222033 � � 222��3 � ORIGINAL TO CITY GLHRK . CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED RY ��� COMM I551 O N E DATF WHEREAS� by Council File No. 218210� the proper City Officials were authorized on behalf of the City to execute an application ; to the Housing and Home Finance .Agency for a grant in ar3 amount authorized by Title VII of the �Iousing .Act of 1961� as amended� in an. estimated amount of �300,000.00 for the purpose of aiding the City to acquire Hillcrest Coun.try Club; and WHEREAS� said applica�io n was dated March 25, 1964, and submitted to the Housing and Home Finance Ageney� Urban Renewal Admini"stration; and WHEREAS� the Congress of the United States has passed the Civil Rights Act of 196�-; and WHERE�AS� the� Housing and Home Finan�e Agency is subject to the direetions of �itle VI of the Civil ftights .�ct of 1g64� which Agency is required to issue appropriate rules and regulations to implement the ob�ects of tbe Civil Rights Act , of 1964; and � . WF�REAS� said Agency wis�es to be assured of the compliance� by the City� with the regulations of the Housing and Home Finance Ageney made pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1g64; now� therefore� be it RESOLVED� That the IInited States � �f.merica and the Home Finance .�ldministrator be and they are hereby assured of full compliance by the City of Saint Paul with the regulatio ns of the Housing and Home Finance Ageney designed to implement Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. VE �� � ' sst. Corpora ion n � � FEB �'� � � COiJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish a E B 2 3 � Holland � pproved 19— Loss • � Tn Favor � Metedith "I � ����.� 1� � Mayor ` ��_ �--.-_ Against , Mr. President Vavouli\`�. i LISHED �� 2� �� � S PUB iont eas _'� DUrLICATC TO rRINT[R 22��3� .. CITY OF ST. PAUL FO�HCIL NO , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►RESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DATE WHEREAS� by Council File No. �18210y th• proper City OfriQiala � wer� nuthorized on behalt' of the City to exeau�e an applivation �o the Housing and Home Finance Agency Por a grt�n.t in �n amount authorized by Title VII of the Houa�ing Act of 1�61� aa a�ended� in an egtim�ted a�oun.t of $300 000.00 for the purpose oP aiding the City to acquire Hi1l.arest �ountry Club; �.nd W�ERE�4S, said �,pplication �s da�ted Marah 2�� 1964� and �ubmitted to th� Hou�ing e�nd Home Finsne� Agenay, IIrban Renewal Admini�tration; and WHEREAS, the Congxess of the IInited Statea ha� pa�sed the Civil Rights Aat o� 1964; and WHEREA3� the Houaing �nd Ho�e Finaaa� Ag�nay is aub eat to the dir�ations ot' Title VI ot' the C3.vil Right� Aat of' 19�+� which Agency is required to ie�ue �ppropriate rules and regulations to implement the ob�eota of t}a� Civil Rights Aat ot' 1964; and WHEREAS, said Agenay wi�he� to be aasured of �hs coffipliancse� by the City� with the regul�tiona of the Ho��ing and Ho�� Fina�n.c• Agency mmde pur�uant to Title YI af the Civil Right� Aat of 1964; nox, th�refore� be it RESOLVED Th�t the IIni�sd 3tates cf Aneria� and the Home F'inance �1cl�in�atrator be and they are hereby assured of fu11 coaplia�nee by the Ci�y of Sain.t P�ul with the regulationa o�' the Housing and Home Finane• Agenay cleaign�d to impl�men� Title YI of th� C ivi 1 Ri ght a Aa t of 1964. FE� �� 19�5 COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas NaYs FEB 2 3 1�� Dalglish Holland 1,� Approv� 19— Loss `� Tn FSV02' Meredith � �: e� MByOr A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis ioa� e-a: