222027 � a��' ' :COIINCIL FILE NO. . , :-� BY , � 222U2'� In the matter of condemni ng and taki ng an easement i n the 1 and necessary for the sl opes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material CLARENCE STREET frcm Minnehaha ,Avenue to Beech Street. under Preliminary Order 220092 , approve�l Segtember 22, 1964 � Intermediary Order 22�633 , approve� January 26, 1965 � A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heerd aIl pereons, objectione and recommendatione relative thereto, and having fully coneidered the eame; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of 8aint Paul that rovement to be mdde by the eaid City ie Condemn' and taking an easement in the land neces ry for the slopes, cuts nd fills, including ri of removal of lateral support from sub ct land or remainder th eof, occasioned by exca 'ons thereof or construction of slope 'n the grading and sur cing with bituminous material CE STREET from Minnehaha Avenue Beech Street. All orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and Pescinded and all proce�dings in s id ma�t er be discontinued, and t Council hereby. ordere said improvements to �e m e. REB LVED FURTHER, that the following la d, lande or easemente therein be d the eame are hereby ord ed to be taken, appropriated and condemn d for the purpoee of'making-eaid"im rovemente, via.: � Condemning d taking an easement in the la d necessary for the slopes;r uts and fills, including ri t of removal of lateral suppor fro� subject land or remain er thereof, occasioned by xcavations thereof or construc ion of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous terial CLARENCE STREET from innehaha Avenue to Beech Str et,. RESOLVED FURT R, That the Commiseioner of Pub 'c Worka be and is hereby instructe and directed to prepare pla,ne a epecificatione for eaid improvemen and the proper city officials are he eby euthorised and directed to pr eed with the making of said impro ement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Coun.c�1 FEB 2 �i �9�a , 19 . FEB �� ��,� Cit Clerk. ApprovecL— � , 19 � � Mayor. Councilmen: Da 1 g 1 i sh � I , '—,- , Hol land �� C� � �l Loss U PllBLISHED FEB ��' ��� �� , .F�o�s-�.=rr— Mr. President, Vavoulis K� � � ; ' ' .. z L + '' -�=�L�/�C9 . �.����� � , OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORKS �����`� � REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE December 9, 1 q 64 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works � having had under consideration the pre- li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 2��092 approved September 22, 19 64 relative to .--_----_-� Condem�ing and taking an easement in the land nocessary for. ths slopesa � , — cuts and fi11s, including right of removal of iateral_ support from subject-land � or remainder theraof� occasioned by ;axcavotions theroof. or.consti'ruction of sTopesi — in the grading and surfacing wi_th 6itumi�aus-matorial Cf.ARENCE STR6ET from . .. � .. --.�._ _.�_....._-. . . . ............ .. . ` Mi.nnohaha�Avenue to.Beech Street. "" • � � �� . � � and having investigated the matters and things re�ferred to therein� hereb reports: � 1. The estimated cost thereof is $� ' A. � \� v+ �� �4 � �� , r �� � � 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said impravement '� h�e�t�Ja��a'�h� , an ma � � V � �� � d de a part hereof, � � ,W � ��, � q� � ^� 3, Initiated by the Commissioner of Public Works s� „ �L�' 4, Improvement is asked for upon petition X � _ Commissioner of Public Works . � Q - v � . . N _ �O°J - , . r` _ - p '3nd �dH`dH3NN l W '3 �- . � . �.— - �•�+ . ♦ ' . - C � .. O'+ ' --N--� ���a ----------- -- ------- 0 .� � ��------ - — � z � - � _ al►i ,9 £'-�O� ;o�o �1;1 ,9 - , z o+ o•o� , . . • 1--� � ' -b-'z �_ 6'� � . - .�,�+ Z.I+ , L � � � � � ` r . � � � i,1 - D � L � i ,OS + o C9 .. Q ,,,N � o . . c� Ji � . 01 � � --� �(1 � 9Y /'/ � L'O = c�l /'/. . . 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