222078 ' - ' I
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Council File No..............:........_
Theunderaignedhereby propoaesthemakingofthefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.:
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. --------------•-----•--...................----•-------------....-----------•----........-------------------�••---••-•-----......---...._......--•-----•----------•-------...........____......._.
, Dated thie.----•---•..............day of....---..__.......................................... ... ..............---, 19'.......
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• Councilman.
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` ; ., . �F = � PRELIMINARY ORDER.
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�VHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:
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having been piesented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.................................................................._....._..____..__..
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therefore, be it '
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is,hereby ordered and directed:
1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid`improvement.
2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof.
3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.
4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ' �
5. To report upon all of the fore'going mattera to the Commissioner of Finance. �
FEB 2 5 1965 �
Adoptedby the Council------------------------------------------------•--------.._...._........---
Councilman F����S�1��� Dalglish FE� 2 5 19�
Ho 11 and ,Approved_._._______
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M�PRESinErrr `�' ��`�� Acting Mu or.
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In the matter of partially opening, widening and extending SHEPARD ROAD from
Davern Street to Rankin Street by condemn.-tng and taking the following described
property together with all right of access, being the right of ingress to and
egress from all tha,t portion of the following tract, not acquired herein, to the
Shepard Road.
Lots 16, 17 ana 18, Block 15; Lots 3 through 9, Block 1�+; Lots 3
through 10, B]..ock 13 of Youngman and Lamm's Addition; and the ad�jacent
va.cated Lamm Place and vacated Springfield Street. Also the easterly
half of Lots 1 and 2, Block 13 of Youngman and Lamm's Addition. -
Lots 3 through 10, and the westerly half of Lots ]1 and 12, Hlock 12,
Youn�nan and Laanm's Addition.
Lots 1 through 9, Block 11, Youngman and Lamm's Addition.
� .� `�.,Lots 1 and 2, June's Addition. • '"
, ,�„
Except June's Addition, and sub�ect to Shepard Road, those pa,rts of _
Blocks 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Youngman and Lamm's Addition aud �d�acent
va,cated Washington Place, Lincoln Place and Rosenberger Place� and
Governmen.t Lots 1 and 2 of Section 22, T28N, R23W of the �+th Principal
Meridian bounded by the following described lines: Commencing at ,the '
quaxter-section corner between Sections 21 and 22 located at a dista,nce . �
... ; _ .. `� of':-253.20 feet south of the intersection of the west line of Section 22 �
an.d the southeasterly line of Youn�a,n Avenue; thence bearing N 0°00'
on the west line of Section 22 a distance of �+5.00 feet to the point
- of��beginning of the property to be described; thence bearing N 61°30'E
� a distance of 1817..36 feet to a point located at a distance o� 385•58
� feet southeasterly fxgm....the�point of intersection.of_the, southwe�terly - _ , -� -
"� ��'�Zirie �of Madison`Street and the northwesterly line of You.ngman Avenue;
• thence bearing N 53°00'E a distance 1308.05 feet to a point on the
east line of the nox we t uaxter of Section 22 located at a distance
of 359•�+7 feet �°�� -4�;� � e �TS'T'�rom the intersection of the
east line of the northwest quaxter of Section 22 and the north line of '
Youngman Avenue extended from the southwest; thence �ri�T nr non�+r.T��aY�h�Y(y
- along the east line of the!northwest quaxter �- . . J
of Section 22 to the point of intersection with the southeasterly line
of Yotiu�man and La�'s Addition; thence bearin� southwesterly along
the southeasterly line of said Addition to the southwesterly line of '
Alton Str�et; thence northwesterly on the said southwesterly line of
- A1ton Street to the southeasterly corner of Lot l, June's Addition;
thence southwesterly on the southeasterly line of June's Addition to
the point of intersection with the west line o� Section 22; thence
south on said Section line to the point of beginning.
Those parts of Government Lot �+, Section 21, T28N, R23W� of the 4th
Principal Meridian�and Lots 1 �and 2� Snelling Outlots bounded by the
following described lines: Beginning at a point on the east �.ine of
_ , Davern Street-intersected by the north line of Reserve Boulevard;
� `'thence north on said east line of Davern Street a dista.nce of 75.97 feet
to a point; thence counterclockwise on a �+0 foot radius axc whose central
angle is 122°07' and whose center is �+0 feet east of the last described
point and on a line perpendiculax to the east 1.ine of Davern Street;
thence northeasterly on a straight line 20 feet northwesterl.y of and
parallel to the northwesterly line of Reserve Boulevard to a point of
intersection with the exten.ded sou�hweaterly �line?of Maynar@ Drive;
- ������
thence southeasterly on said extended southwesterly line of Maynard
Drive to a point of intersection with the northwesterly line of Reserve
Boulevard; thence southwesterly on the northwesterly line of Reserve
Boulevard to the point of beginning.
That paxcel of land being part of Lots 1 and 2, Snelling Outlots,
bounded by the extended northwesterly line of Youngman Avenue; the
east line oP Section 21, T28N, R23W, of the �+th Principal Meridian;
the northwesterly line of Reserve Boulevard as opened under C.F.
No. 18171+6, approved Maxch 5,_.1957 (Public Works Drawing No. Z098);
and the extended southwesterly line of Maynaxd Drive.
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� In the matter of partiaLly opening, w:idening and extending SHEPARD ROAD Prom
Davern Street to Ranitin Street by cond,emning and taking the following described
property together with all right of access, being the right of inEr,ress to and
egress from all that portion of the fo11ow3.ng tract, not acquired herein, to the
Shepard Road.
Lots i6, i7 �a i8, Biock i5; Lots 3 tarough g, Biook i�+; Lots 3
� through 10, B1ock 13 0� Youn�uan and Lamm's Addition; and the ad�jacent
va.cated Lainm Place and vacated Springfield Street. Also the easterly
half of Lots 1 and 2, Block 13 0� Youngman and Lamm's Addition.
Lots 3 thro�h 10, a.nd the westerly half of Lots 11 and 12, Block 12,
- Youngman and Lamm's Addition.
' Lots 1 through 9, Bl.ock 11, Youngn►a.n and Lamm's Addition.
Lots 1 and 2, June's Addition.
Except June's Addition, and sub�ect to Shepard Road, those parts of
Blocks 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Youngman and Lamm's Addition and ad,jacent
vacated Washington Place, Lincoln Place a.nd Rosenberger Place, and
Government Lots 1 and 2 of Section 22, T28N, R23W of the �+th Principal •
Meridian bounded by the following described lines: Commencing at ,the
quarter-section corner between Secti.ons 21 a.nd 22 located at a distance
. of 253.20 feet south of the intersection of the west line of Section 22
a.nd the southeasterly line of Your�an Avenue; thence bearing N 0°00'
on the west line oi' Section 22 a distance of �+5.00 feet to the point
of beginning of the property to be described; thence bearin� Pd 61°30'E
a diatance of 1817.36 feet to a point located at a distance o� 385•5$
feet southeasterly fram the point of intersection of the southwesterly
line of Madison Street and the nor�thwesterly line of Youngman Avenue;
thence bearin� N 53°00'E a dista.nce i3o8.05 feet to a point on the
east line of the �},o t w��t quar�f:er of Section 22 located at a distance
of 359•�+7 feet �nd � �^n �'= e ^° � from the intersection of the
east line of the north��rest quarter of Section 22 �nd the north 1 e of
Yoi�gman Avenue e:rtended from the southwest; thence ° noy�h p,,J„
�E � long�the east �ine of the nor wes qua,rter ,)
of ect on 22-to the point of �ntersection with the southeasterly line
of Yot�rigman and Lamm's Addit�on; thence bearing southtiresterly along
the southeasterly line of said Addition to the southwesterly line of
Alton Street; thence northweste.rly on the said southtaesterly line of
Alton S1;reet to the southeasterly corner of Lot 1, June's Addition;
thence southwesterly on the southeasterly line of June's Addition to
the point of intersection with the west line of Section 22; thence
south on said Section line to the point of beginning.
Those parts of Government Lot �+, Section 21, T28N, R23W� of the �+th
Pr�ncipal Meridian and Lots 1 and 2� Sne113.ng Outlots bounded by the
following described lines: Beginning at a point on the east line of �
Davern Street intersected by the north line of Reserve Boul.evaxd;
thence north on said east line of Davern Street a distance of 75.97 feet
to a point; thence counterclocltt,rise on a �+0 foot radius arc whose central
angle is 122°07' and whose center is �+0 feet east of the last described
point and on a line perpendiculax to the east line of Davern Street;
thence northeasterly on a strai.ght line 20 feet northwesterly of and
parallel to the northwesterly line of Reserve Boulevaxd to a point of
intersection with the extended southwesterly lineh�f r�aynard Drive;
r .
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thence southeasterly on said e:ctended southwester].y line of Maynard
Drive to a point of intersection with the northtiresterly line of Reserve
Boulevard; thence southwester.ly on the northwesterly line of Reserve
Boulevasd to the point of beginning. .
That parcel of land being part of Lots 1 and 2, SneLling Outlots,
bounded by the extended north�lesterly line of Youngman Avenue; the
east line of Section 21, T28N, R23W, of the �+th Principal Meridian;
' the northwesterly line of Reserve Boulevard as opened under C.F.
No. 1817�+6, approved March 5, 1957 (Public Works Drawing No. 1098);
and the extended southwesterly line of Maynard Drive.
; , �