222067 �ORlGI1VAL TO CITY CLERK ���r.,J� � �� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , FILE NO C IL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � ►RESENTED QY , COMMISSIONE DATF RFSOLVED� That the Commissioner of Public IItilities is hereby authorized to retain the professional services of Doctor Harold Palus� professor in the Health Departmerit of the IIniversity of Minnesota and affiliated with the IInited States Department of Health at the University of Minnesota� who is a recognized expert in the area� of air pollution control� to make a study relative to smoke an.d odor conditions at the City Sanitary Landfill area near Pigs Eye Island and to make a " comprehensive study and report to the Commissioner of, Public IItilities relative to elimination or abatement of smoke and odors at the City= s landfill operation; be it �- , FIIRTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of such study shall be payable out of Pta.blic IItilities Inve stigation F1and No. 0520. f0 APPROYED � ��" / � sst. Cct�ora�a Ca�nset �EB 2 41565 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays Dalglish , ��� �,�� Holland proved 19_ Loss b - Tn Favor , i Meredith Pete rs on � ~ �y0r A gainst .Deev3ca Mr. President, Vavoulis PUBLISHED FEB 2�' � ' ions e-aa � DUr�ICATC TO rRINT[R ������ % � CITY OF ST. PAUL �o�NCU NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rRESEHTED �Y COMMISSIONE� DATF RESOLVEll� That the Commissioner of Public Utilities is hereby authorized to retain the profess3.onal services of Doctor Harold Palus� professor in the Health Department of the University of Minnesota and aff3liated with the United States . Department of Health at the University of Minnesota� who is a recognized expert in the area of air pollution control� to make a study relative to smoke and odor conditions at the City Sanitary Landfill area near Pigs Eye Island and to make a comprehensive study and report to the Commiss3oner of Public Utilities relative to elimination or abatement of smoke and odors at the City' s landfill operat�on; be it �JRTHER RESOLVED� That the cost of such study shall be payable out of Public Utilities Investigation Fund No. 0520, FEB 2 4196� COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �EB z 4 �g� �iglisb � Hollaad Appro�� 19_ Loss Tn F'SVOY' Meredich Peterson � �AyOr D_� �►g8in8t [t03LII� Mr. President, Vavoulis iona e-�