222036 • PETITION � 2���3s
� Counoil File No......................._
'. and
Theundereignedhereby proposeethemskingof thefollowingpubliaimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,via.:
reconstruct the sidewalk on the east side of Hancock St. from Sixth St. to the
�south approximatel�► 139 _ft. abutting 1094 E. 6th. St. and by_doiag all other work
._...------ •-----•---• -... ..... ._------ ---- ----------------•-----•-----
which is necessary and incideatal to complete said improvement.
Dated thie.-----•-23rd. day of---....-•---------------FebruarY......---•--------------............, 19 65 ,
� .... , ................�Eyz� _�_(�__ �y....--- •----- -.. ._.............
� Councilman.
WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ,
reconstruct the sidewalk on the east side of Hancock St. from Sixth St. to the
. south a��roximatel�► _139_ ft. abutting 1094 E.___6th. St. and_bx doin�_all other work .
•---•- ------- •----- -- • •- ----•-----•-------
� _which is .neces�sary:and..incidental to camplete _said _improyement_________________:_________.____.___.________- -
---- -- - --- -- - -.... ..... .
� " -----------------------•-•--•-•-----•----•----------------•------------------•------ . -•---•-----•-•-•-•----•--•-------•--------------•------------...-•---------------------------••---••-----
, ,
. .,
having been pieeented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..............._......_......_._.........._..__.._..._.__..._.__.................._._
therefore, be it , � '
RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publio Works be and is hereby ordered and direated:
1. To investigate the necesaity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement.
2. To inveetigate the nature, extent a,nd estimated coet of eaid improvement, and the total coet thereof.
, 3. To furnieh a plan, profile or eketch of said improvement.
� 4. To state whether or not eaid improvement is aeked for on the petition of three or more ownere.
b. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commissioner of Finance. �
� 3196�
�EB 2
Adopted by the CounciL.......---•----------•..................... .•----.._...-•----......_..
'� YEes
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, � coun�ilman Dalglish FEB 2 3 1965 �
` Holland Approved._...-----•----------•-•-----------•------------------•-----.._..__..._._
. ' � - Loss ' �
� �' Meredith
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p Ma. P��sin�rrr Vavoulis r Ma or.
T. 3000 7-84 � � �
-.�{� PUBLISHED FEB 27 19�
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