222029 ,•�P' .� Y �I ' 'i�..l��.v` \
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. � BY
� File No. �?5� ' -
In the Matter of �r��o�trla.�tlztg th� t��,d�lk vA '�h side8 oP Rqse� AVe. Prt�m
, 1�►r�.an St: t,b �oodbr�.dg� 5�.: �r�d, bY d�� al.l other W4rk �ah�ely ��: neceeaary and
i�cid,�ntal. tp ccauglet;� �is7: �.mpraveme���,t -
\ under Preliminary Order ��� - approved ]3ecembt�r. �� 196+4
Intermediary Order approved
A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council
• having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and� having fully considered � �
. the same; therefore, be it
� RE;SOLVED, By the Council of the Gity of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im-
provement ta be made by the said City is ' �
�t� recc�Btr�tct thc3. �idewalk o� 'bath a�de,� t�� Ro�e Av�e. fx� �ariau S�.° to�Flc�br�c7ge
_ S�. a�d by doing e1'�. o�her wr�rk:t�hiaYx, i�� .�ces�x�y e�d. incider��l �p c�plets �aid
� improveme�at�, �i�ce�� w�aere� B9c�d, a�t� eu��'�c�i:ent �i.c�e�alk� �tot� e�f.�tr, .
and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made.
RESOLVE�D FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and
directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and aubmit same ta the Council for
approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-
ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.
cotnvc�Err ' FEB 2� 1965
Adopted by the Counci�
Yeas �alglish Nays
Wolland Approve� � FEB 2 3 ��
Coss - s ' G��'_
Wleredith �
—In Favor `
n �,�,� , � / / Mayor
Uavoulis � ��
Aga�st ,PI�BLISHED FE8 2 7 1�n�
6-68 2M 8�O R-1 ,
1_ � �
L/, r,r`'s'� '�
Dist. No. 1
g �3� °' B.S. Rose Ave. - Marion to Woodbridge
. ��o��
�ec. 8th. 19 64
To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St . Paul:
The Commissioner of Public Works � having had under consideration the pre-
liminary order of the Council known as Council File No. 220920
approved__ nP�_ � �rd_ 19_�! ,relative to reconstructin� the sidewalk
o., �.�+H Qi.�a�_ .,f RAAP ave frr�m Ma i�n St t Woodbrid�e St and bv doins� all other
—TSntlr �.,}+�n{� ic narn�xcaro anrl in ic� ntal t0 comolete said improvement
and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein� hereby
1. The estimated cost thereof is $•3.25 per lia. ft. for standard sidewalk
5 ft_ arid - and 53.80 ner lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide
°��� � 3�4� -
2. A plan� profi le or s �c�i,�of sai�, ' mprovement i s hereto attached
�0 1�,� ¢j ���*,�*�a
and made a part her f. t�,G ��� ,�
c� � �,���U�'� `° -
3. Initiated by the Co ! s�o�. �,,pvu� lic Works �
l � '� r'�• �to�1
4. Improvement i s asked �n p,e�ti on X �5
���'�LZ9z�2�LL � -
` — � � �
Commissioner of Public Works