222058 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK ������ , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO Zlc�tsE ccr�rt�r� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM �RESENTEO QY ` ` February 23� 1965 COMMISSIONER 4 Aw DATF RESQLVED: That licenses for permit to conduct Bingo Games, appl.ied for by the follo�•�ing orgarazations, at the ad�.resses stated, for t,he d ays, dates, and hours indicated on e ach app�icat,ion, be and the sam� are hereb�* granted. Abe �►i.ncoln Post No. 631�! American Legion 3�.� University A�re. 52 Pds. App. 11�825 Renewal Uni Dale �ommercial Club �� 52 « �� ].la.$85 �t Red Rose Foundat�on, Inc. 8 W. 9th St. &�or �.59 Wabasha st. ^ - 52 Pas. �� �g� ,� St. Joseph�s Society for Little sisters of the Poor � � . _ 167 trd. 7th st. 52 u " 7-�.997 " .. St. �tanislaus Men's Club 187 S. Western Ave. 12 " '� J 109 " Marconi �lub 68 W. �oliege Ave. 13 '� " J 171 '� - Service Clubfor Handicapped, Inc. 155Q� Surrunit Avenue 1 " ° J 329 �t Each n. Inforrn ly �proved by �ouncil As dated on appno � F�S �3 �fi5 COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays FEB 2 `c� � Dalglish Holland Approve� 19— Loss J Tn FavOI' '� Meredith - ' erson � MByOr , A gainst PUBLISHED F� �� � Mr. President, Vavoulis lons e.as