials have decided to take several steps to assure that this Program is meeting the intended purpose. To that end, during the second quarter of this yeaz, the CiTy issued a Request For Proposals for an updated disparity study. As this RFP is being issued, proposals have been received, but the consultant selection process has not been completed. In addition, to the disparity shzdy, the City has elected to do a companion audit specifically focusing on various economic development activities. With this RFP (# A-24869), the goal is to contract with an outside entity who can assess whether the Deparisnent of Planning and Economic Development and Housing Redevelopment Authority have complied with the requirements of Civil Rights and Equal Employment Opportunity laws related to inclusive participation of women, minorities and persons with disabilities in city funded construction projects, contract procurement, developer selecrion, programs services and initiatives. This project is intended to supplement rather than duplicate the above referenced disparity study. The purpose of the review and audit is to idenrify actions for the city to maximize inclusive participation in the areas of economic development for women, minorities and people with disabilities and to eliminate problems, barriers and impediments to inclusion. �5��g� B. Scooe of Work The successful proposer will be expected to quickly investigate and evaluate if the Department of Planning and Economic Development and Housing and Redevelopment Authority has, over the past eight (8) yeazs, been administratively compliant with the provisions of the following laws and polices: 1. Chapter 84 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code 2. Chapter 183.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code 3. Chapter 574.27 of the Minnesota Statues 4. 24 CFR Part 85 Section 36 (E) Secfions 1 and 2- Contracting with Small and Minority fums, Women Business Enterprise and Labor Surplus azea firms, 5. Title 24 Sub Part J Section 570.506 section G 1-7, 6. Federal Section 3, Minnesota State Statue 469 (subd. 4, 4a, 6,7, 12,13) 7. City of Saint Paul Equal Employment Opportunity Plan Additionally, after establishing the eatent to which the Department of Pla.nning and Economic Development and Housing and Redevelopment Authority complied with the aforementioned laws and policies, the successfizl proposer will be expected to quickly investigate and evaluate the departments practices, policies and procedures regazding, but not limited to, such items as: 1. Reviewing bonding and fmancing requirements and investigation of ineans to simplify the bonding process, reducing bonding requirements, eliminating the impact of surety costs from bids, and providing services to women, persons with disability, and minority owned businesses to obtain bonding and financing. 2. Providing technical assistance and other services to women, persons with disabilities, and minoriTy-owned businesses. 3. Providing information and communication programs, including mailing lists and dissemination to businesses, who bid ar may bid on prime contracts, lists of women, persons with disabilities, and minority-owned businesses who could be potentiai subcontractors. 4. Providing information in languages other than English where appropriate. 5. Providing supportive services to develop and improve immediate and long-term business management, record keeping, and fmancial and accounting capability for women, persons with disabilities, and minority-owned businesses. 6. Providing services to help women, persons with disabilities, and minority owned-businesses improve long- term development, increase opporiunities to participate in a variety of kinds of work, handle increasingly significant projects, and achieve eventual self-sufficiency. 7. Providing programs to assist new, start-up firms, particulazly in fields in which women, persons with disabilities, and minority-owned business participarion has been historically low. 8. Ensuring the distribution of women, persons with disabilities, and minority —owned businesses directory through print and electronic means to the widest feasible universe of potenrial prime coniractors. 0 �s - 9 �� 9. Assisting women, persons with disability, and minority-owned businesses to develop their capabiliry to utilize emerging technology and conduct business through electronic media. 10. Reviewing large urban municipalities' pubiic contracting programs to discover successful prob ams reaching out to women, persons with disabilities, and minority-owned which can be replicated in whole or in part for the City of Saint Paul. 11. Conducting interviews with key Saint Paul staff, community stakeholders and officials to learn their concems about the operation of the Departments and addressing those concerns. 12. The successful proposer will be expected to prepaze and deliver a written report to the City's Project Manager that describes the fmdings of the review and includes recommendations for nnprovements, including, but not lunited to: a. Whather the Departments are in compliance with the aforementioned laws and policies. b. Whether existing policies and practices are appropriate and sufficient to cany out the stated goals for the inclusion of woman-owned and minority-owned businesses and persons with disabilities in City contracfing. c. A description of the best pracrices for inclusiveness in contracting of other municipalities that are recommended for Saint Paul. 13. The successful proposer will be expected to present the results of the study to City elected officials, Equal Access Working Group, public and staff as requested. C. Contract Structure The City is seeking a single provider of these services. Proposers may subcontract a portion of the wark, but there must be a single firm identified to serve as the overall project manager and to be accountable for the total work program proposed. All subcontractors must be cleazly identified in the proposal and all subcontractor agreements in place at the time of the final contract award. Such agreements must be available for inspection by the City upon reasonable notice. D. City Responsibilities The Ciry will be responsible for assembling and producing any City records and documents needed to accomplish the objectives for the project, assisting in the scheduling of interviews with staff, the Equal Access Working Group, officials and other as deemed necessary, and providing space for conducting interviews as needed. III. Project Requirements A. Snecific Reaitirements 1. The successful proposer must be completely independent from the City and the HRA, with no current or prior employment or contractual relationship with either entity for the last five years; and no such relationship during the term of any Agreement resulting from this RFP. 05-��� 2. Proposers will be required to disclose any past or current relationship with any orgauization, developer, or other business who may be a pariy to any contracts under review, or who can be considered a beneficiary or stakeholder in the outcome of this project. 3. Proposed project budget may not exceed $40,000, including all costs and expenses. 4. All work on the project must be completed within four months of the date of contract execution. IV. General Project Requirements A. Overall Proj,ect Mana_gement The successful proposer will be required to work closely with the designated Project Manager for the City. Similarly, the successfixl proposer will be expected to idenfify an individual who will serve as the key contact person and to specify other stafF who will perform various tasks. Any substitutions of staff during the course of the contract must be agreed upon by the City in advance. B. Human Ri¢hts/Affinnative Acfion - Vendor Outreach Program Vendors bidding to the City of Saint Paul must comply with the City's Affiimative Action Requirements in Employment. These requirements are explained in the documems that aze included in Appendix A of this Request For Proposal. If you have questions about the Human Rights requirements, please contact the Human Rights Deparhnent at (651) 266-8966. Contract & Analysis Services Division administers the Vendor Outreach Program to assist women-owned, minority-owned, and small businesses (WBEs, MBEs, SBEs) in participating in the public contracting process. Proposers aze encouraged to identify ways to include the City's certified vendors in their proposal. For additional information about these requirements, proposers may contact Stephanie Selb, Vendor Outreach Program Coordinator at (651) 266-8900 C. Bonds, Insurance The successful proposer will be required to carry insurance of the kind and in tYte amounts shown below for the life of the contract. Insurance certificates should state that the City of Saint Paul, its officials, employees, agents and representatives are Additional Insureds. 1. General or Business Liability Insurance a. Bodily Injury b. Property Damage $ 1,000,000 each occunence $2,000,000 aggregate $1,000,000 each accident $ 2,000,000 aggregate c. Policy must include an"a11 services, products, or completed operations" endorsement. 2. Automobile Insurance a. Bodily Injury $ 750,000 per person $1,000,000 per accident oS-��� b. Pmperiy Damage not less than $50,000 per accident Coverage shaIl include: hired, non-owned and owned auto WOPIC2P Campensation and Employer's Liabiliry a. Worker's Compensation per Mi.nnesota Statutes b. Employer's Liability shall have minimum limits of $5000,000 per accident; $500,000 per empioyee; $500,000 per disease policy limit. c. Contractors with 10 or fewer empIoyees who do not have Worker's Compensafion coverage are required to provide the City with a letter verifying their number of employees. 4. Professional Liability Insurance a. $1,000,000 per occurrence b. $2,000,000 aggregate Gev�eral Insurance Requirements a. The policy is to be written on an occurrence basis or as acceptable to the City. Certificate of insurance must indicate if the policy is issued on a claims-made or occurrence basis. All certificates of insurance shail provide that the Division of Contract and Analysis Services be given not less thaii (30) days priar written notice of cancelIation, non-renewal or any material changes in the policy, including, but not limited to, coverage amounts. Agent must state on the certificate if company carries errors and omissions coverage. b. The Contractor may not commence work until a Certificate of Insurance covering all of the insurance required for this project is approved and the Project Manager has issued a notice to proceed Insurance must remain in place for the duration of the original contract and any extension periods. c. The City reserves the right to review Contractor's insurance policies at any time to verify that City requirements have been met. d. Nothing shall preclude the City from requiring Contractor to purchase and provide evidence of additional insurance. e. Satisfaction of policy and endorsement requirements for General Liability and Auto Insurance, of "each occurrence" and "aggregate" limits, can be met with an umbreIla or excess policy with the same minimum monetary lunits written on an occurrence basis, providing it is written by the same insurance carrier. D. Audit/Public Information Reguirements Pursuant to Chapter 6.55 2 of the Minnesota Statutes, the successful proposer will be required to maintain all books, documents, papers, account records, and other evidence pertaining to work performed under any Agreement issued in such a manner as will readily conform to the terms of such Agreement and to make such material available at proposer's ofFice at all reasonable times during the Agreemettt and thereafter up to six (6) 7 C�Sr-t�`f yeazs for audit or inspection by the City, the State Auditor, or any other authorized individuals. The successful proposer will also be required to comply with the data practices requirements contained in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13.05. V. Required InformationlContent of Proposals A. Content To facilitate review of the information submitted, proposals must contain the following information presented in the order shown 1. Description of proposer's overall approach or solution a. Approach, rationale b. Use of subcontractors and their roles and responsibilities c. Overall projeet manager 3. Breakdown of project by phases, tasks, etc. For each phase listed identify: a. Specific staff to be involved, roles, responsibilities b. Number of hours for each person c. Time Line d. Deliverables e. City responsibilities f. Other pertinent details 3. Costs a. All costs to be chazge to the City by secrion, phase (staff, materials, etc) b. Hourly rates for staff c. Period of rate stability d. Assumpfions used in determin;ng overall pzoject costs 4. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Proposers are required to disclosure past or current relationships as follows. Failure to provide the requested information may be grounds for rejection of the proposal. a. Past (within last 5 yeazs) or current employment or contractual relationship with the City b. Past (within last 5 years) employment or contractuai relationship with Saint Paul's Housing and Redevelopment AuthorSTy c. Past (within last 5 yeazs) employment, contractual or other relationship with any organization, developer, or other business who may be a party to any contracts under review, or who can be considered a beneficiary or stakehoider in the outcome of this project. Description of past experience providing similar services a. Past experience with pm�ram reviews and audits b. Past experience with addressing inclusiveness in public contracting for woman-owned, minority- os- � �y owned businesses and persons wifh disabilities c. Other pertinent experience d. Provide dates for relevant engagements, including name and phone number of individuals who may be contacted for references 6. Appended materials a) Corporate qualificafions b) Resumes of project partisans c) Other relevant materials (work samples, etc.) VI. Instructions For Submitting Proposals A. Copies and Closin� Date Qnalified organizations should submit one (1) original and seven (7) printed copies plus one copy on CD (Word) of their proposals by 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 9, 2005 to Division of Contract and Analysis Services Attn. Duane Kroll Room 280 City Hall/Courthouse Buiiding 15 West Kellogg $oulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 (651}266-8900 Proposers should note that one record copy must be submitted in a sealed envelope or other container with the name of the company, the RFP number and the project title cleazly labeled on the outside. The top page of the record copy must include an original signature by an individnal who is authorized to make representations and commitments on behalf of the proposer. Failure to include this original signature may result in the disqualification of the proposal. The remaining copies may be duplicate copies of the original and may be packaged togethex. (They must be sepazate from the original, however.) The outside must also be clearly marked witii the above information. B. Public Information Data submitted by a business to the City in response to a Request For Proposals are private or nonpublic until the responses are opened. Once the responses aze opened, the name of the responder is read and becomes pubiia AlI other data in a responders response to a Request For Proposals are private or nonpublic data until completion of the evaluation process. "Completion of the evaluation process" means that the City has completed negotiating the contract with the selected vendor. After the Cit�� has completed the evaluation process, all remaining data submitted by all responders aze public with the exception of trade secret data as defined and classified in Minn. Stat.§ 13.37. A statement by a responder that submitted data are copyrighted or othenvise protected does not prevent public access to the data contained in the response. Pro�osals submitted in resoonse to an RFP become the propertv of the City and will not be returned. Tf all responses to a Request for Proposals are rejecYed prior to the completion of the evaluation process, a11 data, F QS��� other than that made public at the response opening, remain private or nonpublic until a re-issuance of the Kequest for Proposals results in completion of the evaluation process or a determinafion is made to abandon the purchase. If the rejection occurs after the completion of the evaluation process, the data remains pubiic. If a re- issuance of an RFP does not occur within one year of the proposal opening date, the remaiuiug data become public. C. uestions Proposers aze asked to submit questions related to the specific project requirements and contents of proposais in writing by 12:00 noon on Octaber 19, 2005 on (date) to: Duane Kroll Contract and Analysis Services 280 City Ha1UCourt House 15 4J. Kellogg Bivd. Saint Pau1, MN SS1Q2 Questions may be faYed: (651} 266-8919. Written responses to all questions received will be fiiniished to all proposers by October 26, 2005. No ozal questions wiil be entertained prior to or after the deadliue for written questions specified above. VII. Proposal Selecfion Process and Criteria A. Criteria Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria, listed in the order of importance: 1. Philosophy and approach to project 2. Past experience doing similar projects with the public sector 3. Resumes of personnel asslgned to do project 4. Conflict of interest disclosure 5. Cost 6. Proposed time line B. Process A staff committee will review the proposals against the criteria in this RFP and rank proposals. At its option, the committee may invite one or more proposers for an interview. The City requires that the project manager and any other key individual(s) for the project participate in any interview process. Proposers will be expected to pay for any costs they incur for the interview process along with any costs associated wifh greparing and transmitting proposals. The City reserves the right to ask for additional information or clarification of the submission from any or all proposers. The final contract award will be conditioned upon the successful proposez's complying with all terms and conditions, mutual agreement about the final work plan, and compietion of a contract agreeable to a11 parties. � os- ��� IX. Estimated Timeline For Proposal Submission, Review, and Selection Request For Proposals Mailed Deadline For Written Questions Responses To Questions Furnished Deadline Far Proposals On or about October 7, 2005 12:�0 noon, Qctober 19, 2005 On or about October 26, 2005 2:00 p.m., November 9, 2005 Appendic A: Affirmative Actian Reqnirements AFFIRNIATIVE ACTION/EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CQNTRACT SPECIFICATIONS These AFFIRMATTVE ACTION/EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTi1NITY CONTRACT SPECIFICATIdNS shall appiy to ali contractors on ali City contracts. Contractors shall include these specifications in all lower tier contracts on aii City contracts. Every contractar or subcontractor whose total accumulated contract awards from the City of Sain# over the preceding tweive months has exceeded $50,000 musf complete and submit to the Department an Affirmative Action Program Registration form, through with the contractor certifies it has developed and is implementing an effective Affirmative Action Program substantially similar to the Department's Model Affirmative Action Program. Once tha Affirmarive Action Program Registration is completed and accepted by the Saint Paul Huuian Rights Department, the contractor will be norifed bp letter. Registration is valid for two (2) years, during which time the contractor may be selected for a compliance review. At tlle end of the two-qear periad, the contractor musf complete and submit a new Registration form. 2. The confractor shall implement the specific equal employment opportunity/affirmative action provisions outlined in paragraphs 3(A) to 3(G) of these Specifications and a11 fhe provisions of their Affirmative Action Plan. 11 0 5 �$� The contractor sha11 take specific action to ensure equal employment opporhuiity. The evaluation of the contractor's compliance with these specifications must be based upon its effort to aclueve maximum results from its actions. The contractor shall document these efforts fully and shall implement affirmative action steps at least as extensive as the following: A. The contractor sha11 designate a responsible official to monitor the employment related activity to ensure that the contractor's equal employment opporhmity policy and Affirmative Acrion Plan are being implemented, to keep appropriate records, and to submit reports relating to the provisions hereof as may be required by the Saint Paul Human Rights Department. B. make every good faith effort to maintain a workina environment free of hazassment, intimidation, and coercion at all sites, and in a1 facilities at which the contractor's employees are assi�ted to work. The contractor shall specifically ensure that a111ead supervisors, superintendents, and other on-site supervisory personnel aze awaze of and carry out the contractor`s obligation to maintain such a working environment, with specific attention to minorities, women, and individuals with disabiliries working at such sites ar in snch facifities. C. Establish and maintain a face-to-face relationship with recruitment sources for minorifies, women, and individuals with disabilities. Document meetings and Yelephone contacts invoived in such. Provide written nc!ification to recruitment sources for minorities, women, and individuals with disabilities and to community organizations when the contractor or its unions have employment opportuniries available, and maintain a record of the organizations' responses. D. Diseminate the contraetor's equal employment opporhu�ity and affirmative action (EEO/AA) policy by providing a copy of the policy to all appIicable unions and training programs. Request the cooperation of unions and h programs in assisting the contractor in meeting its equal employmenf opportuniry obligations. Include the EEO/AA policy in all policy manuaIs and colleetive bargaining agreements. Publiaize the EEO/AA policy in the company newspaper or annuai report. Review the policy with ail employees, inclnding management personnel at least once a year. Post the EEO/AA goIicy on bulletin boards or other places accessible to ail employees at each location where work is performed. Distribute the EEOIAA policy to all employees, including temporary, seasonal, and part-tnne employees and to all independent coniractars. E_ Review, at least annually, the contractor's equal employment opportuniry policy and affirmative action obligations with all employees having any responsibility for hirina, assignment, layoff, termination, or other employment decision. A written records shall be made and maintazned identifying the tune and place of these mee2ings, petsons attending, subject matter discussed, and disposition of the subject matter. An aE£izma<ive Ac[ion, &qual Opportunney Employer