222035 ������ OR7GINAL TO CITY CLERK •- y CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO : OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM �RESENTED RY ' COMM I551 O N E DATF WI�REAS, Marrel G. Hathaway and Mar�orie HatY�away, h1a wife, have dedicated certain property aonsisting of a 2�-foot permanent easement and a por�ion of proposed Herbert Street and Orange Avenue to the City of Sair�t Paul, forever; and WI�REAS, said dedieated property was legally deseribed erroneously; now, therefore, be i� , RESOLVED, That the 20-foot perma.�ent easement described � as follows: � , , �/A permanent easement on a strip of land 20 feet in width on, urider and across said p�operty for purposes of conatructing and maintaining a public sewer, the center line of said permanent easemen� beir�g deseribed as follows: Com�nencing, for the purpose of establishing � the point of beginning, at the 3ntersection of the aer�ter _ lines of Maryland Avenue and I�ennard Street a distance of . 335•16 feet along the center line of Maryland Aven�.e in a - westerly direetion to a point; thence on a straight line , , that ma.kes an angle to the right of 90° a distance of - 3�+3 feet to a point, -which is the point of beginning; � - thence o� a s�Graight line, which is the center line of tY�e permanent easement, that makes an angle to the left of 90° for a d3.stance of 321.38 feet to a point, which ia the termination point of the easement, being part of SW � of SE�, Section 22, Township 29 N., Range 22 W; and the portion of proposed Herbert Street and Orange Avenue described as follo�rs: , � Commencing, for the purpose of establishing the point � , of be�inning, at the intersection of the center line - of Maryland Avenue and Kennard Street a distance of 295.16 feet along the center line of Maryland gvenue � � in a westerly direction to a point; thence on a straight line that makes an angle to the right of 90° a distance � COIJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays , Dalglish • ' ' Holland Approved 19— . .�„ ' L-oss Tn FAVOT Meredith Pete rs on �y�r A►g8121.9t Rosen ' Mr. President, Vavoulis - iont e-as � ,� ' ' _ . - - . . _ . ����35 � . � . 2. - - � _ of 33,feet .to a point, which is the point of b'eginning; � . � • beginning at the established point, proceed in a . _ northerly direction on a line which 'is paral.lel to the ' , _ • . wes� line of Kennard Street a distance of 658.36 feet - . to a "point�; thence on a straight line that �makes an - angle to the left of 90° a distance of 361.38 fee� to � a point, thence on a straight line that makes an angle to the left of 90o a distance of 30 feet� to a point, � thence on a stra�igYat line that� makes a.n angle to the . left of 90° a distance - of 315.794 feet, to a point, � thence' on a s�rai�ht line that '-makes an angle to the • - . ._ right of 81°38� a distance of �38:�-1 feet -to a point, . � . thence on a straight line that makes an angle to the right of 8°22! � a distance of 590.36``feet to a point, tY�ence on a� straight line that makes an angle to the - . � left �of 90° a distance of �+0 feet to the po,int-of � be$inning, being part of SW�„ of, SE4, ,Section ,22, Town- � � � . • ship 29 N.,, -Range 22 W..;• � � • _ �: , 3-� �` , ' ' _ ..� '� - ' _ ; . .. ' •'° ,,., t�-- , : be conveyed,' deeded 'and quitclaimed,back to Marrel: G. Hathaway _ ' and Mar�orie Hathaway; his wife; 'and be it '�� ^' , s'"'� • • ' FURTHER RESOLVED, ,That the proper City officers� accept � � from Marrel G. Hathaway, aMd �Iar�orie Hathaway, his wife, the . . following dedicated real estate,- viz:_• � f ; �� - � ;' ,�, • . , Y- . . � • S ♦ , In the� matter of opening and extending �Herbert Street , - :� and Orange 9ver�ue for street. pttrposes,, that portion of - , , Herbert Street lying westerly of tYie west line of the � � � , plat�ed lots along the westi side of Rennard Street and . �'= . extending in a` north and .south .direetiori-�from East _ Maryland Avenue to the pro�ected .center li�e � of� : .?` � `� � Orange Avenue, also that portion of Orange Avenue � � lying south of the pro�ected center lir�e of Orange Avenue and in an east and west direction a specified . distance west of Herbert Street and described as . . follows: . . - Comtnencing, for the pnrpose of establishing the point of beginning, at the inte�section of the, center line of Maryland Avenue and Kennard ' - ' Stree�� a distance of 295.16 feet �along the center line of Marylar�d Avenue 3.ri a we$terly direction . to. a point; then�e on a straight line tY�at makes � � an angle to- the -right of 90°°ra distance of 33 feet . - , � . } . . ORSGIHAL TO CiTr CLENK (1(��(���� • �' CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO `'`� `�1 � ' a` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED RY COMMISSIONEQ DA� —3— to a poin�, whiah is �he point of beg3.nning; � beginning at the established point, proceed in a northerly direction on a line which is parallel to the west line of Rennard Street a dis�anee of 658,36 feet to a point; thenee on a straight line �hat makes an angle to the left of 90° a distance of 361.38 feet to a poin�, thence or� a s�raight line that makes an angle to the 1ef� of 90° a diatance of 30 feet �o a point, thenee on a straight line that makea a.n angle to the left of 90� a dis�ance of 315•79 feet to a poir�t, thence on a straight line,�. � that makes a.n angle to �he right of 81038' a dis�a.nce of 38.�Fl feet �o a point, then�e on a sicraight line tha� makes an angle to the rigb.t of 8°22' a distance of 590.36 feet to a point, thence on a straight line that ma.kes an angle to the left . 'of 90° a distance of �FO feet to the point of , ,, . � beginning. � ... �^ In the matter of taking a strip of land 20 feet in width .._. _on, �under and aerosa said prope�ty for purposes of con- � � ,structing and maintaining a publia sewer, tY�e center line . - of said permaner�t easemer�t being described as follows: Commencing for t�e purpose of establishing the point of beginning, at the inte�section of the center lines of Nlaryland Avenue and Rennard Street a dis�ance of 335.16 feet along the center 13ne of � Maryland �venue in a westerly direction to a point; . thence on a str�.ight'�line that makes an angle to �he right of 90° a distanee of 3�+3 feet to a point, which •-. is the point of beginning; thence on a straight line, whieh is the center line of the perma.nent easement, � �hat makes ar3 angle to the left of 90° for a dis�anee of 321.38 feet �o a point, whicth is the termination point of the easement. � FEB 2 3 1965 COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays FEB 2 3 �� Dalglish Holland pprov d 19— Loss � , Tn FavOr � Meredith u eters o , M8'yOr D A galIL9t �cv�-� Mr. President, Vavoulis �p�BLiSHED FEB 27 1965 ion� a-as . * ��,�U3,� .DUjLICAT6 TO MINTlR �- CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IRESENTED tY COMMISSIONE� DA� ��� to a point, whiah �s the point of beginning; beginning at the established point, proce�d in a northerly d3r�:ation on a line whiah i� p�.ra.11el to the weet line of $enna,rd 3treet a di$tanae of 658.36 feet to a point; thence on a. atraight line that make� an a,ngle to the let't of 90° a distanae of 361.38 feet to a point, thence on a straia�ht line that makee an &ngle to the left of 90a a distanae o� 30 �'eet to a point, thenae on a e'�raight line tha� makes an angle to the lef� of 90� a cli�tanae oP 315.79 feet to a point, thence or� a straight line. that m�ke� an angle to the right of 81Q38' a, diat�.ne� of 38.41 feet to a point, thenae on a straight line that makes an angle ta the right of 8°22� a d3�ts�nae of 59Q.36 fee� to a point, thenae or� a atra3gh� line tha.t make� an aragle to the lett of 90° a distanQe of �+0 feet to the point of beginning. In the matter of taking a ��rip of land 20 feet in w3dth on, under and aQroas sa�.d property for purpo�es of aon- gtruating and m�.intaining 8 publia sewer, the center line of said permanent easemen� being de�aribed a� follow�: CommenQing-fbr tMe purpose of establi�hin� the po�ant of beginn�.ng, at the intersecttion of the aenter linea of I�3e.ryl�,nd Aven�e and F�ennard 3tre�t a diatanae of 335.16 #'eet along the aer�ter lin� of k4aryland Avenue in a wasterly direation to a point; thencse on a etx�.ight�l�ne that makes an ang7.e �o the right of 90° a distar�c�e of 343 feet to a point, wh3.ah is the pQint of beginn3ng; thence on a atra�ight lirie, ' whi�h ie the Qenter line of the permanen� easement, that makes an angle to the lePt oP 90° Por a distance of 321.38 �eet to a point, which ia the termination poin� of the easement. FEB 2 31965 COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Councii 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish FEB 2 31965 Holland ApprovPd 19— Loss � Favor Meredith \ ����_ /� Mayor � A gainst C. D� Mr. President, V�voulis ion� e.as �'+� �� �;,;r:'. , , , '¢ � _f -., �' ' -} '^ , �'; ` _ ` _., ' ' : '', . •_ , ' "- ' _ � -. -�' ' . _ - - . - , „�, , � . , � .�.., . - ';'. , 6 , . . « - , , . ,. ; _ : - �• . , �: • : _ , ;,i�-�- . , ; • _ ° - -- , .. . , :ti,�; . � � ' - . - . ' • ,� . . . . � ` _ •.- ` - �� - ' �. • . ' � - -` - • ���s��� - ' . � :, _' - . � - . � - .-- . , , . , � . _ _ • _ . ,. -- � i-', . : t .. -' ' -:, .. .�.'Y i , � .��� � _ . ._''" = � ��v' . ,. . ; . - yr ' .. _ � _ . = _ � � e' . . ! , ..." • -`L , ' , ��? - _�+l .. `� .-'y•` _ ' .;� •`' . �'� _• . " �A, ,_,# ` 1• . . ' �� . • • �_} yy ' ; i`'+ ' • , f. ` , �.• _ . , . . �i' . � k r- -t, "�e '�♦ �l s '°�'„ •,6 _ � _ - ' - . . .<_ - „ ' _ , � _ '- "':, �� "�A> r� �, ' ; . 't �� -- 4 . •i,.` — _ _ ' • i - ,' •_ s �'� f—'i��l �."����= L.y' ' '� ,��. e' �+� * '� £~b, ' -. , - '-� , ' • - ' � �, _ ' - _{ . t' -y._._ . '� . t.a ♦ . ' , '_ ,- ' �� �J ' . .. . . � , c `. ` . 1 , : 1_ .. ' : • � '.. � .�-� ' pf� ��. �ee�. .�o, :�����c��.rita K�.9,�h ;i�.. �he ,pc��.�i'b 'o�. b�gi�n��g3� . . � - � ' - ' �` ;'- - � beg�n�.ng �t�.th� e�t�b].i.�hed{po!�.r�t� .prc�c�e� �,n -:8 :. : .' , `_. _ , - - � ; � � :_ � . �iQT�k�e�7,y �d9.recstipn bn ,et �.�:iue� rvhich .�a ��r�lle�� to t�i+��''-� • ., ; , ; _. . - - - . . �reg� il�e�,o�' x��ria� �t'.r.ee�, a' d��t�nce- a�'_ 8�8.:36 �'�e�- . � , . . � � , . - tc�� � ��v�:�it; �2��Aa�"Qni� a' ��r���t�it-�lin$ _t�at make$`a,n � ' _ � , - ' _ : _ . . ai�gle, ti���he 7,ef't" a:� g(�°� a 'cAi�+t.�n�e� '�.f_���1.�� fe�t to = _ °, �- • , : . -, _ .'.�� ._ -;- • •. _a pa�t,� theriae_ �n a_ st�a�.�ki�. �:�z�� �h��� make?� ,a.�a �ng�:e _ �, ' ,• � '. -. ' - '- �� _ ' to �he, left ct#' 94�- � di��ar�4� o#'; 3a. �'e��� to a .�ain�.x; ,,. ; �. s �--- � . ; - _ . - � .�h�nce =on a �gtr�.i:gh�G �Y�.n,e -�k�at m�ce�, a�,;angle.�tQ -t3�e _ ..- . . • ., ° • . . � _.� - _ , �, �e�� .,��`- gt?�' a 'd;���a,nct� t�#' �i5:�9� f"ee� �o 'a. poj;nt�- � , � .. .. .g_ . , . _. r. r . . . - -_ � � '��er�oe dn:�t ��r��.g�.t lin� ��at .m�lce� � .�g3.,� �to �k�e' -. _ - . = � . � . ,_ : �_ ,�,�gh� ��' 8�d�8'• � ��st�neie_ vf� -�8.�1� Fe�t tQ -a p���t, � "-"- . � , : .- . , � `the�Qe, Qn a: �a�raip,�fi �:iz�� �l�e,� p�ake�-a:n angle to �tih� ��y _ �t - � - - .- � -� .- .._' ; �ig�►t ,of�8���! -�a���di�tan�s o� 5�0.3�i f�e� �a- � Po�ta � - .�.� ._�_, _� ; . . ., � � - ���-. . f t�ez��� Qn � ��x�.�igY�'� ��.n� th�t m�k�� � .ar��Ze� ��o _�k�e ' ' -- � . �- _ .. , �,.eP�- pf �Q'� . �. �d�c�ta�ae� d� �0 Pe�.t,. �4 �h� pbf��_ p�' ��. � � � � .. - . y• - • - - - � - - `_ � _: � �. _- be�i�riing;� lie:ing:pa��. o�' ��W� of 3E�, ��a�3.or� Q2� ,Town4 :.' ` - � � - ._ ,; - ' _ .. skaip �9,.N.,- �'ige �2��f:t, � � . � -' � . . . � � - - _ . . � � � � . . _ . . � . �5 ! , . �i a� . �y S` e � �1', =:^ .'�i •^� _ , ^�' � ` ` _ , A ' , ' ' jJ@ fTf,��1r@s!8�j �G��ei�E�t� $Y�,S� (�L3�..�'iC2�.��TG4G�. �?�tfl1£, �'i_t3. ��Z��, �4'� ��.��8W8,Y'_ ' ' ' � , ' _ . :,- ;.` �rid.�. I����r�e Hath�ewa�", h�s, v,F�.�'c�� aric� ,�� i� _ . - �-�� _ • - . •� ., , � , . � - - - ._ ;• � , . _ . . _ • � � - . . , -- • � - .. . -� �'. . .� .�'I�R��F� ��QLVED,, T'ha� �the :p�Cipe�� C3:ty� t���'iee�x�. gac�pt- - �`� � `: .� - ; _� #'rom ��.s�z'Q1 .4. �I�.�havt�y�;'�ad� 1+����t��'i� •Iiatkiawa�r; �'ii8 wi���, _�ha� - . . � - . �'b�.1,��1�:11�-'E�8d1Qa:�Gf�. �p3�.�« '4$����J�,: ��'!�'!� .:�' ' , . ' _ ' _ '' .• '_ � � . . ♦ .i ,�� ' '• �. ' _1ti'-A.� •� Y • '. ''-a k' . ••_ . ' ` � . ' .,�� , j .` , _ � . . ,�; . �� . Tn "t��' -�at�er `af�;operi�:n� a.�d e���nc�ing-He�b�x����-���r�.e.� ; , _ _ ._ . . " - . . -. _ a�d O��r'ige.�1�V��ua '�o� street-purpose�, �h�:�•-�ortibx�� �f= : ` . , � .. . . . .._ - He�b�r� St��e�t .�y�:z�� We���r1�r o#''the �r��� �.in� Qf`�Me� � � ' . .. . . � ' . :A�a��ed .�.ote .along_�he w���� �idq Qf K�a�z�a�►�d ���trest 8rid � .... . , = � . . .� � _ - e��er�d�.�g�i:r�}�: ��i��h--�x�d �outh'ci�.rea�i��. �'rom Ea�t •_ � , : . . � : • � r _� ��.�yland Aver�u� �d tihQ gro,�ea�ed Qe�i��� �ine df . � . .. . �� , - . � _ . . . - ., `�, c��ange A�enue, aT$d tY�a� •�±ca�t�.Qn'.o� Orange .Av�riue � " . - - , � . � - . . � ` � .• .3y�.i�g ,sau'�h of_�h� ���e��ec�',:q�ht�T �.�.na. o�' Orange - • . . ,., _ - _ ,. . ; . . - � 1#�r�riu+� �rad ir� an� �a�� �.nd ���t d�.�e�a��on � �P$��Cf�.e�, ; � . . _ : . - - > _ � _ dts�$na� �w'ea� oF �iert��r� S�r�.e� ��d ��e��z�tbed �:�� . � �, - = '� � -.' .,- : ,_ ,_ " . - fQl].o��i:. .,- . - - '. _ _ . ` - - , .. . - �� _ , � : , y ,_'- � . - .. . ; �. . ' : . . ��. _ • : . . - ' . . .. - . • ' �r � .. � r• ' , �Y���;�4�1���' . �ti/i' �i1�Q -���Oh7Q :0�' �ipV�Y��li����j' . _ y . , ' ` . . . : ; - , � ��. ,. , . ��� pa�:nt� o�' `�eg3.�ni�g; a� the 3.�ter��a��.i�n. �� _-� - . - _ � - . . "��. .•ti : -� , . of �he' t�e���e�►� �:�ri�� o� �Iary,�a.rid �Ve�u�.�und,.�anr�i�d � �, , . � " � _ � � � . ._ . - S��et a: c�i$ta�,c� �a�' �,�.26 .�`ee� �,�.Q�g �he �er�tex�" -' - - . -. r. � _ - .. , ` : . . . =S�.n�.. o� M�ry��iad Avenu� - �.ri �, '�e�ter]:y i�i.x��a�ioz� - , - _ - - :- , - � ,� ' . � tc�� a���iQ�n�3 .ti�ex�ae �� ��.�trs.igY�t line '�h�a'��:�tBk�;A�..,. , �__ ; �- , : _ , .,_. . . _ _ ,LL . ` an arigle :�b, ��� r�;g�� -��' �4° � d�.�t�,n,Qe ��''33 :Pe�t ' -- ' -- � i ' ; ._ � . ; -r. `. ,- . . , : �; - � - " . � ., ; - : -_ _• R . , . ; , -. . F •� • � � , .� `� ' � i ' _ ty '• � � , ` ' • . • T '`N J ' r '' �. ` , � � �. • ` .- . � - , .� _ - • � �' ' c • ` •� •f , r .., • ` ,' • , ' - • •.. i�.tr., },� " • ` .�� � ' , `' .��-�' ''i • ' . _ • .' '. - \ " , �•� � . _ _ i ' .. �MF _ _' _ _ ,, �_ _ _I S ' '_b_ . f �" ;1� V ' ♦ �' .. - ... . .. _ . � . � . • • a. _ , - ��� �2�(��5 � DU�LICATC TO rRINT[R �•� ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FO�UNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IRESENTED�Y � COMMISSIONE� DATF WHER£AS, I�.rr�l Q. Hath��ay and Ma.r�orie Hathaway, his wife, have dedicated eertain property Qonaisting of a 20ifoot pe�ent ea�ement and a portion of propoBed Herbert stre�t �nd Orange Avenue to the City of Saint Paul, Porever; arid WHEREAw, �aid dedicat�d property w�.s legally d�sarib�d erroneoualy; now, therefore, be it RF30I,V�ED, That the 20-�foot permanent easement d�saribed as �ollor�e s A permanent eseement on a strip of land 20 feet in xidth on, under a,nd aaroa� sa3d propex�ty for purposee of ConstruQting anci ma�.nta.3n3ng a public aewer, the aenter line of naicl permanent ea$effient being dea4r�bed � followa: Commenaing, fqr the �urpose of eat�.bli�hing the point o�' beginning, at the �.riteraeation of the aenter lin,e� oP Maryland Avenue and Kennard 3treet � di�tanae of 335•16 f�et along the aen'�er line of I�a.ryland Avenu� in a �testerly direat�.on to a point; thence on a etraight line that makes an ar��.e to �he ri�ht oF 90� a d3atar�ae of 3�3 feet to a point, whiah ia the point of beginning; thenae on a stra3ght 1ine, whiah i�a the 4en�er 13ne of the permanent eaa��men�, that makea an angle to the left of g0� for a distanae of 321.38 f�et to a pqint, whieh ia the termination po�.nt of the e��ement, being part of SW � of 5��, Seation 22, Townffihip 29 A1., Range 22 W; and the portivn oF proposed Herbert Street and Orange Avenue: de�ar�.bed ag follows s Commeneing, for �he purpose oP e�t�bli�hing the point of beginnirig, att the inter�eation of the aenter line of Maryland Avenue and Rexin�.rd Street a distanae of 295.16 feet mlong the aent�r line of �:r�rland Avenue in �a westerly direetion to a point; �hence on a etraight line th�.t makes an angle to the right of 90� a dista�xice COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approv� 19— Loss Tn FSVOr Meredith Peterson MAyOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lons e-es