222066 OR161NAL TO CITY CLlqK ����� " CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa �'� OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK FILE NO ` ,o�COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C MM SS�IONE ��osen,�r�mi s�i on��L�r of Publ i c Works February 24, 1965 �A RESOl.UTIQN OF ANNULLMENT In the matter of constructing new curb and gutter on both sides of Norfolk Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Kenneth Street,ynder Preliminary Order No. 212978, approved May 28, 1963, and Final Order No. 220585, approved November 4, 1964. RESQf.VED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter be discontinued. � 4 F�e� 2 419� COIJNCILMEN . Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish FEg 2 41g65 Holland / Approved 19— Loss � Tn Favor Meredith Peters on � MAyOr � . A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis • PUBLISHED FEQ 2� ���� ioat e�s �� �E ` ���D b � r ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA 4 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Courf House 55102 �� January 29, 1965 �arvin E. and Blizsbeth Frajlach 2002 Horfolk Annnun St. Paul, l�ianesota 55116 File 16583, Page 2 _ NOTICE OF REHEARING In the matter of constructing new curb and gutter on both sides of Norfolk Avenue from Cleveland Avenue to Renneth Street, a public hearing was held on November 4, 1964, at which time a final order, C. F. 220585, was passed by the Citq Council approving further procedure in connection with this improvement. However, since that date certain circumstances have arisen, one of which has been the amount of opposition expressed by property owners. Since this improvement is of a local nature, the Council passed a motion on January 26,, 1965, that a rehearing be held on this matter to determine the advisability of proceeding with or discontinuing the improvement. This rehearing will be held on February 23, 1965, at 10:00 a.m. in - the City Council Chambers, third floor, City Hall. If you cannot be present at this rehearing, you may write to the City Council, addressing your letter in csre of the City Clerk, stating your position and reasons fo.r same. , Commissioner of Finance ' :� James J. Dalg_lish � ` . . � �� ����- r � �� �� i�� ����.�i��:.�'�� � ^n , /���{'�p /���d7�%!/�- i f�v s��L� / C��. �� e�,aJ � d� � 4 . / ,�,��-��. �.e ��t�� G�-�� /��D��- �� � � � . _ � � � D � ��� � ^'� -{i ' /�V�'v` r - N � i����0(� � '�i. � �%/��G�iG�//vlc�� l � � � . � . Y ' f ! Cr e s c e n t TELEPHONE 224-3311 QUAL►TY CHE!!D Creamery Company , 226 NO. SMITH AVENUE SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA DIVISION OF MARIGOLD FOODS, INC. Februax�y 18, 1965 City Council, c�o City Clerk. Court House, St.Paul 2, Minnesota, File 16583, Page 1 REHEARING In the matter of constructing , new curb and gutter on both sides of Norfolk Avenue fra�n Cleveland Avenue to Kenneth Street. Gentlemen: � We are definitely against the construction of curbing and gutters on Norfolk Avenue fram Cleveland Avenue to Kenneth Street for the following reasonss The same consideration should be given to the wishes of the property owners in the above two blocks as was given to the property owners on the east end of the same street. The �na�ority of property . owners on Norfolk f�rom Cleveland to Ken- neth do not want the curbing and. gutters. To us it looks ridiculous to insist on curbing on only two blocks of a six block street. We believe it should be all the way or none at all. Sincerely yours� . � � H. E. Carskaden. by Power of Attorney. HEC:M ��� � ���3